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Showing posts from January, 2015

Goals for 2015

Here we are again.  A new year.  A new(ish) set of goals. Lose weight - I am looking to lost at least another 20-30lbs this year.  I lost about 25lbs last year but I want to keep going.  I've been stuck in a rut lately and need to dig myself out of it and get back on track.  I also want to eat healthier and live healthier all around. Budget - we have never had a budget.  We have never really needed to have one.  Now that I am not working and we are surviving on one income, a budget is in order.  I need to get this done.  We are so used to just buying whatever we want and not thinking twice about it but we really need to sit and think about what's important with our finances. A new house - this was on my list last year and we were able to move.  But we aren't really feeling settled were we are now.  So, we have a new goal.  We are planning to renovate our previous home (which we still own and rent out) and move int...

2014 Goals in Review

My 2014 goals in review Lose weight - yes, it's the typical resolution but it's a good one.  It's one I need to have.  It's one I need to achieve.  I don't want to carry around this extra weight anymore.  I want to be healthy.  I don't want to diet, I want to make lifestyle changes.  It has to happen now.  Plus, if I want to get pregnant with another baby this year, I'd like to be healthy. ~ YES!!!  I've lost about 25lbs this past year.  I still have a bit yet that I'd like to lose but I've made some good progress.  I've become a Beachbody coach and have been using the Beachbody programs like crazy.  Drink less - less soda, less alcohol, less anything but water.  I drink way too much soda.  My husband and I like to have some alcoholic beverages every now and then as well.  We used to only drink on weekends but now we find ourselves having a cocktail or two on any given week night.  Not a big deal, just ...