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Showing posts from March, 2015

ME Time

So I read this article on Scary Mommy yesterday I'm a Selfish Mom and Proud of It .  Basically what the article boils down to is that Moms deserve to be selfish every now and then.  They deserve to take the last piece of cake and enjoy it without little kids grabbing at it.  They deserve to take a shower by themselves with little hands swatting at the shower curtain.  They deserve to go out of the house without their kids once in a while, even if it's just to go grocery shopping alone. Moms deserve ME time. So here's my take on ME time. I'm all for it.  I'm a HUGE advocate.  Every mama needs it.  Every mama deserves it.  Not every mama gets it. Sure my husband will try to give me some ME time.  He says he will play with the kids so I can go upstairs to put some laundry away (because apparently that counts as ME time) or so I can go take a nap or a shower by myself.  But let's face it, while dad is a lot of fun (for all ...

13 Week Bumpdate

It has been a rough 13 weeks that is for sure.  The second that stick showed two lines, the nausea and vomiting set in.  Non stop.  I had my first check up around 9 weeks (2/20) and I had lost a few pounds by then.  Heart rate at that point was 180.  After that appointment, I had about a week where I felt great.  I even started working out again.  But it was short lived and the sickness came back. Since then, I've been sick a lot.  I have had one or two good days but that's about it.  There are some days when I can't keep anything down and others when I only get sick at night.  I can only hope that the sickness comes to an end soon.  Due to all of this, I am down about 4lbs so far for this pregnancy. That's about the worst of it so far.  I am pretty tired and am usually exhausted by the end of the day but it's not too bad.  I do wake up every morning feeling hungover.   Slight headache, body aches, nausea...

Bryan 1.5

Doctor's stats: Weight 27lbs (60th %) Height 33.5 inches (80th %) Head 19 inches (60th %) The basics? Diapers - Size 5 Clothing - 18 or 24 month, some 2T tops and PJs Food - Everything and anything! Sleeping - Through the night! Teeth - Fourteen chompers! Words - Way too many to list! Favorite toy - Cars airplane, play kitchen, car and trucks, blocks As you can see from his stats, he's at a healthy weight now and is growing like a weed.  His growing has slowed a bit, just like his sister's did at this age, but he's still tall.  I'm really expecting (and hoping for) a six foot tall boy. I finally put all of his 12 month clothing away.  He must have had a growth spurt because all of the sudden his 12 month clothing was tight in the waist and looked like capri pants on him.  So now he's in all 18 or 24 month clothing.  His sweatpants are mostly 18 month and they seem to fit him ok but they are already a little short...