After a rough week of recovery, I am finally able to sit down and write this out. I had been having contractions on and off for weeks. They were always uncomfortable but they never amounted to anything. They mostly happened when I was sitting or laying and always stopped when I started walking around. At my 39 week appoinment (5/3) I was only 1.5cm dilated and 40% effaced. So dissapointing as I expected more dilation. Fast forward to Friday (5/6). I started losing my mucus plug that morning but I didn't really think anything of it because I had also lost it with Bryan and he waited two more days before he came. All day long I was having contractions but they were the same as always and went away every time I walked around. I timed the contractions a few times that night as they started getting a little more intense and more regular. I would time them for an hour at a shot and they were 5-7 minutes apart. My husband had...