I have seriously dropped the ball on blog posts. I have had ZERO time to post anything lately and I can't stand it! I use social media to keep track of the age updates, milestones, parties, cute happenings. I don't mind that but I miss my blog space. I miss writing. I really want to get back into my blog space. I just have to find the time. Some randoms right now: *Ashlyn turned 5 last December and I never blogged about it. I blew up IG and FB about it but I didn't make a blog post. I have a draft but I never finished it. She was sick on her birthday and we had to postpone her party for a week. But her party was awesome. She invited all of her preschool friends to her skating party and when Elsa showed up, she was totally blown away. It turned out to be everything I had dreamed of for her first big party. And now she's almost 6. And she's just started kindergarten. And she's got some serious sass....