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Scary Mommy

One of my co-workers has given me the title of Mama Bear.  I'm guessing this is because I'm kind of a jerk.  It's also because I'm head over heels in love with my baby girl and I will do just about anything to make sure she stays safe.  My other co-worker (and best friend) decided to Google 'Mama Bear pictures' and she then sent me the following:

Oh yea....that's me.

But then I read the post and found that I related to it a lot!  I guess I am a Mama Bear after all!  So then I started to look around and I realized that this Scary Mommy thing was big.  Really big.  And then I came across this article:

Scary Mommy is everywhere!  I think I'm going to have to buy the book.  While I don't agree with all of them, I do think the Mommy Manifesto is quite entertaining. 

"I shall maintain a sense of humor about all things motherhood, for without it, I recognize that I may end up institutionalized. Or, at the very least, completely miserable."
Not having any mental issues just yet.  But my baby is just a baby so who knows what I'm in for!

"I shall not judge the mother in the grocery store who, upon entering, hits the candy aisle and doles out M&M’s to her screaming toddler. It is simply a survival mechanism."
Again, not something I have had to deal with just yet. 

"I shall not compete with the mother who effortlessly bakes from scratch, purees her own baby food, or fashions breathtaking costumes from tissue paper. Motherhood is not a competition. The only ones who lose are the ones who race the fastest."
I like to bake so I'm good there.  I might be ok with making my own baby food.  Not sure I will ever have the creative costume thing going on.

"I shall shoot the parents of the screaming newborn on the airplane looks of compassion rather than resentment. I am fortunate to be able to ditch the kid upon landing. They, however, are not."
While a crying baby immediately makes me go 'awwwwwwwww', a newborn on a plane?  Really? 

"I shall never ask any woman whether she is, in fact, expecting. Ever."
Total common sense here.

"I shall not question the mother who is wearing the same yoga pants, flip-flops, and T-shirt she wore to school pickup the day before. She has good reason."
When you only have one outfit that fits perfectly, there is no question.

"I shall never claim to know everything about children other than my own (who still remain a mystery to me)."
Because my child is my business and your child is your business and that is that. 

"I shall hold the new babies belonging to friends and family, so they may shower and nap, which is all any new mother really wants."
Because I've been there.  I still am there.  I'm just more willing to let someone else take her now.

"I shall strive to pass down a healthy body image to my daughter. She deserves a mother who loves and respects herself; stretch marks, dimples, cellulite, and all."
Stretch marks, dimples, cellulite and all....ahahahhahaha

"I shall not preach the benefits of breast-feeding or circumcision or homeschooling or organic food or co-sleeping or crying it out to a fellow mother who has not asked my opinion. It’s none of my damn business."
Didn't I just write something like this in a recent blog post?

I shall try my hardest to never say never, for I just may end up with a loud mouthed, bikini-clad, water gun–shooting toddler of my very own.
Not if Daddy can help it.

I shall remember that no mother is perfect and that my children will thrive because of, and sometimes even in spite of me.
I can only hope so.

Some of the confessionals are a bit harsh:

"I tried for seven years to get pregnant and now that I’m a mother, I wonder whether it was all worth it."  "I pretend to be happy being a stay-at-home mom but sometimes I feel like I’m slowly dying. I cry every night in the shower. This isn’t what I thought it would be."  "I miss the career I gave up more than I miss my son when I go to the grocery store. But I always get to go back to him."

Wow!!!  I'm all for brutal honesty but WOW!  Maybe I'm just lucky but I have never, not once thought that having baby girl wasn't worth it.  Never, not once thought that I was slowly dying.  Never, not once miss being away from work.  Sure, my relationship with my husband hasn't quite bounced back but we'll get there.  That doesn't make me not want my daughter!!  That doesn't make me regret having her.  I would LOVE to be a stay at home Mom! 

I've only had my daughter for 17 weeks so I can't say much but maybe this book is a warning for what I'm in for!  It might be nice to know that in a year, when I want to "stick a fork in my eye" that I'm not alone.  It will be nice to know that there are a ton of other Moms out there who feel the same.

Check out the Scary Mommy Website for more information about the book and for some great topics of discussion.  See Did You Really Just Say That for a good read.


  1. hahahaha, this is a good post

    1. Ya like that, huh? You're definitely going to be a Scary Mommy! LOL


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