Original List of questions: Q & A Questions List
Describe a typical day in your current life.
I hate to say it, but our days are pretty boring around here.
My husband leaves for work early every morning so he's gone before we get up.
Ashlyn is usually the first to wake and she always comes to my room to cuddle for a little before Bryan wakes up. Once we are all up, we get dressed and the kids get their milk. They don't usually like to eat breakfast right away so we wait a little for that.
Once they do eat breakfast, Ashlyn usually sits at the dining room table coloring or doing some kind of craft. Bryan either sits with her and colors or plays or he goes to the playroom to play. Ashlyn will sit at the table all day long. She loves to draw pictures and color.
I typically clean while they are coloring. I usually get laundry started or clean up the kitchen from the night before. I'm always vacuuming the house because of the dog hair.
Then we eat lunch. After lunch, Bryan usually goes up for a nap but he's been skipping it lately. Nap time is quiet time even though Ashlyn doesn't take one too. This is usually the time she's allowed to work on things like painting or playing with her small beads.
Regardless of whether or not Bryan takes a nap, the afternoon is pretty much the same as the morning. The kids play or craft. They spend most afternoons in their playroom, which is why it's always a giant mess.
Once again, I'm either playing with them or cleaning. Always cleaning. Sometimes I'll take the time to blog or sometimes I have bills to pay or other things to do.
I typically don't start dinner until my husband comes home, just because I never know when he will actually be home and I hate having cold food. If it's something that takes longer, I'll start it earlier but that's not typical.
So then we have dinner. Ashlyn is always on a timer. I know it sounds harsh but if we don't give her a time limit, she will sit there all night long and eat. She's just a slow eater like I was as a kid. If she finishes her meal in the time allotted, she's allowed to have a dessert. The same goes for Bryan, but he usually eat his meal quickly.
After dinner, I clean up a little (put leftovers away, fill the dishwasher) but usually I just let the kitchen go until the next day. The kids always want to play with Daddy after dinner so I usually catch up on putting laundry away or some other task that's easier to do when he's home.
If it's bath night, we go up for bath around 8. We let the kids play for a while in the tub before we get them ready for bed. If it's not bath night (usually every other) then we go up around 8:30. The potty, brush teeth and then Ashlyn always wants to read a book. The kids are usually in bed by 9 every night.
After the kids go to bed, I'll make my husband's lunch if I need to or clean up a little more. It's not very often that we just get to sit and relax. By the time I'm done, I just want to go to bed.
So that's it. A typical day in the Miller household.
What's your typical day look like?
Describe a typical day in your current life.
I hate to say it, but our days are pretty boring around here.
My husband leaves for work early every morning so he's gone before we get up.
Ashlyn is usually the first to wake and she always comes to my room to cuddle for a little before Bryan wakes up. Once we are all up, we get dressed and the kids get their milk. They don't usually like to eat breakfast right away so we wait a little for that.
Once they do eat breakfast, Ashlyn usually sits at the dining room table coloring or doing some kind of craft. Bryan either sits with her and colors or plays or he goes to the playroom to play. Ashlyn will sit at the table all day long. She loves to draw pictures and color.
I typically clean while they are coloring. I usually get laundry started or clean up the kitchen from the night before. I'm always vacuuming the house because of the dog hair.
Then we eat lunch. After lunch, Bryan usually goes up for a nap but he's been skipping it lately. Nap time is quiet time even though Ashlyn doesn't take one too. This is usually the time she's allowed to work on things like painting or playing with her small beads.
Regardless of whether or not Bryan takes a nap, the afternoon is pretty much the same as the morning. The kids play or craft. They spend most afternoons in their playroom, which is why it's always a giant mess.
Once again, I'm either playing with them or cleaning. Always cleaning. Sometimes I'll take the time to blog or sometimes I have bills to pay or other things to do.
I typically don't start dinner until my husband comes home, just because I never know when he will actually be home and I hate having cold food. If it's something that takes longer, I'll start it earlier but that's not typical.
So then we have dinner. Ashlyn is always on a timer. I know it sounds harsh but if we don't give her a time limit, she will sit there all night long and eat. She's just a slow eater like I was as a kid. If she finishes her meal in the time allotted, she's allowed to have a dessert. The same goes for Bryan, but he usually eat his meal quickly.
After dinner, I clean up a little (put leftovers away, fill the dishwasher) but usually I just let the kitchen go until the next day. The kids always want to play with Daddy after dinner so I usually catch up on putting laundry away or some other task that's easier to do when he's home.
If it's bath night, we go up for bath around 8. We let the kids play for a while in the tub before we get them ready for bed. If it's not bath night (usually every other) then we go up around 8:30. The potty, brush teeth and then Ashlyn always wants to read a book. The kids are usually in bed by 9 every night.
After the kids go to bed, I'll make my husband's lunch if I need to or clean up a little more. It's not very often that we just get to sit and relax. By the time I'm done, I just want to go to bed.
So that's it. A typical day in the Miller household.
What's your typical day look like?
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