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Showing posts from April, 2014

Mother's Day Gift Ideas

Mother's Day is fast approaching.  Here are a few gifts I've had my eye on. I posted this one last Mother's Day.  I got one of these for my Mom and I'm still wanting one for myself.  It's an Origami Owl Living Locket.  I love them!  I always have a hard time with key chains.  For some reason, they always break on me.  So I found this cute key chain that I would love to have engraved!     I've also been wanting a locket for a long time.  I don't want a typical Mom locket, I want something different and something that is my style.  I'm kind of in love with this marcasite locket so I'm hoping for this one.   I started following Jessica Designs on Instagram and I'm hooked!  I love her spoons and I really want the 'you are my sunshine' spoon.  I think I'm going to buy the 'dear mom' spoon for my mom!          I also believe I'm going to make these candles and g...

8 Months!

The basics? Diapers - Size 3, moving to size 4 Clothing - 12-18 month Food - He has eaten everything I've given him so far.  He seems to favor apples, pears and carrots. Sleeping - Through the night!!! Teeth - Five chompers, with three more on the way Words - ba ba, da da Favorite toy - Bouncer, activity cube, play time puppy Little man is still rocking the 12 and 18 month clothing.  He still fits into some of his 12 month stuff but he is quickly outgrowing it.  I have bought him all 18 month clothing for the Summer and all of his PJs are 18 month.  Hopefully that will get us to Fall.  I just moved him to size 4 diapers because he was peeing through over night.  I'm starting to dive more into cloth diapering, though.  I have two Bum Genius Diapers and I am planning to buy a few more of some other brands to see how I like them.  Kid eats like a champ.  But he only eats at regular meal times....

Some More Q&A

I posted these questions as my Liebster questions but I thought it would be fun to answer them myself. 1.  Who is your celebrity pass?  (If there was one celebrity you could date, or whatever else you wanted to do *wink*, who would it be?)      -Please tell me my husband and I aren't the only weirdos who talk about this kind of thing?!  Of course it's all in good fun but still.  My celebrity pass right now is Robert Pattinson.  I don't care what anyone says, the man is hot.  It changes from time to time though.  I'd take Hugh Jackman too. 2.  If you could own any car in the world, what car would you own      -I have to be realistic and keep my family in mind here.  Before the kids, I wanted a Lexus IS 250.  But then the kids came and that went out the window.  Now?  I want the Lexus LX.  It's a big, beautiful beast and it will fit my kids now and my future kids, however ma...

So What Wenesday

So what if it I had a whole SWW post planned but have completely changed it because I am now annoyed by this post I just happened to read . Basically she is saying that we suck for writing our birth stories. Um, I enjoy reading other people's birth stories.  I think that births are all unique in their own way and they are all special in their own way and I don't think that there is anything wrong with wanting to document that. (and that's pretty much the exact comment I posted on her blog post) I like learning the details of births.  And of course I love the pictures of the squishy babies and awesome mamas right after birth.  I have written birth stories for both my kids and I did that so I wouldn't forget anything.  Yes birth is painful and messy and not something that everyone wants to read about.  But it's also beautiful and special and something I don't ever want to forget.  The only bad thing about birth stories is that they do open up ...

I'd Like to Thank the Academy

I've been nominated by Mandy at Mommy Musings for a Liebster Award!  I love these things because I love the questions that are asked and I love getting to know other bloggers. Since it's been awhile, here are the rules: 1. Link back to the blogger(s) that nominated you 2. Answer the 11 questions requested by the nominator. 3. You cannot nominate the person who nominated you. 4. You must let the bloggers know they were nominated.   Questions from Mandy:   1. What is your favorite dinner to make?      -I love baking a whole chicken.  It's always different every time I make it but it's always so good.  I usually make some roasted Parmesan potatoes with it.  So good!   2. What make-up item would you never leave the house without?      -Probably eye liner.  It's pretty much the only thing I really wear all of the time.   3. Are you currently reading any books? ...

So What Wednesday

So what if it I think my husband is an asshole. Now let me explain before you start deleting me from your blogger, Instagram and Facebook. My husband is not really an asshole.  He's actually really nice.  He's very social and can talk to just about anyone.  He's kind and always has a hard time saying no.  He works hard for us so that I can stay home with the kids and he is a fantastic father. So in reality, he is not really an asshole. But when it comes to weight loss, giant A-hole. He came into the bathroom the other morning and said, 'As of now, I'm down six pounds.' He almost got punched in the face.  I've been tracking my eating and staying under my calories for the past three and a half months.  I started a 30 day shred with Jillian Michaels two weeks ago and have been doing double workouts every day.  I haven't lost a single pound in the past two weeks. He's lost six. 'Is that good?' he says.  Of course it's ...

Friday's Letters

Dear Baby Girl,  I think your new name is going to be Testy McTesterson.  You have been pushing the limits and trying very hard to get away with things.  While we still don't have too much in the way of tantrums, your sassy little attitude more than makes up for it.  Here's hoping you get over this little phase quickly.   Dear Little Man, despite the fact that I found you have four teeth cutting at once, you have been exceptionally happy this week.  I think you really love that you are able to sit up on your own now.  You seem to enjoy digging every toy out of your toy bin.  It's the cutest thing in the world when you sit and shake your little bells and rattles.  You have been pushing up on all fours more often so I'm sure you will figure out the whole crawling thing soon.  Keep it up buddy. Dear Jillian, I have to tell you, week two has been a hell of a lot harder than week one.  But I'm hanging in t...

So What Wednesday

So what if it really pisses me off when people PUSH their parenting choices. Raising kids is all about making choices: Breastfeeding vs. bottle feeding Co-sleeping vs. not co-sleeping Vaccination vs. not vaccinating Cloth diapers vs. disposable diapers Cry it out vs. nurture Homemade baby food vs. packaged baby food Starting solids at 4 months vs. starting solids at 6 months These are just a few of the choices we have to make as Moms.  These are just a few of the reasons why other moms judge us.  These are just a few of the things that people are passionate about. I am not a perfect mother.  I do what is best for my family.  I do what works for us.  I don't care what works for you.  It works for me.  If something I do will also work for you, then great!  If not, who cares? I'm so tired of seeing people pushing their viewpoints.  I see these posters posted on IG that advocate breast feeding and almost have a tone that put...

Ask Me....I Dare You: Answers!

Asked my the lovely Lisa at Have A Nice Day : If you could live anywhere else, where would it be?      This is a really tough question because I've never really imagined living anywhere else.  I love living in Pennsylvania.  I love that we get to experience all four season at pretty much the perfect intervals.  I love that all of my family is here.       I guess if I had to choose some other place to live, it would be somewhere warmer, somewhere remote, somewhere quiet, somewhere close to a beach.  I think warmer is key.  My husband and I had an amazing time on our honeymoon in St. Thomas.  I think I could live there.  What is your most embarrassing moment ever?      I don't embarrass easily.  I'm really pretty open about everything so nothing really embarrasses me and if I do something stupid like fall or something, I usually just laugh it off.   ...

Friday's Letters

Dear Baby Girl,  well three out of the past five nights, you have slept the whole night in your bed and have not come into my bed at 4am.  Progress.  I'm really not sure what's causing your early morning wakings but I'm really hoping they stop soon.  You always kick and elbow me and I can't sleep!   Dear Little Man,  I'm so sorry you are sick!  This cold you have is a nasty one.  Fevers, coughs, runny noses.  You have still been pretty happy throughout but the nap and bed time fighting don't make things easier.  I hope you get over it soon buddy! Dear Jillian, I just completed day 5 of the first week of your 30 day shred.  I really like this workout.  I like that it's done in segments and I like knowing how much longer I have in the workout.  I'm really looking forward to taking it up a notch next week.   Shred me baby! Dear new (ish) treadmill and elliptical, I love you both.  I love that I ...

So What Wednesday

So what if my daughter acts more like a baby now than ever before.  We have a serious jealousy issue going on at our house right now.  Ashlyn loves her little brother.  She tries to soothe him when he cries, she gives him his paci if he loses it, she gives him his toys if the drops them, she gives him a blanket if he needs one.  She is quite attentive to him. But she is also seriously jealous of him. When she eats, she wants me to feed her.  The girl is capable of feeding herself.  But since I feed her brother, she wants me to feed her too. When he gets his diaper changed, she wants hers changed too.  She has given up on potty training all together and I think it's only because a diaper change is just one more little bit of attention that she gets. Whenever the little guy is chewing on something, she wants it.  The Sophia the Giraffe I bought for him...she steals and carries around.  She only gives h...

Ask Me...I Dare You

I've seen a lot of other bloggers do this but I never did it because I never really thought anyone would have any questions for me.  But you know what?  Why not?! So, do you have any questions for me? Nothing is off limits. And if in a week or so you don't see an answer post, well, it's because no one asked any questions!