I love my blog. I love to write about things that make me happy. I love to write about my kids and my family. I love receiving comments. I love that I've built some major friendships here. I love that this is my personal space, my outlet. I love reading other blogs, too. I love reading birth stories and seeing kid updates. I love to see your fun trips and amazing adventures. New homes, holiday traditions, fun toddler stories...I love it all! What I don't love is when people have no sensitivity about what they blog and post things just to be hurtful. I don't like when people spread lies and I have to read about them on a blog instead having an adult conversation about issues in person. I don't like when people air dirty laundry (theirs or mine) instead of being mature and keeping some content to themselves. I don't like when people steal my blog name and pass it off as their own. And I really don't like when peop...