Check out Shannon at Life After I Dew for So What Wednesday. So what if: ~I haven't really had the motivation to blog lately and I hate that. I used to love to blog and now I struggle to find things to blog about. ~I avoid giving my kids real cups to drink out of most of the time because I can't stand the way they sound when they drink. The slurping drives me nuts. ~I cried when I left the doctor's office Monday because she didn't even check to see if I was dilated. Pregnancy hormones at their finest. ~I started watching Dexter. I've never been that interested in watching it but I finally caved. I'm into the second season and I have said 'I'm bored' on more than one occasion but I'm going to stick with it. ~I'm still not interested in The Walking Dead. ~The Minions movie was released on Netflix and the kids have been watching it non stop. From the previews, I wasn't really sure I wanted them watching it but I've ...