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Liar! Liar!

I came across this article and wanted to add some comments of my own.

Liar Liar: 5 Fibs Pregnant Women Tell

Pregnant women are a lot of things. Beautiful. Hormonal. Glowing. Nurturing.

And bold-faced liars.

When I read a recent article on The Stir about the lies pregnant women tell, I actually laughed out loud and thought, "Yes! Thank you for saying that! Finally, some truth in pregnancy!" I knew immediately that I had to share my favorite five from the list, so here they are.

LIE 1: "I don't care if it's a girl or a boy"
Obviously, every woman wants a healthy baby. I mean, no one's out there praying for an unhealthy child, let's be real. But most women do have a preference.

-----While I agree that most people do respond with that same "I don't care answer," I can say that I have never done that.  Honestly, I wanted my first child to be a girl.  Badly.  And I would have been so pissed if it had been a boy.  I don't care how bad that sounds!  It was just my preference.  My Mom had two girls, I wanted a girl too.

With my second one, I also wanted another girl but I was less dramatic about it.  My answer was, "I'd love another little girl but a little boy would but just as great!"  And that's the honest truth.  Yes, I would love to be carrying around another little girl right now but I'm not.  I got a little dude in my belly and I'm OK with that.

LIE 2: "Pregnancy is GREAT!"
Pregnancy is hard, and even a bit terrifying. Maybe you're one of those super blessed-and totally rare-women who have the best pregnancy ever, but the likelihood is that most pregnant women totally fib about their "fabulous" pregnancies.

-----This is one lie I have never told.  My first pregnancy was far from great.  I started swelling at 3 months, I gained more weight than I would have liked to, I was moody and craved nothing but sugar.  I hated being pregnant.  I did honestly say, though, that I would gladly do it all over again if I got another baby as sweet as my little girl.

The second pregnancy, much easier, but still not great!  I don't know of anyone who likes feeling like they got hit by a train every second of every day.  I don't regret my pregnancies but I won't lie and say that they were easy or great.

LIE 3: "Oooo, I just LOOOVE this gift!"
Like The Stir says, "It's the thought that counts, sure. But there are some really awful baby outfits and gifts out there." And I couldn't agree more. While I'd never look a gift horse in the mouth, I cringe at some of the things I've seen given at baby showers.

-----I kind of avoided bad gifts.  The only real bad gifts I received were any character related gifts.  Like the Lady and the Tramp outfit that someone bought. thanks.  But instead of saying I loved it, I just smiled and set it aside. 

I do think that I can honestly say that I didn't receive any other bad gifts.  People mostly stuck to what was on the registry so if something was bad, it was my own fault.  We'll see how baby shower #2 goes!

LIE 4: "I Quit Smoking"
There is nothing good about smoking during pregnancy, and everyone knows it. And because smoking is an incredibly hard habit to quit (Christ, do it for your baby!), many women will simply say they've quit to appease you - but one news article claims many actually don't! Indeed, the report points out that despite known risks, 1 in 5 women smoke while pregnant.

-----Well I quit 3.5 years ago.  I can't lie and say I didn't enjoy smoking.  I did.  And I always told my husband that I would quit when he got me pregnant.  Boy am I glad I didn't wait to quit.  Some medical issues caused me to quit long ago and I'm glad for that.  I can't imagine what I would have been like, pregnant and fighting of bouts of nicotine withdrawal.  That would have sucked even worse for my husband. 

LIE 5: "I Haven't Decided on a Name"
LIAR! LIAR! LIAR! Your baby is going to be in this world within four weeks, and you don't have any name ideas yet!? I call B.S.! Just fess up and admit that you're not sharing the name yet.

-----We had decided on a name, we just decided not to tell anyone.  We had a tough time agreeing on a name but when we finally did, we loved it.  We knew that it was different and we knew that people would have their opinions and we didn't want to hear them.  So we kept the name a secret until she was born.  And we were very open about it.  When people asked about the name, I didn't hesitate to respond with "We have a name but we are keeping it a secret because we don't want to hear your dumb ass opinion about it."  Sure, some people were offended.  I don't really care.

I kind of wish we had done the same with the second one but we didn't.  Even though Baby #2 has a simple name, people are still quick to jump in with their opinions on why we shouldn't be naming our kid Bryan II.  I mean people are actually asking me what to call him since I have banned the names Jr and BJ.  I call him Deuce.  Because that's just soooo much better than Jr or BJ.  Ha!

I think my husband is just looking foward to the day that he can say "Hey #1" and his son can reply "Hey #2."  Bonus points if you can name the TV show that's from.

- Article By Alea Mass

What are your thoughts on these lies??


  1. Fun article. I think it is mostly right too even though I think I'm overly polite and do say I loooove every gift no matter what.

    And we have a name for Squish. We are just saving it so we don't hear people's dumb opinions! :)


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