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I'd Like to Thank the Academy

I've been nominated by Mandy at Mommy Musings for a Liebster Award!  I love these things because I love the questions that are asked and I love getting to know other bloggers.

Since it's been awhile, here are the rules:
1. Link back to the blogger(s) that nominated you
2. Answer the 11 questions requested by the nominator.
3. You cannot nominate the person who nominated you.
4. You must let the bloggers know they were nominated.

Questions from Mandy:
1. What is your favorite dinner to make?
     -I love baking a whole chicken.  It's always different every time I make it but it's always so good.  I usually make some roasted Parmesan potatoes with it.  So good!
2. What make-up item would you never leave the house without?
     -Probably eye liner.  It's pretty much the only thing I really wear all of the time.
3. Are you currently reading any books?  If so which one?
     -No current books.  No time!  But I do want to read the Steve Jobs book.
4. Do you have any summer vacations plans?  Where to?
     - Not really.  We have a weekend away planned for June to a local resort without the kids but that's about it.  My husband wants to go camping but I don't think that counts.
5. What is your favorite movie of all time?
     -It's so hard for me to pick one movie.  I love Step Brothers, Super Troopers, The Hangover (only the first one) and really any funny (and kinda vulgar) movie.  But I also love a good romance like The Notebook or a good cry movie like Seven Pounds.  I think if I had to choose one movie to play on repeat it would be Crash.  I love how many lessons can be learned from that movie.
6. What is your favorite series to binge watch on Netflix?
     -Right now it's Parenthood.  I'm almost caught up, though, so I will be moving onto American Horror Story. 
7. What do you think is the worst current fashion trend?
     -I'm really not a fan of skinny jeans on guys.  I know this isn't really a new fashion trend but I think it is still a current one.
8. How many kids do you want to have?
     -My ultimate goal would be four but I'm not sure my husband would go for that.  We will definitely be having at least three so we'll have to see how I feel after the third one.
9. If you had a whole free day all to yourself, how would you spend it?
     -I'd finally get my hair cut since I haven't had it cut in over a year.  I'd probably do some shopping because I'm in desperate need of some new clothes.  I'd eat out and have some martinis.  I'd try to fit a nap in there somewhere because sleep really is my best friend.  And I'd probably go back to the chocolate store I just visited.  Yes, I have local chocolate store.  All the chocolate you could ever possibly imagine in one store.  I might just spend my whole day there.
10. Are you a night owl or morning bird? {is morning bird a thing? I think I just made that up}
     -I'm a night owl for sure.  I hate mornings and always have to drag myself out of bed.
11. What is your absolute favorite dessert?
     -Baklava.  Hands down, best thing on this planet minus the nuts.  I'm going to make it myself someday.

My Nominees:
Shannon at Sitting in a Tree
Steph at The Kat Almanac
Sara at A McFall Minute
Rebecca at Diz Mommy
Kate at Life as a Stay at Home Wife
Callie at Through Clouded Glass
Ivy at Little Woman Little Home

11 questions for you:
1.  Who is your celebrity pass?  (If there was one celebrity you could date, or whatever else you wanted to do *wink*, who would it be?)
2.  If you could own any car in the world, what car would you own
3.  If you could own any animal in the world, what animal would it be?
4.  You've got $20,000 to spend on your dream vacation.  Where do you go?
5.  Facebook, Twitter or Instagram: what's your favorite?
6.  What has been your favorite vacation so far?
7.  If you work out, what is your favorite work out routine?
8.  Are you a pool person?
9.  Are you a social person or do you generally keep to yourself?
10.  What's your favorite alcoholic beverage?
11.  How do you like to sleep?  Cold room with a blanket?  Warm room with no blanket?  Socks on or off?  Pants or shorts?  Long sleeves or short sleeves?

While I am nominating a few people, I don't want anyone to feel obligated to do this.  Some of these ladies (four of them to be exact) have just had babies and I know how hard it is trying to balance out babies with life and blogging.  I would like to open these questions up to everyone.  Write a post and answer them if you'd like and shoot me an email to let me know you have so that I can be sure to read it.   

I'll probably answer my own questions this week just because I really like asking/answering questions and getting to know other bloggers. 


  1. I seriously need to get my hair done sooo bad. OMG it's ridiculous, so I feel you on that. I love your type of fave movies. You won my hear with the term "vulgar" because that's me right there. Male humor, offensive humor, dark humor, that's my thing! And thanks for the Liebster award!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3 xoxox

  2. BTW I totally said "is this the finale?" when i saw parenthood too. I was sad Joel wasn't at the table at the end, what does that mean?!!! lol But it cant be the finale...right?


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