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Mother's Day Madness

Oh this poor blog.  I'm so far behind I haven't even blogged about Mother's Day yet!  Well, here goes.

Mother's Day was good and bad. 

My husband decided that we were going to spend Saturday night into Sunday at his brother's house.  He lives about an hour and a half away from us.  We have spent a few weekends at his house and it's always pretty much the same.  Kids don't want to sleep so Mommy doesn't get to sleep.

The guys were going to go out into the woods and tent camp for the night and then come back in the morning and make breakfast.  We got a pretty bad storm, though, so they decided to just sleep in the back yard.  Yes, these men are weird.

I fully expected to wake up to breakfast Sunday but that wasn't the case.  Unfortunately, whenever my husband and his brother get together, they forget about everyone else.  My sister in law and I had to nag until they finally made breakfast!

Once breakfast was over and we packed our things, we went to a local park to take some family photos.  Of course my brother in law forgot to tell his wife that it was her job to take the photos.  Oops.  So her camera died because she didn't know and we wound up taking photos with our iPhones.  Not want I wanted but we did actually get quite a few good photos out of the bunch.

I can't complain too much because we did get a really good family photo and a bunch of cute ones of the boy.  This was supposed to be his 8 month photos as well. 

After the photos, we headed home.  We had to stop by Wal-Mart to pick up prints that I had purchased.  Up to that point, I didn't have any pictures of the boy printed!  I had bought my Mom some photo frames but didn't put any pictures in them so I wanted to finally give her some pictures.

When I looked at the photos, though, almost half of them were cut off.  A lot of them were printed horizontal instead of vertical and others were just simply cut off.  I was so angry.  (I emailed them the next day and they refunded me for the bad photos).

One of the gifts that I had gotten for my mom was a funny print out.

The problem was that when I went to put it in the frame (last minute as always) it didn't fit!  It was too big!  I forgot that the frame was 8x10 and the paper was 8.5x11.  So I had to scramble to re-print another one and get it in the frame and wrapped. 
It's my own fault for waiting until the last minute to do everything but it just seemed like everything that could go wrong did! 
The other gift I got my mom was this spoon.  I loved it and so did she! 

I also gave my mom and grandmother the candles that I had seen on Pinterest.  I had the kids use their fingers for petals on the flowers and wrote happy mother's day on them.  They weren't too hard to do.

To add to the chaos of the day, we went to dinner at Applebees and it was terrible.  My husband and I eat there frequently and we don't usually have a problem but it was just awful.  It was freezing cold in the restaurant, we all got our food except for my nephew.  He ordered a hamburger and they put cheese on it so they re-made it.  Problem was that by the time it was done, we were all done with our meals and he was full from the extra french fries they gave him.

The waitress seemed really confused and overwhelmed and was just not very good.  Almost all of us at the table had a pretty terrible meal.  And the manager didn't do anything to help compensate for the issues we had.  I filled out their survey online and we still weren't contacted so who knows how long it will be before we go back.

All of the problems aside, we had a pretty nice day.  The weather was beautiful and I got to spend the day with my family!  My husband did get me the locket that I had wanted so that was nice.  He also let Ashlyn pick some things out and she picked a Willow Tree figurine with purple flowers and a vanilla candle.  She picked the candle because it had sprinkles on it!

The crappy photos and the bad meal really didn't mean anything at the end of the day becuase I got to spend a beautiful day with my family.  It reallly makes me fell so very lucky to be able to celebrate the day.

I hope you all had a great Mother's Day!


  1. AW MAN! I hate bad service. It's like you finally get the time to go out and then it sucks because of some stupid mistake. But the lack of compensation or apology is the topper. NO no, the topper is complaining online adn then never getting contacted!! GRRR! I wait until the 11th hour for every thing, gifts included. It's annoying, I always say I'll prepare next time but psh, that day has yet to come. lol I loved the candles! And yay for lockets :]


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