My 2014 goals in review
Lose weight - yes, it's the typical resolution but it's a good one. It's one I need to have. It's one I need to achieve. I don't want to carry around this extra weight anymore. I want to be healthy. I don't want to diet, I want to make lifestyle changes. It has to happen now. Plus, if I want to get pregnant with another baby this year, I'd like to be healthy.
~YES!!! I've lost about 25lbs this past year. I still have a bit yet that I'd like to lose but I've made some good progress. I've become a Beachbody coach and have been using the Beachbody programs like crazy.
Drink less - less soda, less alcohol, less anything but water. I drink way too much soda. My husband and I like to have some alcoholic beverages every now and then as well. We used to only drink on weekends but now we find ourselves having a cocktail or two on any given week night. Not a big deal, just something I'd like to slim back on. I'm also the girl who drinks way too much at parties and acts like an asshat so I think we can cut back on that. It's something that should also help me lose the weight. We certainly drink too much soda, too, even if it is diet caffeine free.
~I can honestly say I haven't drank nearly as much soda this past year. I've really kept my drink intake to flavored water. I have definitely cut back on alcohol intake as well but I still like my captain on a regular basis!
Budget - we have never had a budget. We have never really needed to have one. Now that I am not working and we are surviving on one income, a budget is in order. I need to get this done. We are so used to just buying whatever we want and not thinking twice about it but we really need to sit and think about what's important with our finances.
~I'm sad to say that we never actually set up a budget. It will be on the list for 2015.
A new house - this one is a little more difficult but it's necessary. We need to move. We have two adults, two kids, three dogs and one cat in a tiny two bedroom home and it's just not working. We have no room. The dogs don't get enough exercise because there is no room for them to run. The place is always cluttered because we have more toys than our local Toys R Us. We just need to move. We have a jump on this already but it's not set in stone so we'll see.
~We moved! I'm so happy that we were able to move to a bigger home this past year. We have been so much happier with all of the extra space. We've hosted a few parties and some holiday dinners, something we were never able to do before.
Another baby - I'm adding this to my list even though my husband isn't quite on board. He hasn't closed the door on me in the kid department but he would be happy if we stopped with the two we have. I'm just not ready. I really feel like we need a third child in our lives. I think I'd be able to say that I'm done with three (but you never know!) He wants to wait a little longer to have the third one but I like the small age gaps between kids so we'll see!
~Sadly, this did not happen this past year. I really wanted it to and we were trying closer to the end of the year but it just didn't happen. :(
Give more - I love to help people out. It makes me feel good to do things for other people. So I want to give more. I want to pay for someone's dinner randomly. I want to donate toys to a needy family. I want to travel to the Soul Kitchen and volunteer for a meal. I need to do things that are good for my heart if I want to make a difference in my life and in other's lives.
~I posted a pay it forward blurb on my Facebook page at the beginning of the year and had six people sign up to receive random gifts throughout the year. I did that along with a few other random acts of kindness throughout the year. I'd like to give even more next year.
Unplug - this one is my husband's idea. Every night at 8pm we are going to turn the TV's off and put the phones down and just have family time, tech free. We chose 8pm to start but we do plan to make it earlier at some point. We just need to turn all the tech off and focus on us as a family.
~Yea this lasted all of two weeks. I'm hoping we can pick it back up again but who knows. It's so hard for me to get my husband to put his phone down. It's probably one of the biggest complaints I have. But I'm guilty too.
Have more patience - I have never been a patient person. Having kids has helped that but I think I could still use a little work. I try very hard not to rush my kids. I always tell Ashlyn to take her time even if we are running late. I always stop and give her hugs when she asks no matter what I'm doing. I try not to get angry when she destroys her room because she always helps me clean it up. But I still do find myself losing my patience now and then so I'm going to work on this. More patience with my kids, with my husband, with my animals, with my friends, with strangers. Just more patience all around.
~I'm not sure how I did with this one to be honest. I think that I've learned a lot about patience this past year so I hope that I made some improvements.
Give more compliments - the other day my husband and I went to dinner without the kids. I was in a terrible mood and it was written all over my face. The waitress, instead of dismissing me, complimented my purse. This changed the entire mood. That one little compliment. I think I need to try some of that.
~Yea I don't think I did so well with this one. I think I tried but I could have tried harder.
Take more ME time - the last time I did something for me and only me was July, when I went to the salon and got my hair cut. I don't take any time away from the family for myself. My husband works a lot so it's hard for me to schedule ME time but it needs to happen this year. I need to be able to balance my ME time and my family time or else this Momma is gonna go crazy!
~This didn't really happen either this past year. A few times but not nearly enough. This has to make the list again for the coming year!
Lose weight - yes, it's the typical resolution but it's a good one. It's one I need to have. It's one I need to achieve. I don't want to carry around this extra weight anymore. I want to be healthy. I don't want to diet, I want to make lifestyle changes. It has to happen now. Plus, if I want to get pregnant with another baby this year, I'd like to be healthy.
~YES!!! I've lost about 25lbs this past year. I still have a bit yet that I'd like to lose but I've made some good progress. I've become a Beachbody coach and have been using the Beachbody programs like crazy.
Drink less - less soda, less alcohol, less anything but water. I drink way too much soda. My husband and I like to have some alcoholic beverages every now and then as well. We used to only drink on weekends but now we find ourselves having a cocktail or two on any given week night. Not a big deal, just something I'd like to slim back on. I'm also the girl who drinks way too much at parties and acts like an asshat so I think we can cut back on that. It's something that should also help me lose the weight. We certainly drink too much soda, too, even if it is diet caffeine free.
~I can honestly say I haven't drank nearly as much soda this past year. I've really kept my drink intake to flavored water. I have definitely cut back on alcohol intake as well but I still like my captain on a regular basis!
Budget - we have never had a budget. We have never really needed to have one. Now that I am not working and we are surviving on one income, a budget is in order. I need to get this done. We are so used to just buying whatever we want and not thinking twice about it but we really need to sit and think about what's important with our finances.
~I'm sad to say that we never actually set up a budget. It will be on the list for 2015.
A new house - this one is a little more difficult but it's necessary. We need to move. We have two adults, two kids, three dogs and one cat in a tiny two bedroom home and it's just not working. We have no room. The dogs don't get enough exercise because there is no room for them to run. The place is always cluttered because we have more toys than our local Toys R Us. We just need to move. We have a jump on this already but it's not set in stone so we'll see.
~We moved! I'm so happy that we were able to move to a bigger home this past year. We have been so much happier with all of the extra space. We've hosted a few parties and some holiday dinners, something we were never able to do before.
Another baby - I'm adding this to my list even though my husband isn't quite on board. He hasn't closed the door on me in the kid department but he would be happy if we stopped with the two we have. I'm just not ready. I really feel like we need a third child in our lives. I think I'd be able to say that I'm done with three (but you never know!) He wants to wait a little longer to have the third one but I like the small age gaps between kids so we'll see!
~Sadly, this did not happen this past year. I really wanted it to and we were trying closer to the end of the year but it just didn't happen. :(
Give more - I love to help people out. It makes me feel good to do things for other people. So I want to give more. I want to pay for someone's dinner randomly. I want to donate toys to a needy family. I want to travel to the Soul Kitchen and volunteer for a meal. I need to do things that are good for my heart if I want to make a difference in my life and in other's lives.
~I posted a pay it forward blurb on my Facebook page at the beginning of the year and had six people sign up to receive random gifts throughout the year. I did that along with a few other random acts of kindness throughout the year. I'd like to give even more next year.
Unplug - this one is my husband's idea. Every night at 8pm we are going to turn the TV's off and put the phones down and just have family time, tech free. We chose 8pm to start but we do plan to make it earlier at some point. We just need to turn all the tech off and focus on us as a family.
~Yea this lasted all of two weeks. I'm hoping we can pick it back up again but who knows. It's so hard for me to get my husband to put his phone down. It's probably one of the biggest complaints I have. But I'm guilty too.
Have more patience - I have never been a patient person. Having kids has helped that but I think I could still use a little work. I try very hard not to rush my kids. I always tell Ashlyn to take her time even if we are running late. I always stop and give her hugs when she asks no matter what I'm doing. I try not to get angry when she destroys her room because she always helps me clean it up. But I still do find myself losing my patience now and then so I'm going to work on this. More patience with my kids, with my husband, with my animals, with my friends, with strangers. Just more patience all around.
~I'm not sure how I did with this one to be honest. I think that I've learned a lot about patience this past year so I hope that I made some improvements.
Give more compliments - the other day my husband and I went to dinner without the kids. I was in a terrible mood and it was written all over my face. The waitress, instead of dismissing me, complimented my purse. This changed the entire mood. That one little compliment. I think I need to try some of that.
~Yea I don't think I did so well with this one. I think I tried but I could have tried harder.
Take more ME time - the last time I did something for me and only me was July, when I went to the salon and got my hair cut. I don't take any time away from the family for myself. My husband works a lot so it's hard for me to schedule ME time but it needs to happen this year. I need to be able to balance my ME time and my family time or else this Momma is gonna go crazy!
~This didn't really happen either this past year. A few times but not nearly enough. This has to make the list again for the coming year!
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