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Goals for 2015

Here we are again.  A new year.  A new(ish) set of goals.

Lose weight - I am looking to lost at least another 20-30lbs this year.  I lost about 25lbs last year but I want to keep going.  I've been stuck in a rut lately and need to dig myself out of it and get back on track.  I also want to eat healthier and live healthier all around.

Budget - we have never had a budget.  We have never really needed to have one.  Now that I am not working and we are surviving on one income, a budget is in order.  I need to get this done.  We are so used to just buying whatever we want and not thinking twice about it but we really need to sit and think about what's important with our finances.

A new house - this was on my list last year and we were able to move.  But we aren't really feeling settled were we are now.  So, we have a new goal.  We are planning to renovate our previous home (which we still own and rent out) and move into that at the end of 2015 or beginning of 2016.  We have big plans for the year in regards to that house and we are really hoping to turn it into something we love.

Another baby - I'm adding this to my list again.  It's time.  The husband is on board so now it's just a matter of trying.  We were having some insurance issues but they seem to be worked out now so we should be good to go!

Give more - I really want to put together a trip to the Soul Kitchen and volunteer for a meal this year.  I posted something on Facebook about it, asking if anyone else would be interested in going and I was sad to see that no one responded.  I need to do things that are good for my heart if I want to make a difference in my life and in other's lives.  I also posted the Pay it Forward Initiative and have at least five people signed up for random gifts this year.  I'm going to open this up on my blog too and see if I get any response there.

Unplug - I'm hoping that we can really set some rules this year in regards to our electronic devices (phones, computers, TVs).  I don't want phones at the dinner table, I don't want the kids watching TV all day long, I don't want electronics on at all times of the day.  I really hope we can unplug from our electronics and connect to each other a little better this year.

Have more patience - I have never been a patient person.  Having kids has helped that but I think I could still use a little work.  I try very hard not to rush my kids.  I always tell Ashlyn to take her time even if we are running late.  I always stop and give her hugs when she asks no matter what I'm doing.  I try not to get angry when she destroys her room because she always helps me clean it up.  But I still do find myself losing my patience now and then so I'm going to work on this.  More patience with my kids, with my husband, with my animals, with my friends, with strangers.  Just more patience all around.

Take more ME time - I love my kids and I love spending my days with them.  I'm grateful that I have a husband who works hard to make sure that can happen.  But sometimes Mama just needs so ME time.  I know that if I can get more time to myself, I will be a much more patient Mama and just be better all around.

I think that's it for my goals for the year.  I'm sure I will add to this list as the year goes on or adjust it.  I really want to achieve these goals, though.  I have already made changes to achieve these goals and I look forward to 2015 with these goals in mind.

What are your non-resolutions?


  1. We have some of the same goals. Me time is big for me this year! Which means working out and making that a priority. I feel selfish going to get my nails done or buy;ing workout tapes. We can use the money on something else....for the kids....or I should clean the kitchen or vacuum.
    But not anymore!
    Good luck with the reno's, sorry you aren't feeling settled. :( And yay for another baby! Good luck!


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