Doctor's stats:
Weight 28lbs 2oz (50th %)
Height 37 inches (97th %)
Head 19.25 inches (50th %)
The basics?
Diapers - Size 5
Clothing - 24 month and 2T, some 3T PJs
Food - Everything and anything!
Sleeping - Through the night!
Teeth - All of them!
Words - Lots!
Favorite toy - cars, trucks, any of his sister's toys
Well, I'm pretty sure my prediction of having a tall boy is going to come true. The doctor walked in and said, 'wow, he's going to be really tall!'. Yes, I know. They say if you multiply the height at age 2 by 2, that's how tall your kid will be. Bryan will be 6'2. That's fine by me.
I can't believe how tall he is. Ashlyn was 37.5 inches tall at her 3 year appointment and this boy is 37 inches tall at his 2 year appointment! It won't be long before he towers over his big sister! The doctor did mention something about his weight but being that he is so tall, he didn't really seem too concerned by it.
We have finally moved into 24 month and 2T clothing. The only problem is the pants are all too big in the waist. Anything with an elastic band is usually ok but anything else is way too big on him. I'm dreading the colder weather because jeans just don't fit him properly. I guess I'll have to start looking for slim pants for him. Shirts must be at least 24 months but 2T fit him better.
He's still a great eater. He tries just about anything you give to him and he almost always likes it! He doesn't usually eat a whole lot at one time, though, unless it's something he really loves. He typically doesn't each much for breakfast or lunch. He always eats a good dinner, though. He loves spaghetti and pizza and, of course, cookies! He's drinking 1% milk now like his sister but that's only because I got tired of buying 1% and whole. I may put him back on whole just to get some extra calories in his diet because he really doesn't eat much. We try to stay clear of juices with him because he almost always gets a nasty diaper rash when he has juice. Milk and water for this boy.
He still sleeps like a champ, sleeping about 10 hours at night with a 2 hour nap in the middle of the day. I'm going to keep him in his crib for as long as possible. He has yet to try to climb out of his crib, which I think is amazing considering how crazy he can be.
He has all of his teeth. He got his last set of molars about a month before his second birthday. They all just kind of popped in and I didn't even realize it. Four molars cutting pretty much all at once? He was definitely not the happiest camper.
He has been speaking in sentences for a few months now. Sometimes you can understand him and sometimes you can't. He really likes to repeat things, especially things his sister says. He is always following her, repeating her, tormenting her! I know he loves her but boy does he like to make her miserable sometimes!
Because he can communicate better, he doesn't throw quite as many tantrums as he did before. Now we just have they typical terrible two tantrums that he throws when he doesn't get his way or when he is really tired. He can throw a mean tantrum but he usually gets over it pretty quickly.
His hitting and biting as decreased dramatically. There have been a few times in the past months when he bit Ashlyn because she took his toy or wouldn't move out of his way. There are also times when she makes him and he will just slap her right in the face. He definitely hits and bites way more than she ever did but he has made a big improvement.
I am amazed by how social he has become in the past few months! He really recognizes people now and knows who he likes and doesn't like. He will give hugs and kisses to people now instead of shying away from them. He will say hi to people and tries to make conversation with people now. The other day at the grocery store, he said hi to a couple and then started introducing himself and all of us. It was so flipping cute. I think he's really just following in his sister's footsteps here. He sees her being so social and wants to get in on the action.
There have been a few times lately where he has asked to go to the bathroom. I think because he sees his sister in there all the time, he wants to go in there too. So he has been going on the potty now and then. I didn't think I would have as much luck with potty training him as I did with Ashlyn but it looks promising.
No matter who he talks to, he's still a Daddy's boy. If my husband is home, that boy will not leave his side. He will throw a fit if my husband leaves the room. If I wasn't with the kids all day long, I'd probably be jealous. But since I'm the one who has to deal with the tears if Daddy leaves, it's not so fun for me.
His crazy hair is still a dirty blond and now I realize that he gets that from me because I did, in fact, have blond hair as a kid. I have lost count of all his hair cuts. I'm sure we are up around 20 at this point. I like his hair short rather than longer.
Pictures of my sweet little boy:
Weight 28lbs 2oz (50th %)
Height 37 inches (97th %)
Head 19.25 inches (50th %)
The basics?
Diapers - Size 5
Clothing - 24 month and 2T, some 3T PJs
Food - Everything and anything!
Sleeping - Through the night!
Teeth - All of them!
Words - Lots!
Favorite toy - cars, trucks, any of his sister's toys
Well, I'm pretty sure my prediction of having a tall boy is going to come true. The doctor walked in and said, 'wow, he's going to be really tall!'. Yes, I know. They say if you multiply the height at age 2 by 2, that's how tall your kid will be. Bryan will be 6'2. That's fine by me.
I can't believe how tall he is. Ashlyn was 37.5 inches tall at her 3 year appointment and this boy is 37 inches tall at his 2 year appointment! It won't be long before he towers over his big sister! The doctor did mention something about his weight but being that he is so tall, he didn't really seem too concerned by it.
We have finally moved into 24 month and 2T clothing. The only problem is the pants are all too big in the waist. Anything with an elastic band is usually ok but anything else is way too big on him. I'm dreading the colder weather because jeans just don't fit him properly. I guess I'll have to start looking for slim pants for him. Shirts must be at least 24 months but 2T fit him better.
He's still a great eater. He tries just about anything you give to him and he almost always likes it! He doesn't usually eat a whole lot at one time, though, unless it's something he really loves. He typically doesn't each much for breakfast or lunch. He always eats a good dinner, though. He loves spaghetti and pizza and, of course, cookies! He's drinking 1% milk now like his sister but that's only because I got tired of buying 1% and whole. I may put him back on whole just to get some extra calories in his diet because he really doesn't eat much. We try to stay clear of juices with him because he almost always gets a nasty diaper rash when he has juice. Milk and water for this boy.
He still sleeps like a champ, sleeping about 10 hours at night with a 2 hour nap in the middle of the day. I'm going to keep him in his crib for as long as possible. He has yet to try to climb out of his crib, which I think is amazing considering how crazy he can be.
He has all of his teeth. He got his last set of molars about a month before his second birthday. They all just kind of popped in and I didn't even realize it. Four molars cutting pretty much all at once? He was definitely not the happiest camper.
He has been speaking in sentences for a few months now. Sometimes you can understand him and sometimes you can't. He really likes to repeat things, especially things his sister says. He is always following her, repeating her, tormenting her! I know he loves her but boy does he like to make her miserable sometimes!
Because he can communicate better, he doesn't throw quite as many tantrums as he did before. Now we just have they typical terrible two tantrums that he throws when he doesn't get his way or when he is really tired. He can throw a mean tantrum but he usually gets over it pretty quickly.
His hitting and biting as decreased dramatically. There have been a few times in the past months when he bit Ashlyn because she took his toy or wouldn't move out of his way. There are also times when she makes him and he will just slap her right in the face. He definitely hits and bites way more than she ever did but he has made a big improvement.
I am amazed by how social he has become in the past few months! He really recognizes people now and knows who he likes and doesn't like. He will give hugs and kisses to people now instead of shying away from them. He will say hi to people and tries to make conversation with people now. The other day at the grocery store, he said hi to a couple and then started introducing himself and all of us. It was so flipping cute. I think he's really just following in his sister's footsteps here. He sees her being so social and wants to get in on the action.
There have been a few times lately where he has asked to go to the bathroom. I think because he sees his sister in there all the time, he wants to go in there too. So he has been going on the potty now and then. I didn't think I would have as much luck with potty training him as I did with Ashlyn but it looks promising.
No matter who he talks to, he's still a Daddy's boy. If my husband is home, that boy will not leave his side. He will throw a fit if my husband leaves the room. If I wasn't with the kids all day long, I'd probably be jealous. But since I'm the one who has to deal with the tears if Daddy leaves, it's not so fun for me.
His crazy hair is still a dirty blond and now I realize that he gets that from me because I did, in fact, have blond hair as a kid. I have lost count of all his hair cuts. I'm sure we are up around 20 at this point. I like his hair short rather than longer.
Pictures of my sweet little boy:
Well, little man, you certainly give us a run for our money. I have never met a little boy who is as sweet as you are. Your hugs are so awesome and you always give us lots of kisses. You are a big cuddle bug. If there is a lap open, you're in it.
You also have a pretty wicked side. When you don't get what you want, you cry and scream and kick and just freak out. You get over your tantrums pretty quickly for the most part. You get very angry at your sister sometimes and you might hit her or bite her or throw something at her. This is something we have been trying to break you of for months.
When you and your sister aren't fighting, you actually play quite nicely together. I love to watch the two of you in these rare moments. I love how much you adore her. You are always following her, repeating her and sometimes tormenting her. But she always tries to help you. I hope the two of you share this bond you are forming forever.
You seem to like to get into trouble and Daddy and I just have to laugh at the sticky situations you get yourself in sometimes. We love your adventurous little spirit and love how much you explore. It's fun to watch you taking it all in and learning as you go.
You are sweet and cuddly and wild and crazy all wrapped up in a big ball of boy and we wouldn't have it any other way. We can't imagine our lives without you my little man.
My beautiful 2 year old boy!!!
The Children's Place is the place to go for jeans with the adjustable waist. They run sales a lot... $6 is a good price 😃
ReplyDeleteThe Children's Place is the place for adjustable waist jeans. I stock up when I see then for $5 once or twice a year. $6-7.5 is their usual sale price though. 😀