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Showing posts from October, 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear Baby Girl,  I know there have been a lot of changes lately but I really think you're ready for potty training. You like the fact that you get M&Ms whenever you go so that's a start. We are stocked with pulls ups and ready to go so let's rock this! Dear Little Man,  while your sleeping still isn't where I'd like it to be, it is getting better. You are still waking up every 2-3 hours to eat but you are at least going right back to sleep afterwards now. That makes it a little easier on Mommy. Now let's work on some 4-5 hour stretches. Dear Miley,  while I actually like your song Wrecking Ball, the video is stupid and makes absolutely no sense. I get the actual wrecking ball but swinging naked on it?  Dear sore throat,  please go away. I really don't want a cold and I really don't want to get my kids sick because that would just suck. Dear Grey's,  you have been awesome so far. I can wait to see more. Dear hu...

Friday's Letters

  Dear Baby Girl,  your selective hearing has been getting worse and worse and you are really testing Mommy.  This little phase is causing you to have a lot of time outs!  I am planning to change your crib to a toddler bed in the next week so I'm hoping that change will give you a little encouragement to behave.  I wanted to wait until you turned 2 but I think you're ready now. Dear Little Man,  Mommy really needs you to work on the whole sleep thing.  Keep up with the cuddles buddy.  Mommy loves them. Dear work,  while I do miss being a part of something that doesn't involve coloring books and Disney movies, I don't really miss you.  Dear Scandal,  I'm so mad I forgot to DVR you last night.  I'll have to go online and see if I can watch you there. Dear blog,  I know I've been neglecting you but I promise to try to post more and even work on a re-design soon.  I miss reading my favo...

Two Months

Doctor's Stats: Weight: 12lbs 3.5oz (75th %) Height:  23.5 inches (95th %) Head:  15.75 (75th%) Little Man got his first round of shots. It was not easy but he did very well! I tried to use the same trick we used with Baby Girl but it didn't work as well. I tried feeding him a bottle after each shot to distract him but he wasn't having it. He cried for only a minute though and was just fine after a few snuggles from Momma. Big sister did worse! She got her flu shot and you would have thought she had a limb amputated! She cried hard. The only thing that calmed her down was the promise of a lollipop once we reached the front desk. Bad news....they were out of lollipops! What pediatric office runs out of lollipops? Talk about a Mom fail. It's ok, I gave her ice cream when we got home. The basics? Little Guy is still in size 1 diapers but they seem to be getting a bit tight already.  We might have to try out size 2 soon.  He is wearing size...

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying So What if... As soon as I switched Little Man to the bigger bottle, he stopped drinking as much.  Baby Girl is going through an I'm-not-going-to-listen-to-anything-you-have-to-say phase. Selective hearing seems to be her talent. Little Man slept for 5 hours straight last night. It was glorious. Little Man has thrush and I didn't even see it. How did I not see that? Now the poor little guy has to take this medicine 4 times a day for 10 days and he hates it. (More on that in his 2 month post) The fall festival season is almost over and we haven't been to a single one. We are going to one this Sunday finally. I'm excited to get the renovations on our house started. I've been measuring and planning and sketching all week! I watch re-runs of Grey's every day. They show two episodes every day on Lifetime. I hate the little spider logo that is on the corner of the HGTV channel. It freaks m...


Catchy title, eh? October is breast cancer awareness month.  I never used to pay much attention to this month.  Sure, I thought it was cool that people got little pink hair extensions and changed their profile pictures to pink but I never really paid much attention otherwise. Now, I pay attention. We don't have a family history. We have a laundry list of health issues in my family but breast cancer wasn't one of them. Until last year. It has to start somewhere right? As if my poor grandmother hadn't survived enough health issues, (diabetes, quad bypass, kidney problems, pacemaker) she had to add one more to the list. We all told her it was going to be ok, that the lump was going to come back negative.  We told her it was going to be fine. We were wrong. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in early 2012.  The good news is that everything was fine.  They removed the lump, she went through 6.5 weeks of radiation and now she is cancer free....

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying So What if... Little Man graduated to the big bottle this week and occasionally inhales 6 ounces. Pretty sure his sister was eating 6 ounces weeks ago already when she was a baby. It was kind of nice to get out of the house without the kids last night even if it was just to go grocery shopping. Even though it was nice, I did miss them and was pretty excited to go back home. Both of my kids have a cold...that I gave them. A newborn....with a cold? Poor little thing is so stuffy he can barely eat sometimes. I'm sad that we won't be able to eat dinner outside anymore. It was always my favorite part of the day but I'd rather not sit out there with my hat, scarf and thermal gloves. We are taking the kids to a Fall festival this weekend and I can't wait! We had already been to like three festivals this time last year. Little Man has thrown me off my game. Little Man has been sleeping some 4-5 hour stretc...

Friday's Letters

Dear Baby Girl,  I know there have been a lot of changes lately but I really think you're ready for potty training. You like the fact that you get M&Ms whenever you go so that's a start. We are stocked with pulls ups and ready to go so let's rock this! Dear Little Man,  while your sleeping still isn't where I'd like it to be, it is getting better. You are still waking up every 2-3 hours to eat but you are at least going right back to sleep afterwards now. That makes it a little easier on Mommy. Now let's work on some 4-5 hour stretches. Dear Miley,  while I actually like your song Wrecking Ball, the video is stupid and makes absolutely no sense. I get the actual wrecking ball but swinging naked on it?  Dear sore throat,  please go away. I really don't want a cold and I really don't want to get my kids sick because that would just suck. Dear Grey's,  you have been awesome so far. I can wait to see more. Dear h...

We Don't Sleep

This kid is giving me a run for my money. He is definitely much more needy than his sister ever was. He will lay on his play mat for maybe 20 minutes before he gets restless and wants to be held. He doesn't self soothe very well and he doesn't fall asleep on his own very well. Speaking of sleep, I get none. He sleeps most of the day and trying to keep him awake is almost impossible. So you know that means. He doesn't want to sleep at night. He eats every 2-3 hours throughout the night and likes to stay awake in between each feeding most nights. The kid is so exhausted by morning but he fights sleep like the plague. He will sleep 3-5 hour shifts throughout the day but I can't get him to do it at night. He also has a hard time sleeping in his bassinet. He would much rather be snuggled up against me to sleep. Unfortunately I have been letting him sleep like that just so I can get some sleep. During they day? Kid will sleep anywhere! His swing, his bouncy chair, his pl...

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying So What if... I have been watching Sons of Anarchy.  My husband and I started watching the show when it first started but then we stopped.  For some reason, I started watching it this season and now I'm hooked. My sister in law was friggin awesome last weekend.  She watched the little man for me Saturday morning so I could get some sleep.  It was amazing. My husband is really pushing the mini van.  He wants us to get a Honda Odyssey.  So far the only van I have been interested in is the Pacifica and I'm not sure it's big enough. It seems like the 13 acre property we had been planning to buy is falling through.  Looks like we will be starting renovations on our current home soon. Baby Girl loves being at her Nana's house more than she likes being at our home.  She goes crazy as soon as she walks in the door! It's October and I'm not wearing sweaters yet.  Where is the cooler weathe...

It's Been A While

I just realized that I haven't made a blog post since last Wednesday. It's been rough at the Miller house so I haven't had any time to post anything. I also haven't had much time to stalk my favorite blogs  read any blogs so I'm way far behind. So here's a recap of what's been going on with us. I had originally included a lot more in this post but I realized that it was way too long so I took some sections out and will post on them later. Breast feeding - If you have been following along, you know that I have been having a hard time with breast feeding. Once I got past all of the pain I was experiencing, I realized that my supply was just not enough to keep up with my little guy. I have been trying everything I can to boost my supply while supplementing him with formula with hopes of exclusively breast feeding. Here's what I tried: Fenugreek - 6 pills per day for 4 weeks Licithen - 3 pills per day for 2 weeks Mothers milk tea - 4-6 cups per da...

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying So What if... I'm pretty sure my son hates me.  I mean, why else would he sleep all day long and stay awake all night long?  The poor kid is so tired at night, I can see it in his eyes and hear it in his cry but he just refuses to go to sleep.  I need to get this straightened out before I go insane. I wanted to sleep so badly last night that I actually let the little guy sleep in his swing.  It's his favorite place to sleep.  As you can tell, that strategy did not pay off. I hate you ladies who lose the belly within two weeks of giving birth.  Ok, I don't hate you, but I am insanely jealous of you.  Especially since I could still pass for six months pregnant. I am addicted to the show Love It or List It.  It's always on when I'm up all night hoping that the kid will drift off to sleep at some point. I didn't love the new Michael J Fox show. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it. ...


It's 3:30am and my son has decided that he doesn't want to go back to sleep.  So how about some comparison photos of Ashlyn and Bryan. Birth - same puffy eyes, button nose and little lips  Week 1       Week 2     Week 3      Week 4   I think that when they were born, they looked a lot alike.  Now that the little guy is getting bigger, he is starting to look much different from his big sister.  Maybe he will start to look like me.  

One Month

I wanted to get this posted last week but, well, I have a newborn and toddler and I don't sleep much or get much time to myself.  So here I am at 12:44am, everyone is asleep, including the dogs and instead of sleeping, I'm blogging.  Gotta get it done! My little dude is already one month old.  It's been one whole month since we rushed to the hospital and met our 7lb 13 oz little guy.  And what a sweet little guy he is. Doctor's Stats as of the last appointment at 2 weeks: Weight: 8lbs 9oz (75th %) Height:  22 inches (95th %) Head:  14.75 (75th%) The basics? Little Guy is now in size 1 diapers because the newborns just seemed to tight.  He was also constantly peeing through his diapers and he hasn't peed through a size 1 yet.  He is wearing size 0-3 month clothing depending on the brand.  He is just so long that he can't fit into the newborn clothes anymore.  I measured him the other day and he is now 2...