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Bryan 1.0

Doctor's stats:

Weight 21lbs 8oz (30th %)
Height 32.75 inches (99th %)
Head 18.25 inches (45th %)

The basics?

Diapers - Size 4, exclusively disposable now :(
Clothing - 12-18 month and some 24 month
Food - Everything and anything!
Sleeping - Through the night!
Teeth - TWELVE chompers!
Words - ba ba, da da, ma ma
Favorite toy - Cars airplane, activity walker, anything he's not supposed to play with

I can't believe that this boy is a year old already.  The year has just flown by and now instead of a tiny newborn, I have a tall toddler who is starting to walk and gets into everything!

Let's start with his stats.  I'm in total shock over his height and weight.  I can't believe how tall he is!  I mean, I guess I can believe it.  My husband is 6 feet tall and his dad is like 6'5 I think so we knew we were going to have a tall boy but to be off the charts for height?!  I'm not sure what's going on with his weight, though.  He had actually lost weight since I had him there the last time so the doctor was a little concerned with that.  He eats well so I'm guessing it's just because he's become so much more active.  I think it's just something he wants to keep an eye on.

The problem with the tall, skinny boy is that it's really hard to dress him!  He needs to wear 18 month pants for the length but they fall off of him.  He will literally crawl right out of his pants.  He also needs 18 month and even some 24 month shirts because he is so tall.  He's in a size 5 shoe now, which is big to me considering his sister just moved into a size 7.

For as skinny as he is, the boy sure can eat.  He will eat anything.  He's not a big fan of grapes but that's about the only thing he won't eat.  He loves meat.  Chicken, pork, turkey burger, steak.  He eats it all and he loves it.  He also eats a lot of veggies but he's not as crazy about fruits.  I think this boy is going to be a lot less picky than his sister.

I started transitioning him to whole milk at 11 months and while I thought he had a milk allergy at first, I was wrong and he drinks his milk with no problems.  He also hasn't had a bottle since around 11 months.  I started transitioning him to sippy cups as early as I could so that made taking the bottle away so much easier.

We have pretty much given up on the cloth diapers.  Two reasons - first, every time I would cloth diaper him, he seemed to get sick or get a rash or something that made me take him back out of the cloth and use disposables until he was over whatever he had.  It was getting annoying.  I could never keep his butt rash free while in the cloth even when I used coconut oil on him. 

Second, and I know that one day he will hate me for this but, since birth, he's had a bit of a problem with his penis retraction.  It's hard to explain but we have to put hydrocortisone cream or vasoline on his little pepper every time we change him to help the issue.  We're hoping he grows out of it but if he doesn't he could require surgery later on.  The point is that I don't want to ruin my cloth diapers with the creams and my son's pepper is just a bit more important that cloth diapers!

That being said, I will save the cloth diapers for when his problem is fixed and save them for the next baby.  I will be trying cloth again with the next one and I hope to have a better result.

He's such a good sleeper.  He usually takes one long nap in the middle of the afternoon, goes to bed around 9 and sleeps until 8.  If his afternoon nap is disturbed for any reason, he will usually need a shorter nap later but he's pretty much set on that schedule.  He wakes in the middle of the night sometimes and cries a bit but usually goes right back to sleep on his own.  I'm guessing this is being caused by his teething.

The kid has a dozen teeth.  He got all four of his molars at one time.  I'm not sure why his teeth decide to all come in at once but it has sucked for him.  He hasn't been too cranky through it all, though.  Anytime he is cranky, I give him some Tylenol and some teething tablets and he is usually fine.  He has his clingy days but for the most part teething has been a breeze for him.

I can't believe how close he is to walking!  He cruises everything but he has taken a lot of steps on his own.  My husband will sit on the floor and get him to walk to him from the couch.  It's usually only around 4 steps and when he gets close he lunges at him but it's progress!  He'll be walking in no time and then there's no stopping him!

I think I'm more anxious for him to talk.  He really only says mama and dada.  He has tried repeating me several times but he never actually says the word I'm saying.  If I say dog, he says do but that's it.  If I call for Ashlyn, he says the ahhh sound but that's it.  I know we got very lucky with Ashlyn and how she talked so soon but I really want him to start talking!!

He gets so frustrated because he can't tell me what he wants or how he's feeling.  That's when the tantrums start.  We never really had tantrums with Ashlyn because she could talk.  She was always able to communicate with us.  He can't yet.  So he gets pissed.  And he lets us know it!  Fortunately his tantrums don't last very long and he is easily distracted by something else and forgets about whatever it is he was mad about in the first place.

This boy is a climber.  He climbs on everything.  The other day he climbed up on Ashlyn's little chair and then promptly fell off of it, busting his mouth open and splashing blood everywhere.  He missed our fireplace by 2 inches.  I see a lot of ER visits in his future. 

He still has some separation anxiety and he is clingy to my husband and I.  He won't go to other people easily and sometimes cries whenever we hand him to someone he doesn't know.  He's always playful with people but only from a distance!  He might have his mama's personality!

Can I just talk about his hair for a second?  It's amazing.  It's long and it grows like nothing I've ever seen before.  This kid has had three haircuts already.  THREE!!  It's also like a strawberry blondeish color right now.  The red is starting to fade and I see more blonde now but the kid has blue eyes and (basically) red hair.  How did this kid get the rarest combination in the world?

Pictures of my sweet little boy:

Oh  my sweet little boy.  I don't even know how to explain to you the joy you have brought your Daddy and I.  You are so happy.  All the time.  Even more so than your sister was.  You are always smiling and laughing and you are just so content.
You are seriously the best cuddler ever.  We can not get enough of those sweet hugs you give.  And your sloppy kisses are even better.  Mommy's favorite is when you come up to me and rest your head against mine.  It's the sweet thing in the world and I melt every time.
I can't believe how curious you are and I love it.  I can't help but laugh when I find your sippy cup in a kitchen drawer or find a bath marker in the veggie drawer in the fridge.  You just like to see everything and do everything.  You are becoming so much more independent and get mad when you can't do the things you want to do.
The love you have for your sister is just amazing.  The way you look at her is just beautiful.  She always makes you laugh and smile and you love to play with her.  I know that when you start to walk you will never leave her side.  I hope your relationship is always a close one.
I can't believe that you are already a year old.  The past year has just flown by for us, buddy.  Daddy and I are so blessed to call you our son and we love you so much!

My beautiful one year old boy!!!


  1. He did really grow way too much way too quick..and he will be running around in no time. I think in the next few weeks he'll start walking. LOL omg I was cracking up when you said "he's gonna hate me for this.." HAHAH But really his "pepper?" never heard that before, I love it. HILARIOUS. completely changed the word for me. I'm jealous he'll eat vegis! Dylan used to be more open to them, now he's a little brat who only wants crackers. Sigh.


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