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Ashlyn 3.0

This should have been posted like two months ago!  No wonder people don't read my blog anymore.
Doctor's Stats:
Weight:  33lbs 2oz (70th %)
Height:  37.5 inches (50th %)
Head: 20.5 inches (97th % - still on the charts!)

The basics?

Diapers - zero diapers - potty trained!
Clothing - 4T or 5T tops and 3T bottoms.
Food - mac and cheese, broccoli, carrots, grilled cheese, fruit
Sleeping - Sleeping 9-11 hours each night
Teeth - All baby teeth are in
Words - She speaks in complete sentences
Favorite cartoons - Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Curious George, My Little Pony
Favorite toy - Her kitchen, artist easel, any of her Frozen toys, Little People Toys

Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk.  That's all this little girl knows how to do.  Everyone she sees she says hi to.  Every animal in our house has its own story.  Her imaginative play is soaring right now and it's so much fun to hear her make things up and play. 

She still has the whole sassy and sweet thing going but the sassy is overpowering the sweet these days.  She has such an attitude most of the time but then she really knows how to make up for it with the hundreds of 'I love yous' she says in a day.  I really need to start counting how many times she says it on any given day.  She still cuddles like a boss and I can't resist that crazy little smile.

She is still waking in the middle of the night and coming into our bed.  I'm honestly just too tired and lazy to move her back to her bed to try to break her so it's my own fault.  I'm thinking we might be switching out her bed to the full size soon to see if that helps.  I think she is just really restless and wakes herself in the middle of the night.

We have broken the habit of her falling asleep in our be to begin with so that's at least some progress.  She lays in her own bed to go to sleep but she always wants Daddy or I to sit with her until she falls asleep.  She usually wants Mommy and I don't mind.

While she is usually really good big sister, her and her brother have their fair share of fights.  She likes to take toys away from him.  She likes to order him around.  She likes to push him out of the way when she wants something.

She also likes to play with him.  She likes to help him with things.  She likes to give him his milk and grab diapers and wipes when he needs to be changed.  She really loves her brother despite how mean she is to him sometimes.  But to be fair, he can be pretty mean to her too!

This stage that she is in right now, this imaginative, playful stage is the best yet and I can't wait to see how she keeps growing.

Pictures of my sweet Baby Girl:





Baby Girl, you are such a little socialite it's ridiculous.  You love to talk to people and you have no stranger danger at all.  This really scares Mommy and Daddy sometimes because we really think you'd go home with just about anyone!

But people just flock to you.  They just can't help it.  That cute face, those beautiful curls, that amazing smile, those big, blue eyes.  People just love to see you and talk to you.  And you love it just as much!  You are a bit of a drama queen at times but you're not too bad.

You and your bother fight like crazy but you also love each other so much.  I love the way he looks at you, his big sister, with such love and amazement.  And you are such a good big sister, showing him things and trying to teach him things.  No one makes him laugh like you do.  I really hope that you continue that strong bond.

You are quite the singer and dancer these days.  Any time music is playing, you're dancing.  And any time a song you know is playing, you're singing.  You're making up your owns songs now, too, and they are pretty hilarious.  You have quite the imagination.

Mommy loves to watch you sit at the kitchen table and play.  You pile as many little toys into your toy bag or airplane or car and you just sit for hours and play.  You make up stories and sing songs and I could watch you do it all day long.

There are still times when I can see Daddy look at you in amazement because he can't believe how lucky he is to call you his daughter.  We both are my sweet girl.  Never lose that infectious personality.
My BEAUTIFUL 3 year old Baby Girl:


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