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Showing posts from October, 2015

Q & A: Hardest Thing Ever

Original List of questions:  Q & A Questions List What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced? If you have been following my blog or my IG feed, I think you already know the answer to this question. The hardest thing I have ever experienced is the birth of my son at 16 weeks gestation.  I had a later term miscarriage but was able to deliver him, hold him and say goodbye to him.  It was the worst day of my life.  I'm still dealing with it almost seven months later.  I won't get into all the details here on this post but most of my Colson related posts are below. Colson's Birth Story Dear Colson These Days For My Husband Around Here It's Been Hard It's Your Due Date It Feels Like Yesterday What's the hardest thing you have ever experienced?

So What Wednesday

Check out Shannon at Life After I Dew  for So What Wednesday. So what if: ~I bought a tub of pre-made cookie dough from my nephew and I can't stop making (and eating) them.  It's just so easy to throw them on the baking sheet and pop them in the oven. ~I have been addicted to pasta lately.  And the worst kinds.  Buttered noodles, chicken rice, spaghetti.  My poor husband gets so annoyed since he is on a whole30. ~I have news.  Big news.  News that I kind of sort of want to share and kind of sort of don't want to share.  Wanting to share almost always wins out but we shall see. ~I'm so tired of cleaning up dog hair in the house that I'm actually considering shaving all of the dogs.  I know it's getting cold out.  I would get them sweaters. ~I'm making my Christmas lists and am searching for good deals on gifts.  You can never start too early. ~I am in love with how much Ashlyn has been drawing and writing lately but I h...

Q & A: Love Language

Original List of questions:  Q & A Questions List What is your love language? I think we have all heard of the 5 love languages.  I took the quiz 2 years ago and I just took it again and the results have changed quite a bit.  This is my most result email result: 11 Receiving Gifts, 8 Words of Affirmation, 6 Acts of Service, 4 Quality Time, 1 Physical Touch Receiving Gifts Don't mistake this love language for materialism; the receiver of gifts thrives on the love, thoughtfulness, and effort behind the gift. If you speak this language, the perfect gift or gesture shows that you are known, you are cared for, and you are prized above whatever was sacrificed to bring the gift to you. A missed birthday, anniversary, or a hasty, thoughtless gift would be disastrous – so would the absence of everyday gestures. Gifts are visual representations of love and are treasured greatly. Words of Affirmation Actions don't always speak louder than words. If this is your lov...

Q & A: Favorite Foods

Original List of questions:  Q & A Questions List What are your favorite foods?  Share recipes. I'm pretty simple when it comes to food.  I'm also pretty picky.  More picky than my own kids.  The list of foods I like is much smaller than the list of foods I don't like.  My husband is the complete opposite.  He will eat just about anything.  This makes for interesting meals in our house sometimes. Most of my favorite foods are really simple and remind me a lot of home. Grilled cheese dipped in applesauce:  I think I got this from my mom.  It's literally just a typical grilled cheese sandwich that I like to dip in sweetened applesauce.  My husband thinks this is gross. I can't understand why. Lebanon bologna on white bread (Italian usually) with mayo:  this is one thing I eat almost every time I visit my Mom.  It's so simple and yet it's the one thing that always reminds me of home.  Lebanon bolo...

So What Wednesday

One of my favorite people is bringing back one of my favorite blog posts! Shannon at Life After I Dew  is bringing back So What Wednesday.  I always loved posting my 'so what's' every Wednesday so I'm happy she's bringing this back! So what if: ~We have been in our new house for almost two months and we still have projects that we need to finish.  I hate having dumb little lose ends but that's the way it goes, I guess. ~I hate having my hair up so I've had it down a lot lately and that annoys me too.  It's so long right now and I desperately need a hair cut but finding the time isn't exactly easy. ~I took the Love Language test for one of my Q&A posts and I got receiving gifts as my love language.  I know that seems kind of shallow but I do love me some romantic gifts. ~My husband is not romantic at all and, therefore, does not know how to speak my love language. ~I can't stand Halloween and I can't wait for the month to end...

Q & A: Holidays & Traditions

Original List of questions:  Q & A Questions List What are your favorite/least favorite holidays and traditions? This is probably the easiest question on the list.  My least favorite holiday, hands down, is Halloween.  Spending ridiculous amounts of money on costumes for your kids (and yourselves) just so they can scour the neighborhood for candy that will only make them act like crazy little animals.  Going to haunted houses to get the shit scared out of you or spending way too much money on crazy decorations for your own house.  Spiders and cobwebs.  None of this sounds good to me. I get the appeal of cute costumes, I really do.  I mean what's cuter than an itty bitty baby in his or her first elephant costume?  Nothing really.  But that's about the only thing I 'get' about this so-called holiday. It's just not for me. My favorite holiday......Christmas!!!  And I get how that may be a little contradictory to my Ha...

Q & A: 20 Random Facts

Original List of questions:  Q & A Questions List List 20 random facts about yourself. 1.  I'm a stay at home mom of 2, a sweet boy and a sassy girl and I have one angel baby boy. 2.  I'm also a fur mama to 2 pugs, a black lab and a cat who will probably live forever. 3.  I drive a mini van and I hate it.  4.  I curse a lot.  Like a lot.  Like waaaay too much.  5.  I am not a morning person.  Not in any way.  My husband is.  6.  I separate my M&Ms by color before eating them.  7.  When I was a kid, I hated the color pink.  Now it's my favorite. 8.  I like teen-like movies and shows like Twilight, Vampire Diaries and The Originals.  And I get very angry when shows I like end.  Like Parenthood.  Best show ever.  (Also still a little emotional over McDreamy's death. 9.  I have weird questions like if babies can't talk and d...

Q & A

I got this idea from another blog I follow a long time ago.  I've had this list of questions forever and now I think I'll finally start answering the questions.  One question per post in no particular order.  Feel free to answer the question yourself in the comments or give me some new questions to add to the list! List 20 random facts about yourself. List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could. List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them. List 10 things you would hope to be remembered for. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now? What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced? What is your dream job, and why? What are your favorite foods?  Share recipes! What is the thing you most wish you were great at? What is your love language? What do you think people misunderstand most about you? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years? What is your least favorite and favorite holidays and ...

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness

I posted this 2 years ago on my Facebook page.  It's amazing how quickly things change. I don't have to imagine losing my child anymore because I have lost my child. Today I am 1 in 4. I wish I wasn't.  I wish none of us were.  But here we are.  1 in 4.  Always grieving, always remembering our sweet angels. I've posted a Pregnancy and Infant loss picture every day in October and I will continue to do so for the rest of the month in honor of all of our angels. I don't need a special day or month to remember my son but I'll be lighting my candle tonight at 7pm for my angel and all of the other angels I know of. My heart goes out to all Mamas who have suffered loss.  #loveforcolson

Why Are Moms So Annoying?

On Columbus Day, we spent the day at a local orchard.  They always have fun fall activities for the kids on Columbus Day so some of my friends and I took our kids.  It was good.  Lots of stuff for the kids to do.  A little too warm for October and totally exhausting but still good.  Until the end. We were getting ready to head out and all the kids wanted to play on the playground they had.  I think it had 4 or 5 swings and two slides.  Not huge but big enough.  The one friend I went with was pushing her daughter on one of the swings.  She's only around a year and a half so she needed help.  After she was done, Ashlyn asked if she could swing on that swing, to which my friend replied, of course! As Ashlyn headed for the swing, determined to swing by herself, another little girl ran in front of her and jumped on the swing.  Ashlyn did what she always does when something like that happens: she dropped her head, shrugged he...

It Feels Like Yesterday

Six months have gone by and yet it feels like yesterday that I lost you.  The ultrasound, your little body curled into a ball, the heartbeat line flat. I think about that moment all of the time.  It's amazing the kinds of things that still make me think of you.  A song I hear.  A picture I see.  A birth announcement.  You brother's bedroom, which should have been yours. I'm really amazed by how overwhelming the grief has been.  There are so many things that I expect will be hard for me that really aren't.  And then there are so many things that I don't expect to be hard but are.  It's always a toss up of what's going to set me off. So many ladies who were due around the same time you were have had or are now having their little babies.  It's so hard to watch.  I can't help but feel envious. Your first ultrasound picture hangs on the refrigerator with the rest of them right where it belongs.  I look at it every ...

Bryan's 2nd Birthday

We were so happy to be able to spend Bryan's second birthday in our new home.  After the first birthday, we typically keep birthdays small, inviting only immediate family and close friends to celebrate with us.  My mom, grandmother and nephew came along with Gauntie Kat and our good friend Chris.  I made dinner and we, of course, got a little cake. I don't think Bryan really knew what was going on but he loved being surrounded by so many people.  He also loved the gifts, of course.  We started the day with donuts.  It was worth the mess! Then we had a balloon party.  Also worth the mess! We had some spaghetti outside for lunch.  We are just full of messes today! We got him a work bench.  He loves this thing. We also got him a bubble machine.  Best $10 I've ever spent. He liked opening the gifts but he's still wants to play with them as he opens them.   Nana got him a new bike and G Kat got him slip...