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Showing posts from February, 2016

3D Ultrasound

Aside from my original post, I haven't really posted much about this pregnancy on the blog.  I post on Instagram and I have all of my bump photos on my phone but that's about it this time around.  So, here's a little update along with my 3D ultrasound photos. As of today (2/18) I am 28 weeks 5 days.  I have gained around 20lbs so far and it pretty much just looks like I have a 20lb bowling ball stuck to the front of me.  I'm gaining like I did with Ashlyn but carrying like I did with Bryan.  Maybe a bigger baby this time around?  I'm still nauseous a lot but I'm not throwing up nearly as much.  I don't have many constant cravings, chocolate licorice seems to be one and Italian bread but not much else.  I still listen to his heartbeat twice a day or whenever I don't feel him moving much. I go to the doctor every two weeks now, have an ultrasound at 36 weeks and then go for my regular check ups every week, as usual.  Last night we went...

So What Wednesday

Check out Shannon at  Life After I Dew  for So What Wednesday. So what if: ~I didn't forget to blog today! ~I'm not usually a fan of Demi Lovato but I thought she killed it on the Grammys. ~I think Lady Gaga is amazing lately.  I loved her in the last season of AHS, I thought her National Anthem at the Super bowl was ridiculously awesome and I thought her David Bowie tribute was fantastic.  She's easily becoming one of my favorite artists. ~I'm so excited for my 3D ultrasound tonight!  Everything was good at my check up yesterday so I'm excited to see my little man tonight. ~I think I'm going to buy the rock n play for baby boy.  Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, is telling me that's the thing to have so I think I'm just going to go for it.  I had wanted one for Bryan but didn't want to spend the money when we had a bassinet but now we have no bed (literally) for this little guy so I think I'm going for it. ~I'm so happy that I do...

Interview With a 4 Year Old

I had a few friends do this and I thought it might be fun to try it with Ashlyn so here goes. 1.  What is something mommy always says to you?      -don't lose your cup 2.  What makes mommy happy?      -if I make you a heart 3.  What makes mommy sad?      -if I don't make you a heart 4.  How does mommy make you laugh?      -tickle me 5.  What was your mommy like as a child?      -you were like this big (small circle with her hand) 6.  How old is your mommy?      -7 7.  How tall is your mommy?      -this tall (puts her hand on my head) 8.  What is her favorite thing to do?      -clean up messes 9.  What does your mommy do when you're not around?      -clean up 10.  If your mommy becomes famous, what will it be for?    ...

So What Wednesday (or Thursday....again)

Check out Shannon at  Life After I Dew  for So What Wednesday. So what if: ~I haven't blogged in like two weeks.  I just forgot. ~I slept until 10am almost every day of our vacation and took afternoon naps.  It was glorious. ~When we came home from vacation, we had no Internet.  They couldn't send a rep until today.  So I finally called and started a new service with a new company and canceled the old, crappy service.  So far so good. ~I'm kind of happy that we have a few cable channels again.  I'll be able to watch some of my favorite shows on time instead of waiting until the next day. ~We still haven't replaced our TV.  We are still watching the kid's playroom TV. ~My person cleaned my house while I was on vacation.  I can't tell you how awesome it was to come home to a clean house. ~Bryan's newest thing is to echo is words.  Give me my TRUCK, Truck, truck.  Not sure where he got it from but it's pretty funny...