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Sweet Music to My Ears

Our weekend wasn't exactly the best.  Remember how last Thursday I was furious because Baby Girl came home from daycare with a temperature of 103?  Well Friday wasn't any better.  They said that they checked her temperature twice throughout the day and that it was fine.  Ok, whatever.

My husband picked her up from daycare and he said she was fine.  He kept her with him for about an hour while he and his brother ran some errands.  When they finally got her home to me, she had a temperature of 103.6, which shortly went up to 104.  Um...time to call the doctor!

First, the doctor's office took an hour to call me back!  Fever of 104!  Coughing, runny nose, rash.  Don't EFF with me and call me back!  When they finally did call back, they acted as if this was nothing and they said the don't usually see kids with fevers unless they have had them for 72 hours.  Again, 104, coughing, runny nose, rash and this was the first time Baby Girl actually cried because she didn't fell well.  Even the 103 temperature the night before didn't bother her.  We weren't so lucky with 104.  Don't EFF with me.

Needless to say, we immediately packed Baby Girl up and headed to the doctor's office.  Sorry if I was rude but you suck and you had to be put in your place.  This is my child we are talking about.  And she is SICK!

And, of course, Momma was right.  Double ear infection, AGAIN!  The nurse was actually really nice for a change and so was the doctor.  He was very thorough and answered all of my questions without irritation.  He ordered a small blood test to make sure it was a viral infection and not a bacterial infection.  He even gave us a higher concentrate of the Amoxicillin so that we could give Baby Girl less at one shot since we told him she didn't really like it.  He was just great.

Now the bad part.  The nurse comes in to take the blood, which was just a little jab to the finger and getting some of that blood in a small tube.  I'm trying to distract poor Baby Girl, which was great until the needle hit.  She snapped her head around, the tears came and then she yelled it.........Nan Nan Nan Nan!  Nan is her grandmother, my Mom. 

Boy was I shocked!  Not at all what I had expected.  I was a little heart broken too.  I mean, she was in pain and instead of calling for her Momma, she was calling for her Nana!  Eventually the Nans just turned to all out crying but I was still bummed.

The Amoxicillin and all the Tylenol I was pumping into her kept her temperature down and she has been fever free since Saturday.  She was pretty happy Saturday.  So my husband headed off Saturday afternoon to take a shower while I stuffed Baby Girl into her high chair for her dinner.  And that's when she did it.

She looked right at me.

And she said it.



I just stopped and stared at her.  I literally held my breath to see if she would say it again.  To think about whether she had even said it at all or if I was just imagining it.  My eyes welled with tears and I just gave her the biggest kiss!! 

So, for the rest of the day and all of Sunday, we got to hear that sweet word over and over and over again.  Mama!  It was more like Mumma but it's all the same.  She alternated between Mama and Nana but that's ok.  Because she finally said it. 



  1. Okay your entire post makes me want to cry!

    A few months ago Scott (my husband) and Judah (my son) had the nirovirus. we picked it up while going out to eat and they came home and both were puking and (doing other things) and couldn't stop. We had to get the ambulance to take them both to the hospital. While they checked Scott in I held onto Judah who was so dehydrated (because when I called Kaiser on the phone freaking out because they were not taking me seriously they told me not to give my son any fluids for two hours although he was puking bile) I ignored them and took them to the ER ( but the puking was so bad we had to pull over and get the ambulance) but Judah was so dehydrated it took them forever to find his veins to draw blood. He was crying (in and out of sleep bc he was exhausted) and I was crying and holding him so they could poke at him. Needless to say we are switching out of Kaiser in October when our contract is up with them.

    Im happy your sweet girl is feeling better! Even happier that she said mama! Judah didn't say it till he was over a year old. Now my heart leaps for joy when he says it (it never gets to old)

    1. Isn't it amazing? You know there is something wrong and they still try to make you think you are overreacting or crazy! That's how my doctor makes me feel! It's insane! What a terrible thing to have to go through! I know I'm a first time Momma but I also know when there is something seriously wrong with my girl. It just makes me mad to know that they don't take me seriously!!!

      NEVER had such a heart swelling moment in all my life. And now I smile every time I hear her say it. I just can't help it!

  2. Goosebumps over the Mama! Those are the most precious moments on the face of this planet! And props to you for following your gut with Baby Girl (don't they know not to mess with Momma Bear!?). Ear infections are nothing to play around with. My kiddo has had two sets of tubes and his adenoids taken out because of infections.

    1. Ugh...Momma Grizz was definitely on the prowl Friday LOL The doctor did say that if she were to continue to get the ear infections, we might have to discuss tubes. YIKES! Not looking forward to that! How old was your son when he got his first set of tubes and then teh adenoids taken out?

    2. First tubes were done at 15 months. They fell out about 4 months later. Second set and adenoids were about a 8 months...maybe a little less. The tubes were a breeze. The adenoids, not so much. Everything went well, but when he woke up I think he freaked cause his throat hurt and we weren't there. If you have to do tubes, I recommend asking if you can be in the room (after surgery but before she wakes up) or see if one of the nurses that will be in recovery can hang out for a few minutes with Baby Girl before surgery so there's a familiar face when she wakes up.


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