Linking up with Adventures of Newlyweds for
Dear Baby Girl, you are 11 months old today. This makes me cry. 11 months ago you were just this little newborn baby. And now you're almost a toddler. I have a ton of things to do throughout the next month to prepare for your first birthday! I know you won't remember it but it's still going to be ridiculously awesome!
Dear Greys, I was a little bored with you last night but I'm really excited for next week's episode. I'm so glad Christina is coming back! This long distance friend relationship thing just wasn't working for me. Now get Christina and Owen back together and I'll be happy.
Dear first birthday outfit, I know I posted a picture of you on last Friday's Letters but you are just too adorable to not post again. Plus I got your shipping notice today so I can't wait to see you!!!
Dear The Voice, I am quite happy with the results of last night's show. Only one of my favorites was sent home. I'm predicting the final four to be Amanda, Trevin, Michaela (or Terry) and Adriana. I'm not really a fan but I think Team Ceelo is going to win this year via Trevin. I'm rooting for Team Blake though.
Dear Grandmother, I'm sorry that you had to get a pacemaker but I'm glad it will help you feel better. I know you're excited for the trip you are supposed to be going on this weekend so I hope they discharge you today so you can still go.
Dear Husband, I hope that you had a nice birthday. I know your gift from Ashlyn was more like a Father's Day gift but I couldn't resist.
Dear Mommy date, I am so excited for you! There is nothing I enjoy more than going out to dinner with some Mommy friends and
Dear Election, I'm so glad you're over.
Dear readers, I hope you all have a great weekend!
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