Dear Baby Girl, let me just say that you have been a rock star in dealing with your little brother so far. You have been a little more demanding but I'm not so sure that's because of your brother. I just think that's normal toddler behavior. You are an amazing child and we love you so much.
Dear Little Man, you are the sweetest little guy. You look so much like your sister and have so many of the same habits she did when she was a baby. You have no idea how happy Mommy and Daddy are to finally have you here!
Dear weather, you are getting cooler which means Fall is coming. My favorite time of year. Bring on the Fall festivals and pumpkin flavored everything!
Dear boobs, I really need you to start cooperating a little better. Little Man is growing very quickly and you are not doing your job. Let's get moving.
Dear husband, I really appreciate the help you have been trying to give me. I appreciate the fact that when you are home, you do whatever you can to play with Baby Girl and take her places so that I can take naps and just rest a bit.
Dear baby weight, go away.
Dear readers, Have a good weekend!
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