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Scary Stuff

Not only did our little guy give us a bit of a scare at birth (see Boova's Birth Story), he also decided to keep scaring us a bit during his first few days of birth.

At birth, our little guy weighed in at 7lbs, 13oz, only 3oz smaller than his big sister, though he seems so much smaller. He had a hard time latching on at first so he really wasn't eating. He was circumcised the day after he was born and decided that he was going to sleep all day and not eat at all. He didn't latch the entire day...just slept.

The nurses said that was normal but were concerned because he hadn't had a wet diaper at all. Their rule is day one should be one wet and one poopy diaper, day two, two of each and so on. Well the little guy had no wet diapers.

The nurse decided it might be time to supplement the little guy with some formula since pumping didn't yield any milk for my guy and he refused to latch on. We needed to have a wet diaper before he could go home. No wet diaper meant a longer hospital stay for him.

So I finger fed him some formula. That just means I had to let him suck on my finger while putting a syringe with formula in his mouth. He started out with about 15mg of formula. The next day he was latching on really well but it was so painful! Not at all what I was expecting.

Of course the lactation consultant said it shouldn't hurt if I'm doing it right but it was still hurting even after she showed me some things. It just wasn't going as well as planned so we had to keep finger feeding to make sure he was getting what he needed.

Finally, on the second day, we got a wet diaper. I was so relieved. This meant that we would be able to go home! After a nice, long visit with the lactation consultant, we headed home. The pediatrician wanted to see our guy right away, though, just to check his weight.

The day after we came home we visited the doctor. Our little guy weighed in at 7lbs 5oz. He lost a little too much weight for their liking so they wanted us to come back after two days just to see how he was doing. My poor little guy went between breast feeding and finger feeding for these two days because he wasn't having enough wet diapers again.

Fortunately, by the next appointment, he weighed in at 7lbs 8.5oz. He gained 3.5oz in two days. The doctor seemed pretty happy with that.  He said they looked for an ounce per day so we hit that mark and then some.  The next appointment was in two weeks.

In those two weeks, I was still having a lot of pain while breast feeding so I was trying to pump and bottle feed instead.  The little guy has been a champ with going between bottles and boobs (LOL) but he just wasn't getting enough from me.  He would nurse for 30 minutes and then scream for more but I was in so much pain, I couldn't nurse him anymore.

So we were supplementing with formula and bottles.  This killed me!  I really didn't want to formula feed at all but I didn't really have a choice.  No formula meant 1) a baby that was latched on all day long or 2) a hungry baby.  I want to make sure he gets what he needs so we went with the supplement.

At his two week appointment, my little guy weighed in at 8lbs 9oz!  I couldn't believe he had gained that much weight.  He just didn't seem that big to me!  He had also gained 2 inches!  He is going to be a tall boy!

At this point, I am still breastfeeding and formula feeding.  My supply just doesn't seem to keep up with this little guy.  He nurses for 20 to 30 minutes and then just screams for more.  While the pain has dulled, after 30 minutes, he pretty much refuses to latch back on.  So we have to supplement.

I'm still hoping that my supply will get stronger and that we can completely stop supplementing with formula but it's not looking good at this point.  I'm not sure why I'm having such a hard time with it this time. 

With Ashlyn, I wasn't all that thrilled about breastfeeding so it wasn't really hard for me to let it go when she wouldn't latch.  This time is different.  I really feel defeated this time around.  I really want to breastfeed and I'm feeling like quite the disappointment for not being able to fully satisfy my little guy.  I know that I can't just let him latch on all the time.  I have a toddler to deal with too.  But it's really hard to have to formula feed as well.

I'm still hoping that I can get my supply up to par with this little dude.  He just seems to eat more and more every day so we'll see what happens but I'd really like to avoid the formula feeding.  I think I'm at the end of my rope.  I am planning to give it another week until I give up on breast feeding altogether.  Any advice??!! (see Breastfeeding Issues)  I'm taking Fenugreek and it doesn't seem to be helping so far.

I'll leave you with some pictures...follow me on Instagram (vmiller0918) or message me with your Instagram name and I'll follow you!

Taken today!


  1. Aw, try not to be too hard on yourself! I can only imagine what your feeling. But remember your doin your best and your doing whats best for your baby. Hang in there. Another week could be just what you need to catch up with him. :)

  2. Also you may want to check out and leave Courtney at a message. She just did a breast feeding post and is on her 4th breast feeding journey. She may have some advise for you.

  3. Hang in there momma! Make sure you're eating lots of protein, that helps with the fat content of your milk and helps keep your little guy satisfied. I'm sorry its been so frustrating.

  4. Hang in there! Drink lots and lots (and lots!) of water to make sure your staying good and hydrated. If you were having problems with him latching on I could help you out..I used a nipple shield (bought at target) and it was a lifesaver! Hope things work out!!

  5. When Dylan was born I couldn't believe how painful breastfeeding was. He had what seemed to be a perfect latch but it still hurt and I kept remembering, "if it hurts, you're not doing it right." But that isn't true. For approximately the first two weeks breastfeeding is going to be painful regardless of how perfect the latch is because we're not used to it. So don't feel discouraged it is completely normal! I took fenugreek pills and it took about a week to see results (extra 3-6oz a day). Hang in there! But if it doesn't work out don't feel guilty, it just is what it is! <3

  6. I wish I had some advice. I didn't breastfeed with my daughter and I don't plan to breastfeed this time around either. It sounds so painful! I hope things get better, he sure is a cutie :)

  7. Aww your doing great Vanessa. He is so handsome. I love your instagram pics.

    P.S. I got your comment last week and it said your a no-reply again.


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