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Bryan 15 Months

This is only like 2 months late but oh well.  I'll be posting his 18 month update in less than a month!

Doctor's stats:

Weight 24lbs 5oz (50th %)
Height 33.25 inches (92nd %)
Head 18.875 inches (45th %)

The basics?

Diapers - Size 5
Clothing - 12-18 month and some 24 month
Food - Everything and anything!
Sleeping - Through the night!
Teeth - Fourteen chompers!
Words - Lots!
Favorite toy - Cars airplane, play kitchen, anything he's not supposed to play with

Bryan's 15 month appointment went well.  First the doctor checked his lungs to make sure that pesky Bronchialitis and Pneumonia went away.  All clear!!

As you can see from his stats, he's at a healthy weight now and is growing like a weed.  His growing has slowed a bit, just like his sister's did at this age, but he's still tall.  I'm really expecting (and hoping for) a six foot tall boy.

He's still wearing 18 month bottoms and 18-24 month tops for the most part.  His pants are all way too big in the waist but he needs the length.  I'll have to go buy some special clips for his pants because the 12 months pants just aren't cutting it anymore.  He's wearing 18 month footie PJs but they are a bit tight so we may have to move to 24 month now.

He's still a pretty good eater.  He at least tries everything he is given but he eats almost all of it.  The other day he was chowing down on pickles.  He loves cookies, of course, but he also doesn't seem to mind his veggies.  We are still experimenting with what fruits he likes.  He just finally started eating grapes and he seems to like apples.  He drinks strictly whole milk and water unless he's at my Mom's.  She gives him all that crappy juice I tell her not to give him!

He's still been a great sleeper.  He typically sleeps 10-12 hours at night and takes one 1-3 hour nap in the afternoon.  He's had his fair share of restless nights recently but I think that was because of teething and because we were away from home.  He's not a very good traveler and I just don't think he likes to sleep anywhere but his crib.  Even when he sleeps in bed with me, he's very restless and wakes up crying  a lot.  We are going to be in a lot of trouble in February when we go on our cruise.

He has fourteen teeth now and his final two canines are breaking through now.  I'm so glad that will be it for a little while!  These canines have really kicked his ass.  His sister had a lot of trouble with her canines too.  Much more than molars.

Obviously he has started walking since my last update.  I love the way he toddles around.  But he has already started running too.  Let me tell you how ridiculously adorable that is.  He likes to chase and be chased.  He also likes to climb and gives me a heart attack on the daily.

He has finally started to talk more.  He has quite a long list or words that he can say pretty clearly and he is always trying to repeat things.  I always write down new words so here's the list so far: dada, mama, nana, sissy, dog, yuck, ow, uh oh, hi, hot yea, no, shhhh, yay, stop, no, juice, go, sock.  There's really no pattern, he just says random words.

His repeating is really cute because he can't always say what he wants to.  If I call for Ashlyn, he always tries to say her name but just can't quite get the lyn part down.  He always runs to the woods stove and yells hot, which is good because then he won't touch it.  And, of course, his favorite thing to do is drop things and say uh oh!  He's lucky it's still cute when he does it.

Because he can only say a few words at this point, he is throwing some nasty tantrums.  I can't believe the difference between him and his sister.  He gets legit pissed whenever we don't do something he wants or we take something from him.  I know it's typical but I feel that if he could talk better, he wouldn't get so frustrated.  He'll get there.

He's also a big hitter and we haven't been able to break him of it yet.  Ashlyn went through a hitting phase that lasted all of a week.  His has been going on for months!  He will literally walk up to Ashlyn and smack her for no reason.  Of course then we have the whiney three year old tattling on him.  We need to break this phase!

He still has some separation anxiety and he is clingy to my husband and I.  He won't go to other people easily and sometimes cries whenever we hand him to someone he doesn't know but he gets over it pretty quickly.  He's always playful with people but only from a distance!  He might have his mama's personality!

So...the hair.  I'm sad to say it's more of a dirty blonde now.  I don't hardly see any red in it anymore.  But it's still crazy as ever.  He got his first professional hair cut just before Christmas and I love it!  I'll probably keep cutting it myself just because it's easier for me to chase him around the house to cut it.   He wasn't very cooperative at the hair salon.  I think that puts him up to six hair cuts in his 15 months of existence.

Pictures of my sweet little boy:


Oh my sweet little boy.  I can't believe how quickly you are growing.  You are such a little climber and you really scare Mommy a lot!  I love to watch you run around with your big sister.  I think you really enjoy being able to chase her even if she hates it sometimes!
You little hugs are the best!  You have started to really latch on and even pat us on the back when you give hugs.  And those sloppy little kisses?  Heart melting buddy.  Keep up all the sweetness.
You really do like to dig into everything.  You play with things that aren't toys almost as much as you play with your actual toys.  Most of time it's harmless and funny but sometimes you get into things you shouldn't!  You certainly don't like when we take things away from you or say no.  You throw a pretty mean tantrum when you don't get your way.
You are so drawn to your sister and I love it.  You are always watching her, always wanting to be by her side. You love to play with her but you also love to hit her.  She doesn't appreciate that very much but she almost never hits you back.  She just tattles!  I hope you two always have the fun bond that I see forming.
I can't believe you big you are and how much you are really starting to respond to things.  You know what's going and you react to everything.  It's so much fun watching you explore and discover.

My beautiful 15 month old boy!!!


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