Since then, I've been sick a lot. I have had one or two good days but that's about it. There are some days when I can't keep anything down and others when I only get sick at night. I can only hope that the sickness comes to an end soon. Due to all of this, I am down about 4lbs so far for this pregnancy.
That's about the worst of it so far. I am pretty tired and am usually exhausted by the end of the day but it's not too bad. I do wake up every morning feeling hungover. Slight headache, body aches, nausea. It's pretty crappy but once I get up and get moving, I usually start to feel better. I'm going to start diffusing some oils at night to see if that helps with how I feel in the mornings.
Otherwise, it's all pretty typical. My belly popped immediately so I have some backaches already but mostly only when I stand too much. I wake up in the middle of pretty much every night to pee and my moods have been off and on.
The only thing I've really been craving is pizza! Every once in a while I will crave something more sweet but it's pretty much just been pizza, which I haven't been eating because I know it will just make me sick.
I've been trying to clean eat but it just hasn't been happening the way I wanted it to. I've been eating more breads and crackers because they settle my stomach. I do have some days when the salads stay down but they are few and far between. I was eating one pop tart for breakfast for the longest time because that was literally the only thing that would stay down! I did just go get a whole bunch of junk food but I'm not even sure I'll be able to eat any of it!
I also haven't been able to work out at all. With how little food I've been able to keep down, I've just been way too tired to work out. I'm really hoping that I will be able to get back to working out soon because I really think it will make me feel better.
At first, I didn't really want to know the gender of the baby. I said we have one of each so why not let this one be a surprise? My husband wasn't as accepting of that as I was. He wanted to know. So I told him I would have the tech write it down and he had to surprise me with a gender reveal. He was totally on board and said he came up with some epic reveal.
Now he says he would be ok with not knowing. But now I kinda want to know! I was able to sense with both kids what their genders were. Not with this one. I am having the same kind of pregnancy I had with Bryan but I am getting more of a girl feeling so I am really confused.
Plus, Ashlyn has been talking non-stop about having a baby sister. We try to tell her that it could be another boy but she just argues with us and says we are wrong. So now I kinda want to know for her too. So she can be excited about a sister or so we can prepare her for another brother! I would like to think that I have the will power to wait until the end to find out but I just don't think I do!
In any case, we already have our names picked out which is a miracle in itself. We argued for months over both kid's names and this time was just so much easier. I don't think we are going to share our names until the end just like we did with Ashlyn. We have to keep something a surprise!
Speaking of Ashlyn, we took her to the ultrasound yesterday since she seemed to be so excited about the baby. My husband was actually able to go with so we took both kids. Big mistake. Turns out all Ashlyn wanted to do was play with the toys in the waiting room. Bryan wanted to run around the exam room and get into things he shouldn't.
So what should have been a nice first ultrasound turned into a crap fest with two kids who whined and cried the whole time. My husband wound up taking them out to the car to watch a movie while I finished up. Oh well. Kids will be kids.
At my appointment yesterday, the ultrasound showed a heart rate of 140, which is the lowest of all three kids. And the baby was moving way more than either of the other kids. This one just wouldn't lay still! That's going to make for an exhausting 7 months of a very active child!
So here's my little squish.
Baby was measuring at 13w 2d, which is only a few days ahead so the baby looks perfect!
And here's my 13 week bump photo
Here is a comparison between this pregnancy and my pregnancy with Bryan, both around 12 weeks. I didn't take any photos this early with Ashlyn so I can't compare with her. I do feel like I'm a little smaller this time but I feel like I'm carrying the same. Low and round.
And comparison ultrasound pictures at 12-13 weeks
They all look pretty much the same to me but I'm seeing the most similarities between the first picture on the left (Ashlyn) and the last picture on the right (newest squish). So maybe this little squish is a girl after all?! I guess we'll see!
How fun that you are going to let your husband reveal the baby's gender to you! Can't wait to see what he comes up with. :-) Congratulations, and it will be so fun to follow your pregnancy since we are pregnant so close together!