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Bryan 1.5

Doctor's stats:

Weight 27lbs (60th %)
Height 33.5 inches (80th %)
Head 19 inches (60th %)

The basics?

Diapers - Size 5
Clothing - 18 or 24 month, some 2T tops and PJs
Food - Everything and anything!
Sleeping - Through the night!
Teeth - Fourteen chompers!
Words - Way too many to list!
Favorite toy - Cars airplane, play kitchen, car and trucks, blocks

As you can see from his stats, he's at a healthy weight now and is growing like a weed.  His growing has slowed a bit, just like his sister's did at this age, but he's still tall.  I'm really expecting (and hoping for) a six foot tall boy.

I finally put all of his 12 month clothing away.  He must have had a growth spurt because all of the sudden his 12 month clothing was tight in the waist and looked like capri pants on him.  So now he's in all 18 or 24 month clothing.  His sweatpants are mostly 18 month and they seem to fit him ok but they are already a little short and tight in the waist.  24 month pants will fall off of him so we just have to deal for now.  Any 18 month jeans or pants with belt loops get rigged with some Velcro to keep them up.  I have to do the same for Ashlyn's jeans.  It's not pretty but its an 84 cent fix for now.  I'm hoping he puts a little weight on in his belly so we can keep his pants up!  He wears all 24 month or 2T tops and PJs.

He's still a pretty good eater.  He at least tries everything he is given but he eats almost all of it.  He really loves meat.  Chicken, pork, steak, turkey burger.  He will eat any meat we give him.  We love it.  He also likes his veggies and seems to like broccoli the most.  He's been experimenting more with fruits and seems to like a lot more now.  We had a variety of fruits on the cruise and we found a few favorites for him.

He's still been a great sleeper.  He typically sleeps 10-12 hours at night and takes one 1-3 hour nap in the afternoon.  He has been fighting his naps lately but I'm not ready for him to give them up just yet.  I can't remember when Ashlyn gave up her naps but I'm not ready for both yet! 

He's still the biggest climber.  Climbs on everything.  He's been moving the foot stool around now and climbing up and taking things off our kitchen counters.  It's amazing the things I find him with.  Run, run, run.  That's all this boy does.  He loves to run and be chased.

His vocabulary has just exploded these past few months!  We noticed it the most on our cruise.  He tries to repeat everything now and he says so many words clearly.  He says I love you and thank you all the time.  He also says bless you if you sneeze and says thank you if you say it to him.  He does not speak in sentences like his sister did at this age but the vocabulary he has now is amazing.  It's so nice to hear him talking.

He still hasn't quite figured out that by just telling us what he wants, he can avoid the serious tantrums he throws.  Instead he points at what he wants or waves his hand at it and screams until we figure it out.  It's been a little rough in the tantrum department but I know that once he can speak more his tantrum will settle down.

He and his sister have been fighting A LOT lately!  They scream and hit and push each other non stop.  They fight over toys and snacks and whatever else they possibly can.  I'm always having to separate them.  Part of it is that Ashlyn thinks that she is in charge of her little brother so she thinks she can boss him around.  Too bad he doesn't listen. 

For as much as they fight, I can still see how much he loves his big sister.  I mean the way he looks at her is amazing.  He's always wanting to play with her or near her.  He wants to be in the same room with her all of the time.  He wants to know what she is doing.  It's so sweet.  Well, to me it is.  Not so much to her.  His hitting has gotten a little better but we still need to work on it.

He has become a lot more social lately as well.  He talks to other people more, plays with others more, cries less when we leave him.  We had dinner guests the other night that he has never met before and he was crawling all over them.  That's the kind of socialization we like to see.  But we still need to work on the stranger danger for both kids!

He has been doing more imaginative play lately.  I notice him taking his cars and trucks and moving them along the couch and making noises.  He plays with blocks more and loves to play with the Little People toys now.  I love to watch him sit and play.  Oh and he sings!  OMG it's so cute when he tries to sing along to songs!

His favorite thing to do right now is to flip over Ashlyn's footstool and ride it around the house going 'whoa, whoa, whoa!'  It's really funny.  He also does it with his little vacuum cleaner.

His hair is a dirty blonde right now.  He's had one more hair cut since my last post and he is due for another one.  I cut his hair right before our cruise and I hated it so I'm letting it grow out a bit before I cut it again.

Pictures of my sweet little boy:


Well buddy, you are 18 months old already and I can't believe it.  You are such a big boy already and it makes mama very sad to see you grow so quickly.  You're such a handsome little man and you really know how to melt hearts with that little smile.
Your hugs are still the cutest.  You wrap your arms so tightly around us and pat us on the back.  You give awesome little kisses when you feel like it and we can't get enough.  You're the best cuddler when you want to be and so playful all of the time. 
You are so independent and you want to do everything yourself.  You are a very messy eater but you love that you feed yourself and get angry if we try to help.  You also like to play with your toys along and get mad sometimes if we try to play with you.  You always want to play with your sister, though.
You are typically a Daddy's boy.  I don't know how it happened but it did.  You have your days where you just want Mommy but for the most part, the second Daddy walks in the door, you are attached to him at the hip.  He loves it, of course.  And he loves to put you to bed.  It's his favorite time because he just gets to sit and cuddle with you.
For as much as you and your sister fight, you certainly are drawn to her.  I love the way you look at her and the way you always want to be near her.  She has the effect on people but with you it's special.  I hope you always have that bond with her.
I can't believe you big you are and how much you are really starting to respond to things.  You know what's going and you react to everything.  It's so much fun watching you explore and discover.

My beautiful 18 month old boy!!!



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