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Hello Again

Well hello again. I really wanted to continue posting here but life got in the way. I think I'll go the same route I did with my last blog post. Ashlyn is doing amazingly well with school as she transitioned into the middle school this school year.  She has a solid group of friends and is enjoying her time spent with those friends at school.  Her work load is quite a bit more this year but she seems to be taking that on with no issues.  She will be 13 this year and she is now taller than me and definitely has that teenage attitude. She begins softball this month.  She has expressed interest in sports for some time now but we always missed deadlines.  This year, we got her in just in time and she's really looking forward to playing.  She also is still pursuing the drums.  She just has a snare for now but she would eventually love to learn to play a full drum set.  She's also a part of the choir.  So many activities. Bryan will be 11 this year....
Recent posts

Well Hello Again

I can't believe I haven't made a blog post in almost 3 years.  It's amazing to me how much social media took over everything and made blogs obsolete.  I used to love blogging.  I loved recording all the memories and sharing them with people who chose to follow along.  I'm a little sad that it's taken me this long to resurrect this amazing place.   When I checked my reading list, I noticed that almost all of the blogs I used to follow have also not posted anything in 3+ years.  Why did we all just disappear?  Maybe they've gone to new platforms?  Maybe the are just using social media accounts like me?  I miss reading about other people's lives, the good and the bad.  A lot has happened in the past three years.   I went back to work!  I was looking to re-enter the workforce at some point and life events pushed me to do that a little sooner than I had expected.  But there was an opportunity and I took it.  It w...

My Health Journey

Well it's been ages since I've actually published a blog post (since March to be exact).  I have quite a few sitting in my drafts just waiting to be finished but I just never seem to have the time or the energy.  But I've had some things weighing on me lately that I finally felt the need to sit down, write out and share. Two months ago, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and a severe vitamin d deficiency.  A week ago, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease along with my vitamin d deficiency.  I went from no diagnosis to one irritating diagnosis to an even more irritating auto-immune disease diagnosis.  It's been a bit of a whirlwind but I'm actually relieved that I finally have an answer to what has been going on because it's been going on for a long time.  Let's look back. When I was pregnant with Davis (2015-2016), the anxiety started.  Normal considering he was a pregnancy after loss.  After he was born, I suffered from PPD.  I to...

Life Lately

Well I've dropped the ball on my blog yet again.  I really want to do more blogging this year but there just aren't enough hours in the day.  So, here's a little update about what's going on in our lives so far this year. --Ashlyn turned 7 in December.  7 going on 17.  I'm in trouble with her.  She's got the eye roll down and really likes to question just about everything.  Her sass is no match for her kindness, though.  She's the sweetest kid I know, has the biggest heart and really does a great job of helping me out with whatever I need. She's still doing very well in school.  She excels in math and is in the math enrichment program in her school again this year.  I just love her love of learning. She finally asked to get her ears pierced!  I have nothing against people who pierce their baby's ears, but we always said we would wait until she was old enough to make the decision for herself and could take of the healing hers...

Ashlyn 7.0

Ashlyn turned 7! I'm not sure how this happened.  How have I been a parent for 7 years already?  How did my sweet, little, easy-going baby turn into a sassy 7 year old?  I can't stand it! Ashlyn had a fantastic birthday. We took her to our local pottery painting store, compliments of her Aunt Arlena.  She chose to paint a unicorn and a plate.  She painted her plate in rainbow colors with a smiley face on it.  She painted her unicorn in all different colors, which may not have been the best idea as it turned out a bit of a nightmare, literally.  She had a great time, though, and loved being able to spend time with her Aunt Arlena, Nana and Mama.

Baby Bear is 19 Months Old!

I've missed a lot of updates for my little rainbow guy.  Sorry Davis.  I love you just as much as your brother and sister, you just keep me busy!  Doctor's stats from 15 month check up: Weight 26lbs 9oz (90th %) Height 31 1/2 inches (50th %) Doctor's stats from 18 month check up: Weight 28lbs 6oz (94th %) Height 33 inches (70th %)

Ball Dropped

I have seriously dropped the ball on blog posts.  I have had ZERO time to post anything lately and I can't stand it!  I use social media to keep track of the age updates, milestones, parties, cute happenings.  I don't mind that but I miss my blog space.  I miss writing.  I really want to get back into my blog space.  I just have to find the time. Some randoms right now: *Ashlyn turned 5 last December and I never blogged about it.  I blew up IG and FB about it but I didn't make a blog post.  I have a draft but I never finished it.  She was sick on her birthday and we had to postpone her party for a week.  But her party was awesome.  She invited all of her preschool friends to her skating party and when Elsa showed up, she was totally blown away.  It turned out to be everything I had dreamed of for her first big party. And now she's almost 6.  And she's just started kindergarten.  And she's got some serious sass....