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Showing posts from August, 2013

No More Bumpdates!!

Our little guy finally came! It's a crazy story that I will try to share this week but for now I will leave you with this... Bryan Paul Miller, II August 25, 2013, 9:22pm 7lbs 13oz, 20 inches

39 Week Bumpdate

My computer is being difficult so I'm doing my Bumpdate a little differently this week.   How far along:  39 weeks Size of baby:  size of a watermelon Weight:  plus 27lbs Gender:  boy!! Movement:  less and more room! What I miss:  sleeping through the night, my energy Cravings:  chocolate cupcakes Symptoms:  majorly tired, headaches, nausea, heartburn, cramping, backaches, swelling   The heart rate was 159 and all is well.  I am so ready to be done with the pregnancy and to meet my little man.  I am feeling so big and I am so uncomfortable.  I think I have all of the normal symptoms that you are left with at the end of a pregnancy.  Swelling is a little worse, heartburn is still present but not quite as bad, headaches, backaches, trouble sleeping, light headed.  I really have been feeling awful!   No issues with my blood pressure or with protein in my urine...

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying so what if... I am 39 weeks pregnant today. Isn't it over yet? I never posted my Bumpdate last week. I will do one today. I have woken up way too early the past few days. Heartburn and headaches have taken over my life. Oh and hunger. I was very disappointed when I bought the wrong cupcakes this week. I didn't realize it until I got home. I will still eat them. I'm so tired of being stared at.'s like people have never seen a pregnant woman before! I'm slightly jealous of all the bloggers who have just recently had their babies....mainly because I'm so tired of being pregnant! Congrats to them, though! Baby Girl has been so sweet lately but she has been fighting me on naps and bed time. Kid doesn't want to miss anything. Baby Girl has developed this adorable little smile that gets her pretty much whatever she wants. She tilts her head, scrunches her nose and smiles. It's priceless. All...

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying so what if... I am 38 weeks today and very tired of being pregnant. I'm glad everything is going well this time around but I have to say I was disappointed to have not made any progress this week. My dogs are getting on my last nerve. They never settle down during the day. Every time I move, they move. And the dog tired of cleaning it up all the time. Our DVR is almost completely full of kids movies for Baby Girl. I wore my hair down and straight for the first time all Summer this week. It felt good. I'm coming down to the end of my pregnancy and my only craving is for tasty cakes. The chocolate ones with the cream inside and the icing on top.  I think the Amish Mafia show is ridiculous. Good thing is that we live close to where these supposed events take place and can assure everyone it's not real!  I am a little excited for the premier of Duck Dynasty. I think the show is hilarious!

37 Week Bumpdate

The heart rate was 157and all is well.  So it looks as though the doctor is going off of my last period date rather than my conception date which is why he is measuring me a few days ahead of what I was measuring. So that puts me at 37 weeks 1 day. That also puts my due date at August 28th not September 1st. Works for me if it means Little Man will be here a little earlier! I'm predicting August 23rd but we will see! The weight gain is seriously killing me now. It was so different with Baby Girl because I gained all my weight in the beginning with her and not much at the end. This time is opposite. I'm so sick of seeing that scale go up but I know it will be worth it in the end!  My symptoms have pretty much been the same the last few weeks.  This kid is so low that he is just killing my back.  No matter how I sit or lay, I pretty much always have a backache.  And the heartburn just gets worse and worse.  Nothing really triggers it at t...

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying so what if... I am nothing but tired lately. All I want to do is sleep all the time. I don't remember the last few weeks being this exhausting the last time. I am 37 weeks today which means I am full term. That also means this kid can come at any time. The sooner the better Little Man. I still haven't written a post about my baby shower. I didn't post my 36 week bumpdate last week either. I really need to get back on track. I am so excited that we finally ordered all of the rest of Little Man's stuff. Now we just have to wait for it all to get here and hope he doesn't arrive before his stuff does! Even though it got some bad reviews, my husband and I really want to see Red 2. We thought the first one was hilarious. Maybe we are due for a quick date night before the baby comes. I'm still waiting for my Coach purse replacement.  The wedding we went to this past weekend was absolutely beautiful. Everything was just pe...