Dear Baby Girl, listen here....the whole sticking your hands in your diaper after you pooped thing you did the other day....not cool. I will not be dealing with poop hands from you so you can stop that crap (literally) right now. It's gross. Don't be gross. Dear Little Man, I hope your new tooth pops soon, buddy. You're not really that grouchy but I can tell that it bothers and hurts you. Keep on screaming on big guy. Dear Spring, where the hell did you go? You were here and then you left. I know you left because there was a fresh layer of snow on the ground outside of my house. Not cool, Spring. Not cool. Dear park up the street from my house, I foresee many play dates with you in our future. Dear Jillian, you and I are going to become good friends over the next 30 days. Well, maybe not. Maybe I will hate you and curse you and never want to speak to you again bu...