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Showing posts from 2016

Baby Bear is 6 Months Old!

How is this kid 6 months old already?! Doctor's stats: Weight 21lbs 4oz (90th %) Height 26 1/2 inches (50th %) The basics? Diapers - Size 4 Clothing - mostly 12 month Food - formula, some solids Sleeping - not enough! Teeth - two bottom teeth Words - dadadada, nananana, mamamama Favorite toy - bouncer, puppy rattle I want to make sure I keep doing these updates because I want to always have this to look back on but I'm so bad at posting them on time.  Baby bear is 6 months old and, as you can see from his stats, he is a big boy.  We call him tank.  He's wearing 12 month and some 18 month clothing.  I just can't believe I have to pack away his 9 month clothing already. His sleeping is always on and off.  One night he will only wake once during the night, other nights he will wake multiple times.  I don't usually have to feed him when he wakes multiple times but I do have to get him back to sleep.  I woul...


Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a common viral illness that usually affects infants and children younger than 5 years old. However, it can sometimes occur in adults. Symptoms of hand, foot, and mouth disease include fever, blister-like sores in the mouth (herpangina), and a skin rash. ( Are you kidding me? Blister-like sores in the mouth? Why do things like this even exist? What purpose does an illness like this that just torments little babies (and their parents) serve?  This stupid illness is currently 'running it's course' through my poor son. One week before his first birthday. Apparently it's 'going around' as the doctor so nicely explained.  Fortunately we only had one really bad day where he was not eating or drinking much and was just miserable. He was back to his usually happy self in no time even with blisters in his mouth. So this week, while my husband is away for work in Chicago and ...

Baby Bear is 4 Months Old!

Baby Bear is four months old already! He's actually almost five months old now but I never got a chance to post this so here goes. Doctor's stats: Weight 18lbs 7oz (95th %) Height 25 3/8 inches (60th %) The basics? Diapers - Size 3 Clothing - 9 month, some 12 Food - formula Sleeping - not enough! Teeth - teething for weeks Words - no words, just lots of coos and laughing Favorite toy - puppy rattle, crinkle book Well we all placed our bets on how big he was going to be at his 4 month appointment and I was almost exactly right.  He's such a tank baby and I love it.  I've had to get the clothing bins out multiple times because he's just growing so quickly.  He's wearing all 9 month clothing and even some 12 month stuff. His sleeping has been getting better.  He suddenly started sleeping 4-5 hours but he only does it for 2 nights and then he has a bad night of being awake every 2 hours.  I wish I could figure out...

Baby Bear is Two Months Old!

So I realize I haven't made a blog post in a while.  Since I post a lot on IG and Facebook, I forget about this little space I have here.  I got Davis' birth story down and that was it.  He's kept me quite busy these past weeks and I couldn't be happier about that. So let's update... Baby Bear is TWO months old already! Actually he's three months old now but who's counting.  Doctor's stats: Weight 14lbs 2oz (90th %) Height 23 3/8 inches (70th %) The basics? Diapers - Size 2 Clothing - 3-6 month and 6 month Food - mostly formula Sleeping - not enough! Teeth - Zero teeth or signs of teething yet Words - no words, just some coos now and then Favorite toy - nothing yet, though he likes the sounds of some of the toys I  can't believe how quickly this boy is growing.  He's so long and so chunky that he's already grown out of most of his 3 month clothing and is onto 3-6 or 6 month clothing.  And his chunky butt is i...

Davis' Birth Story

After a rough week of recovery, I am finally able to sit down and write this out. I had been having contractions on and off for weeks.  They were always uncomfortable but they never amounted to anything.  They mostly happened when I was sitting or laying and always stopped when I started walking around.  At my 39 week appoinment (5/3) I was only 1.5cm dilated and 40% effaced.  So dissapointing as I expected more dilation. Fast forward to Friday (5/6).  I started losing my mucus plug that morning but I didn't really think anything of it because I had also lost it with Bryan and he waited two more days before he came.  All day long I was having contractions but they were the same as always and went away every time I walked around. I timed the contractions a few times that night as they started getting a little more intense and more regular.  I would time them for an hour at a shot and they were 5-7 minutes apart.  My husband had...

So What Wednesday

Check out Shannon at  Life After I Dew  for So What Wednesday. So what if: ~I trimmed my own hair because I was tired of all of the split ends and I'm just way to pregnant to go to a salon.  I've had a lot of practice with the kids and it doesn't look bad at all. ~I was so disappointed by the lack of progress at my doctor's appointment yesterday.  This kid seems to like his comfy little home. ~The personalized Mother's Day gifts I have the kids making for their Nana are on hold with the hope that this stubborn little boy will be here in time to contribute his little hand print. ~My husband has a weekend planned to install our fence and I couldn't be happier.  Who knew a fence could be so exciting? ~I'm so tired of my husband's sister.  She's got to be the most evil person I have ever met and I don't use that word very often. ~I'm so glad I stuck with watching Dexter.  I just finished season four and it has definitely gotten way ...

So What Wednesday

Check out Shannon at  Life After I Dew  for So What Wednesday. So what if: ~I haven't really had the motivation to blog lately and I hate that.  I used to love to blog and now I struggle to find things to blog about. ~I avoid giving my kids real cups to drink out of most of the time because I can't stand the way they sound when they drink.  The slurping drives me nuts. ~I cried when I left the doctor's office Monday because she didn't even check to see if I was dilated.  Pregnancy hormones at their finest. ~I started watching Dexter.  I've never been that interested in watching it but I finally caved.  I'm into the second season and I have said 'I'm bored' on more than one occasion but I'm going to stick with it. ~I'm still not interested in The Walking Dead. ~The Minions movie was released on Netflix and the kids have been watching it non stop.  From the previews, I wasn't really sure I wanted them watching it but I've ...

Home Stretch

Well, we are in the home stretch. 38 weeks pregnant.  (38w3d to be exact) Ashlyn was induced at 38w2d and Bryan came on his own at 39w4d so it really could be any day now.  And I'm ready. Not because I'm feeling huge and uncomfortable.  Not because of the hip pain or the big ole head pushing down on my lady bits.  Not because I have to pee every ten minutes (literally).  Not because I could literally sleep all day and all night long.  Not because I keep having contractions that come and go whenever they please. None of the end of pregnancy symptoms matter.  I have a full term baby in my belly.  I have nothing to complain about and everything to be thankful for. But the anxiety. Carrying a baby after a loss is hard.  I never imagined it would be this hard.  I never imagined the panic that exists during the entire 9 months.  I never imagined how worried I would be the whole time no matter how great everything has been....

So What Wednesday

Check out Shannon at  Life After I Dew  for So What Wednesday. So what if: ~I am thinking of putting Ashlyn in preschool this Fall and I'm surprised by how emotional that's been making me.  ~I thought I was calling the dr last night.  Lots of contractions and cramping but false alarm.  Let's go little boy.  You can come out now. ~Even though I say that ^ I really want him to wait for a week or weekend that I will have my female OB.  I just like her better. ~I am SO over the crazy that goes on in my husband's family.  The backstabbing, the talking badly about each other, the non stop issues.  It's so not worth our energy. ~I like the Woman's Day magazine but there are so many ad pages that it's hard to even read the dam thing. ~My brother in law and sister in law finally announced their pregnancy!  (and then were promptly bashed by family members they don't even speak to)  I'm excited for them and all of the a...

So What Wednesday

Check out Shannon at  Life After I Dew  for So What Wednesday. So what if: ~I'm really into florals right now and I want a floral purse.  My husband thinks I'm nuts. ~I was highly surprised by how our taxes worked out this year.  One more stressor to take off our list. ~I am so disappointed with the lack of progress I'm having with this baby.  I know I have 3ish weeks left but with all the cramping I've been having, I thought for sure something was happening.  I was wrong.  ~After months of asking, my husband finally dug the bouncy seat out of the loft only to find that it is broken.  Thank goodness for Target...I got a new one for a great price and free shipping. ~I've been taking naps with the boy every day.  I feel like I really need that nap in the middle of the day but then I can't get myself to sleep at night. ~I get so annoyed with all the 'our hearts are breaking for you' when it comes to celebrity divorces.  W...

To My Son, On His First Birthday in Heaven

Dear Colson, It's been one year. One whole year since my world stopped and everything changed. One whole year since I held you way too soon. Seems like such a long time and yet my heart aches as if it just happened yesterday. The months after losing you were so hard.  I thought about you all the time, cried for you, tried to figure out what I could have done to keep you here with us.  I tried not to blame myself for losing you but who else could I blame?  Your Daddy and I talked about you almost every day for those first few months.  How could we not?  We missed you so much. As the months went on, it got a little easier, a little less painful.  Life became distracting and it actually helped a little.  We were happy to be doing something new in our lives but sad that you weren't going to be a part of it as we had planned.  I think you would have loved our new house, especially the big playroom. Your due date w...

So What Wednesday

Check out Shannon at  Life After I Dew  for So What Wednesday. So what if: ~I am the worst at blogging right now.  Just thinking about sitting down to try to put words together so that they makes sense gives me a headache.  I'm blaming pregnancy brain. ~I've just come across the band Twenty One Pilots and I'm obsessed with the song Stressed Out.  I like a lot of their other music too but this is my repeat song right now. ~I removed about half of the toys in the playroom because the kids were always trashing the room.  Even with less toys, they still manage to trash it.  But now I make them clean it all up themselves. ~I have not jumped on the Snapchat bandwagon and I don't intend to any time soon.  ~I have also not watched Fuller House and have no intentions to do so.  ~My sister in law gave me a book called Tear Soup and I kinda love it.  It's about healing after loss and I recommend it to really anyone who has lost someon...

So What Wednesday

Check out Shannon at  Life After I Dew  for So What Wednesday. So what if: ~I am actually digging the show Saving Hope.  Since we picked a crappy cable package, we only get like 20 channels and Ion is one of them.  Saving Hope is on late at night when I can't sleep.  I love me some Daniel Gillies. ~I've only been cleaning the house once a week.  I pick one day to clean everything so that I can just kind of chill every other day since I'm always so tired.  It works out nicely. ~We are going to my mom's for Easter and all I have to take is dessert.  I'm glad I don't have to do any more cooking than that. ~I hate my fireplace mantle and the way it's decorated.  I don't mind that the TV is up there now but I hate that my husband's stupid birds are there instead of some other cute décor. ~My husband actually joined Instagram.  He doesn't post anything and he barely likes any photos but I'm hoping to get him to start using it ...

So What Wednesday

Check out Shannon at  Life After I Dew  for So What Wednesday. So what if: ~I forgot to blog AGAIN!  I'm terrible lately ~I'm not registered to vote.  I don't get involved with all the politics and I'm glad I don't. ~I'm not really sure why Hilary is even allowed to run for President.  I know, I don't get involved, but it really confuses me why people would even vote for her. ~Bryan ate a penny a couple of weeks ago.  Told me he did it.  Proudly.  Wasn't so proud when he had to sit in the kid's x-ray machine. ~It took almost a full week for him to pass said penny.  And my husband told me to save it and put it in his shadow box.  Gross. ~I'm happy that I get to watch The Voice this season but I forgot about how annoying commercials are and about how annoying Christina is.  She's just a jerk this season. ~I have the nesting urge but the napping urge usually always wins. ~This kid literally feels like he's going ...

3D Ultrasound

Aside from my original post, I haven't really posted much about this pregnancy on the blog.  I post on Instagram and I have all of my bump photos on my phone but that's about it this time around.  So, here's a little update along with my 3D ultrasound photos. As of today (2/18) I am 28 weeks 5 days.  I have gained around 20lbs so far and it pretty much just looks like I have a 20lb bowling ball stuck to the front of me.  I'm gaining like I did with Ashlyn but carrying like I did with Bryan.  Maybe a bigger baby this time around?  I'm still nauseous a lot but I'm not throwing up nearly as much.  I don't have many constant cravings, chocolate licorice seems to be one and Italian bread but not much else.  I still listen to his heartbeat twice a day or whenever I don't feel him moving much. I go to the doctor every two weeks now, have an ultrasound at 36 weeks and then go for my regular check ups every week, as usual.  Last night we went...