How is this kid 6 months old already?! Doctor's stats: Weight 21lbs 4oz (90th %) Height 26 1/2 inches (50th %) The basics? Diapers - Size 4 Clothing - mostly 12 month Food - formula, some solids Sleeping - not enough! Teeth - two bottom teeth Words - dadadada, nananana, mamamama Favorite toy - bouncer, puppy rattle I want to make sure I keep doing these updates because I want to always have this to look back on but I'm so bad at posting them on time. Baby bear is 6 months old and, as you can see from his stats, he is a big boy. We call him tank. He's wearing 12 month and some 18 month clothing. I just can't believe I have to pack away his 9 month clothing already. His sleeping is always on and off. One night he will only wake once during the night, other nights he will wake multiple times. I don't usually have to feed him when he wakes multiple times but I do have to get him back to sleep. I woul...