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6 Month Check Up

Yesterday was Ashlyn's 6 month check up.  She did really well.  She weighed in at 17lbs 8oz (75th %) and she is 27.5 inches long (95th %).  Now I know why all of her 6 month clothing is getting so short on her!  She won't have another appointment for 3 months now so no more shots for a while! 

She did well with her shots.  I tried to do what we did last time with feeding her during the shots and while I think it helped, it didn't completely distract her from the pain.  She cried a little longer after the second shot this time.  She whined a little more and wanted to cuddle a little more.  But she still did well.  She was a little grouchy and tired after her shots this time but she went to daycare and gave her usual smiles and I didn't hear anything from her caregiver so I'm guessing she did just fine!

She still chews on everything.  I have to keep a bib on her at all times because she likes to chew on it.  If I don't keep the bib on her, she tries to chew on her clothing.  Since we have had such warm weather, she has been wearing a lot of cute little dresses.  Too bad she chews on then non stop!  No teeth yet though and no sign of them.  Even the doctor said he was looking for signs of teething and he found nothing. 

She is now an expert roller.  While she still wiggles all over the place, she also rolls all over the place now too.  She is the funniest little thing when she is laying on her play mat because she usually only stays on it for about five minutes.  If I leave the room and go back to check on her, she is usually completely off the mat. 

She holds her head up perfectly and now we are working on sitting up.  She loves to sit up and she can go for long periods when propped up.  I've slowly been making her sit up on her own so we will see how long that takes.  She also likes to push herself up off the floor when she is laying on her belly so I'm sure it won't be much longer until she starts crawling!

She is so much more interested in things now.  She is so focused on things.  I will hold her and she will just suddenly stop and focus on my necklace and pick it up and look at it and then try to eat it.  But she gets so focused.  I was driving one day and I was looking at her in the mirror and she was looking down.  She wasn't sleeping though.  My Mom turned to check on her and we realized she was playing with the satin on her blanket!  She was so focused on it she wouldn't even look up when I called her name, which she usually answers to very well!

She still yells talks all of the time!  I have heard a 'ba', 'ga' and even a 'muah' and she makes a funny noise that almost sounds like she is saying 'hi' but no real words yet. She also gargles a lot. It's actually really cute. The hubby and I are betting on what she will say first. Of course I'm betting on 'ma ma' or 'hi'. 

She has got the sweetest smile and the best belly laugh I have ever heard.  It is my mission in life to make this girl smile and laugh as much as possible because it's just contagious.  I can't help but smile and laugh right back at her!

Poor Baby Girl has been to the doctor quite a few times over the past few weeks.  She had some pretty high fevers for a while which were due to an ear infection.  When we got over the ear infection and done with the antibiotics, she got another fever, due to a cold.  She is still getting over the cold but no fevers for a while so we are happy about that.  I'm still not sure if she has an allergy or not.  I guess it's really just too hard to tell right now. 

She is wearing a mixture of 6 month and 9 month clothing.  Fortunately, it's been so warm that she has been able to sleep in a onsie or her diaper for the past few weeks.  I can guarantee that a lot of her one piece PJs are too short on her.  I keep telling people to buy her 9 month and 12 month outfits when they ask.  She is just growing like a little weed! 

She is also into size 3 diapers but we are now venturing into 'value diapers', if that's what you want to call them.  Look, I love my Coach diaper bag and my new Coach purse but Momma doesn't buy Coach every week.  I always felt like I had to have 'brand name' diapers like Pampers or Huggies.  My Mom bought Luvs and I really just don't like them.  So when Bryan went to the grocery store the other week, he got the grocery store brand.

Don't get me wrong...I hate them.  I really didn't like them at all and she even leaked out of them once or twice so no more of them.  But then someone else said they used the Wal-Mart brand and never had a problem.  So that's where we are at now.  We just bought a smaller pack of the Wal-Mart brand and we haven't had any issues so far.  And holy crap they are $10 cheaper than Pampers and Huggies!  I really hope they work out because this Momma will be buying generic from here on out if they do!  Can't pass up the Huggies wipes though.  We get the Green Tea and Cucumber.  We have to splurge a little bit!

We also finally broke down and bought Baby Girl a new bouncer.  She LOVES the one that she plays in at daycare so we finally got it for her.  BEST.INVESTMENT.EVER!!!  She loves this thing.  She plays in it for hours!  She yells at me when I take her out of it to change her diaper.  I don't even take her out for feedings anymore.  One hand on the bouncer to stop her from bouncing, the other hand shoveling the baby food in.  PRICELESS!!

She is loving the baby food too.  She eats everything!  She doesn't seem to like peaches or apples at this point but she eats everything else.  Green beans over apples?  Hey, whatever works.  I'm still working on getting her on a better feeding schedule.  The little pigger will eat the whole container of food but then she still wants a 3 or 4 ounce bottle.  We just have to get her used to the solids.  The doctor has already told me to switch her to stage 2 baby foods so we will see how that goes.

She is still drinking from the 0+ nipples because the 4+ still make her spit up way too much.  This is fine except for the mornings.  She takes at least a half hour to drink her bottle in the morning.  I don't know if it's because she just woke up or what but!  Sometimes I just have to prop the bottle up with a blanket so I can go get ready for work.  I just can't sit there for 30 to 40 minutes and wait for her to finish eating.  And it's not because she's not hungry because if you try to take the bottle from her, she unleashes a nice melody of complaints until you give it back to her.

Her sleeping pattern has been a bit off lately but I think that's mostly because she has been sick and on antibiotics and sleeping in her bassinet which she has pretty much outgrown.  Yes, Mommy is a jerk.  It's so much easier to stick her in the bassinet when she is sick so that when she does wake up in the middle of the night, I can just feed her quickly and go back to bed.

So I guess it's time to pack up the bassinet and move the playpen into the bedroom, which I hate to do because we really rely on that thing.  It stays in our living room and while I took the bassinet out of it, we still use the changer part of it.  I guess it's time to take that out as well and use it for what it's actually supposed to be used for!

Pictures of my Baby Girl:

I can't believe you are 6 months old! It's amazing to me that only 6 short months ago you came into our lives and changed everything, and yet I can't remember my life without you!  You are literally the most amazing thing Daddy and I have ever done.

You are such beautiful little girl and you still change every day. It's amazing to look at your newborn picture and to look at you now and see the transformation that is taking place.  While I love all of the new faces and things you can do, I am also saddened because I know my little girl is growing so quickly!

Your smile is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and your laugh is completely contagious.  It has been my mission to make you laugh as much as possible because it always puts me in a better mood. If I could record your laugh and play it over and over all day long, I would.  No one makes you laugh the way your Nan does.  You love her very much.

You still have those big blue eyes and that dark brown head of hair. It's just growing longer and longer and Mommy loves to put bows and headbands in your hair.  Now I can put your hair into a little pony tail but your Great Uncle calls it a water spout!

You are outgrowing your six month clothing quite quickly and have been wearing some 9 month clothing already.  You are just so long!  The warm weather is here so you wear a lot of dresses!

Your new favorite place to be is in your new bouncer.  We finally got you the rain forest bouncer.  You LOVE it!  You can bounce in that thing for hours! 


 We moved your other bouncer over to your Nan and Pop's house so now you love to play with that when you are there!

 You seem to like Mommy's jewelry too!

You are making more and more noises and I know it will only be a matter of time until one of those noises turns into a word. I'm betting your first word will be Hi.  There have already been quite a few times when it sounded as if you said Hi to Daddy.

You are so loved by Daddy and I. We can't even begin to tell you how special you are.  We know that we aren't perfect but we try so hard to shower you with nothing but love and affection. 

The past 6 months have been nothing but amazing.  I am so lucky that I get to wake up every morning to your smiling face.  I'm still working on that sign for your room that says "So many of my smiles begin with you" but I promise I will make it!  You are teaching us so much and we are having so much fun learning from you!  Mommy and Daddy love you so much and we can't imagine our lives without you!

My BEAUTIFUL 6 month old Baby Girl!

I am so over daycare.  Once again, it's a nice facility, nice people and we know the woman taking care of her.  We just don't like it.  She has already been there longer than we wanted her to be and it hasn't been any easier for me to let her go each morning.  She looks up at me with those big blue eyes and smiles and that's the end for me.  Something has to change.

My camera roll is now up to 797 pictures on my phone and I have started using the digital camera so who knows how many pictures I have on there!  I have to get some of them off my phone but it's so hard to take any away.

Father's Day is coming up!  Sunday is going to be a BUSY day for us!  I've got some nice gifts and plans for my husband and some nice dinner plans for my own Father.  Ashlyn already gave Daddy the photo book she make for him on Shutterfly.  It's the cutest little thing and she was just so excited she couldn't wait!  I will post some pages from the photo book in a separate post after Father's Day so I can share the rest of our plans and gifts.  I don't want to spoil anything else!


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