Tell us about your blog. What do you blog about? Why do you blog? How did you start blogging? What kinds of things do you/are you willing to share with the world? Where do you find your topic inspiration? (Hint: Don't share about your social media just yet!)
My blog just recently celebrated it's first birthday! Happy Blogiversary! I began writing this blog shortly after I found out I was pregnant. The original idea was to keep track of all of the changes that were happening and all of the things that were going on with the little person growing inside me so that I could the make a scrapbook for her to read some day. It turned into so much more!
I tried to post weekly or bi-weekly updates and belly shots, I posted every doctor's appointment, every sonogram picture, announced the sex of the baby and I took topics from articles I read since I was signed up for every online baby resource there was out there.
My pregnancy wasn't hard but it also wasn't easy. I was showing at 3 months and wearing maternity clothes already. I was retaining water almost from the beginning and my feet started swelling by 4 months. I was HUGE and people kept asking me if I was having twins (See Pregnancy Etiquette). I delivered two weeks early due to Preeclampsia and had some complications after delivery. I wanted to make sure that I shared my struggles in case there were other Moms-to-be out there having the same issues.
And then when my little angel came into the world, she completely changed my life. And then I wanted to share that with everyone (See Oh The Changes We Have Made). Now I blog about anything. I love to share this little world I have with my Baby Girl. I love for people to know how completely in love I am with her and how much she has changed my life.
I blog about weekend activities, play dates, doctor's appointments, struggles, disappointments, menus, recipes, magazine articles I come across. I really use it as an outlet. If I'm frustrated, I share my frustrations. If I'm happy, I share my happiness. It doesn't matter if people comment or even read it. I think it just helps to get it out there.
I'm always amazed by how many people say they have the same frustrations. I'm always amazed by the kind of support I received. It really helps me to feel not so alone. And I also LOVE all of the new blogs that I get to read each day. I follow a lot of Mommy blogs and read every single one every single day. I LOVE it! I have some sad ones that remind me of how lucky I am and I have some really happy ones that I can't help but smile at and then there are the fun ones that make me laugh. I really just enjoy reading about the lives of so many different people.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy writing it!
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