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Let Me Count the Ways

I came across this article and wanted to share it for Fitness Friday: 64 Ways to Burn 100 Calories.  Yes, I know it's Tuesday but that's ok.

These are some of the easiest ways to burn 100 calories and who doesn't want an easy way to burn some pesky calories?  Some of these are a little much like #19 but then some of them are so easy like #8 and #9.  Which ones do you think you can do on a regular basis?  I highlighted ten of the easiest ones for me to do!

1.  Do Pilates for 25 minutes
2.  Do Tai Chi for 22 minutes
3.  Practice Vinyasa Yoga for 13 minutes
4.  Do step aerobics for 10 minutes
5.  Hit the ballroom dance floor for 16 minutes
6.  Play the drums for 22 minutes
7.  Iron your clothes for 38 minutes
8.  Spend 44 minutes getting ready in the morning
9.  Shop at the mall for 38 minutes
10.  Get frisky for an hour
11.  Scrub your floors on your hands and knees for 23 minutes
12.  Vacuum your house for 25 minutes
13.  Pull weeds for 20 minutes
14.  Trim bushes for 20 minutes
15.  Grocery shop for 38 minutes
16.  Cook for 45 minutes
17.  Rearrange your living room furniture for 15 minutes
18.  Wash your car for 29 minutes
19.  Caulk your bathroom for 19 minutes
20.  Clean out your gutters for 18 minutes
21.  Clear out your garage for 18 minutes
22.  Mow the lawn for16 minutes
23.  Rake leaves for 21 minutes
24.  Shovel snow for 15 minutes
25.  Pick apples for 29 minutes
26.  Run one mile in 11 and a half minutes
27.  Jump rope slowly for 11 minutes
28.  Push a baby stroller for 11 minutes
29.  Bowl for 29 minutes
30.  Play pool for 35 minutes
31.  Throw darts for 35 minutes
32.  Play kickball for 13 minutes
33.  Jump on a trampoline for 25 minutes
34.  Play sidewalk games with your kids for 18 minutes
35.  Play hacky sack for 22 minutes
36.  Line dance for 20 minutes
37.  Canoe for 25 minutes
38.  Snorkel for 18 minutes
39.  Go sailing for 28 minutes
40.  Water jog for 11 minutes
41.  Paddle a boat for 22 minutes
42.  Ice skate for 13 minutes
43.  Sled for 13 minutes
44.  Ski downhill for 10 minutes
45.  Hike for 15 minutes
46.  Hunt for 18 minutes
47.  Fish in a stream for 15 minutes
48.  Horseback ride for 22 minutes
49.  Play tennis for 12 minutes
50.  Play beach volleyball for 11 minutes
51.  Shoot hoops for 20 minutes
52.  Play catch for 35 minutes
53.  Walk your dog for 29 minutes
54.  Climb stairs for 11 minutes
55.  Join a game of ultimate Frisbee for 11 minutes
56.  Play badminton for 20 minutes
57.  Play ping pong for 20 minutes
58.  Golf for 20 minutes
59.  Play soccer for 12 minutes
60.  Ride your bike for 11 minutes
61.  Slug it out with a punching bag for 15 minutes
62.  Go for a spin on a stationary bike for 13 minutes
63.  Lift weights for 28 minutes
64.  Do pushups for 10 minutes



  1. That is a good way to look at it - doesn't take too long to burn 100 calories! Now to muster up some motivation, lol.

  2. This is a great idea!! Really love it. Thanks for sharing!


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