Linking up with Adventures of Newlyweds for Dear Baby Girl, I'm sorry that you're hurting right now but this not sleeping through the night stuff has to stop. Teething sucks, I get it. But not sleeping sucks just as much so let's work on that. Oh and this new little attitude thing you have going on? Yea we're going to have to squash that. Dear Cracker Barrel, I had high hopes for you and you didn't disappoint. I left your store with a much smaller back account but I got some really awesome Fall and Christmas things. Too bad I have to return my owl lamp because it's missing the light. Dear diet, so far so good. Let's keep it up. Dear photographer, can I just have a preview of the pictures? It's been almost two weeks and I am dying to see them! Dear The Voice, another new favorite... Dear Grey's Anatomy, I'm kind of disappointed with the first episode of the new season....