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Showing posts from September, 2012

Friday's Letter

Linking up with Adventures of Newlyweds for Dear Baby Girl,  I'm sorry that you're hurting right now but this not sleeping through the night stuff has to stop.  Teething sucks, I get it.  But not sleeping sucks just as much so let's work on that.  Oh and this new little attitude thing you have going on?  Yea we're going to have to squash that. Dear Cracker Barrel, I had high hopes for you and you didn't disappoint.  I left your store with a much smaller back account but I got some really awesome Fall and Christmas things.  Too bad I have to return my owl lamp because it's missing the light.   Dear diet, so far so good. Let's keep it up. Dear photographer, can I just have a preview of the pictures?  It's been almost two weeks and I am dying to see them! Dear The Voice, another new favorite...     Dear Grey's Anatomy, I'm kind of disappointed with the first episode of the new season....


I haven't had much time to sit and write any posts lately.  I have been trying to keep up with the weekly link ups I participate in and the updates on Baby Girl but I haven't posted much of anything else.  So here is smorgasboard of shtuff that has been going on... ~ So, in Baby Girl's 9 month post, I forgot to mention a few things.  The little one has started to mimic, and she does it well.  If you clap, she claps.  If you blow raspberries, she blows raspberries.  If you throw your hands up in the air and say "So Big", she throws her hands up in the air. She also says dog and duck.  Well, she says do and du whenever I say dog or duck.  It's very cute.  But she won't crawl.  Just won't do it.  She pushes herself backwards across the floor or rolls everywhere.  She also likes to stand.  A lot.  I swear one of these days she is just going to stand her little butt up and start walking all on her own. She is also ...

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying so what if... Baby Girl woke up at 2am and kept me up until 4am because she was teething.  And since I stayed home with her today, it took me until now to write this post. I stayed home more for me than for her.  Our day of cleaning and naps was totally worth the day of PTO I had to take, even if she was grouchy and feverish. I spent way too much money on adorable Fall decorations at Cracker Barrel.  I got my awesome new owl lamp home only to realize the light that was supposed to be inside was missing.  My Mommy date with Monika was canceled and now I won't get to see her or her adorable little girl for at least two weeks!!  I am super oober excited to get our pictures back from last Sunday.  I think they are going to be Adorable! My kid says dog and duck but won't crawl.  What is she waiting for?! I can't make up my mind which Fall festivals I want to take Baby Girl to.  There are just so many and I wan...

One Last Time...Vote for Ashlyn!!

Today is the last day to vote and the last day you will see these annoying posts! Click the link Vote for Ashlyn!!!!! Entry ID 46755 Please vote!!!!! Thanks a bunch!

Friday's Letters

Linking up with Adventures of Newlyweds for Dear Baby Girl, you spent the night at Nana's house last Friday and you have proven, once again, how amazing you really are!  You were such a good girl and you slept like a little champ for Nana.  I see many sleepovers in your future.  Dear people who don't turn on red when it's perfectly ok, you make me want to punch you in the face.  Seriously?  If there is no sign that says No Turn on Red, that means you can turn on red and you should do so.  Don't hold up the line. Dear Fall, I'm so glad you're here and that you're bringing cooler weather with you.  I especially love all of the adorable Fall clothing I got to buy for Baby Girl because of you! Dear Cracker Barrel,  I can't wait to visit you on Sunday.  I really hope your store is filled with adorable Fall and/or Christmas decorations for me to buy.  Please don't disappoint me. Dear Husband, be prepare...

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying so what if... My husband and I went to one of our favorite restaurants for our Anniversary and it kindof sucked.  We made the best of it but we won't be going back for a while. I finally wrote Baby Girl's 9 month post but I left out some really cute details.  I will be posting a smorgasbord of thoughts at some point. We have now decided to go big for the one year birthday.  And so the planning begins (*evil grin*). I am so ridiculously excited for my Mommy date with Monika Saturday night!!  The Daddies get together and watch the babies while the Mommies go to dinner.  It's magical. We are going to Cracker Barrel for dinner on Sunday night for my Grandmother's birthday and I am ridiculously excited because their store will be filled with Fall stuff for me to buy!  I love their Fall and Christmas decorations! I just bought Baby Girl a TON of clothing from Carter's but still seem to be scrambling to put outfits togeth...

Happy Anniversary

They say that your wedding day is the happiest day of your life.  I agree.  I remember feeling very calm and happy all day.  I wasn't nervous or frantic like many brides can be. I didn't freak out when half my flowers froze overnight and we were left with ugly, browned lilies.  My Mom and the DJ's wife had to pull the bouquets apart right before the ceremony and put them back together so we would have pretty flowers again.  Fortunately the unity candle piece did not freeze because that was my favorite set of flowers.    I didn't freak out when we realized that the limo that was supposed to comfortably hold the entire wedding party was actually really tight even with the 2 or 3 who decided to drive with their spouses. I didn't freak even though the photographer was a bit of a douche bag (I can call a woman that right?) and got on my last nerve because she wasn't doing what I was asking her to do.  It was like 80 degrees outside, I had ...

Vote! Vote! Vote!

Only 8 days left to vote!    (and then I'll stop making these annoying posts) Click the link Vote for Ashlyn!!!!! Entry ID 46755 You can vote once a day every day until September 24th. Please vote!!!!! Thanks a bunch!

Our First Fall Festival

My friend Monika invited us to the Hay Creek Fall Festival last weekend.  Neither of us had ever been there and we weren't sure what to expect but we knew we were looking for some kind of Fall activity to do.  It wasn't quite what we had in mind but it wasn't bad either.    There were a lot of old tractors and military vehicles there on display.  There was a glass blowing station where they were actually demonstrating how to blow glass (don't be dirty).  There were a lot of people dressed in war attire and a lot of little craft tents. We had to park in a field and then be taken by bus to the actual festival so our babies got to take their first bus ride.  I think Monika and I both agree that we aren't in any rush to send our babies off on their first bus ride without us!   The Poppas were pushing the strollers while the Mommas were gossiping :)   Miss Maya looks thrilled!    Miss Maya posing with the Army...

Holy Shiz...I have a 9 Month Old!

The basics? Diapers - size 3, still using the generics from Wal-Mart. Clothing - 9 month and 12 month. Even some 18 month stuff depending on how it's made! Food - Still on stage 2 baby foods but moving to stage 3 this month.  She seems to like mashed potatoes and pasta too. Sleeping - like a little rock. Daycare - still ok. Hoping to get her out soon, or at least only send her part time. Camera roll - 1125 pictures, 159 downloads Teeth - Still just 2 bottoms so far.  Top gums are swollen so maybe they will come soon! Words - Da Da, Ma Ma, Na Na, Ba Ba Favorite cartoons - Phineas and Ferb, Mickey Mouse Club House Favorite toy - $5 plastic house I got at Wal-Mart 9 Month Check-up Basics Weight - 20lbs exactly (75%) Height - 29 inches (95%) Head - off the charts! Baby Girl is as stubborn as they come and pretty much just refuses to crawl. Instead, she lays on her belly and pushes herself backwards across the floor.  She would r...

Fridays Letters

Linking up with Adventures of Newlyweds for   Dear Baby Girl, you might possibly be spending your first night away from Mommy and Daddy (if we can keep our shit together and let you go).  I know that this is going to be much harder on us than it is on you.  You will have tons of fun at Nana's house because you love spending time with her.  Forgive Mommy if she squeezes you a little harder than normal tonight.  She just knows that she is going to miss you like crazy!  Dear Husband, we can do this.  We just need to let go!  Oh and, what do you want for our anniversary?  Dear diet, let's kick some serious ass.  I want to feel good again. Dear photographer, let's rock out these pictures this weekend.  It's going to be hard because the child doesn't hardly ever sit still long enough to get a good photo anymore but I know you can handle it.  We haven't even taken the pictures yet and I already can't wait ...

So What Wednesday

  This week, I'm saying so what if... I keep blowing up my Facebook page and blog with Vote for Ashlyn!!!!! .  If she wins, she gets some scholarship money.  So VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Baby Girl turned 9 months old on Sunday and I still haven't written her 9 month post yet.  I have to find the time first. Baby Girl was supposed to have a shot-free 9 month check up but Daddy made her get the flu shot.  I know we want a healthy girl but seriously?! Even Baby Girl's doctor said it's time for a brother.  Pile on the baby fever! I still haven't completely unpacked from our Labor Day weekend away.   I haven't felt 'well' since we came back from that weekend with food poisoning.  It's certainly helped me cut back on my food portions. Next Tuesday is my second wedding anniversary and I have no idea what to get my husband.  Traditional gift is cotton.  Um?  Underwear? I really want to re-design my blog and I just don't hav...

Vote for Ashlyn!!!

Only 15 days left to vote! Click the link Vote for Ashlyn!!!!! Entry ID 46755 You can vote once a day every day until September 24th. Please vote!!!!! Thanks a bunch!

Friday's Letters

No link up while the Adventures of Newlyweds blog us under construction but here are my letters anyway! Dear Labor Day Weekend, you rocked!  Dear stomach bug or food poisoning, you didn't rock.  But thank you for sparing the Baby Girl.  She has been sick enough the first 9 months of her life and she didn't need you sneaking into her system and making her even more sick.  So thanks.  (PS. thanks for the kick start to my weight loss LOL) Dear aquarium, I'm sorry we didn't make it to you this past weekend.  The above mentioned stomach bug or food poisoning kept us away.  But we are going to plan a nice family trip really soon. Dear Baby Girl, thanks for being such a fantastic little Baby Girl during our mini vacation.  It's ok that you weren't a fan of the beach or the water or the sand.  You were still happy and healthy the whole time and we had a blast with you! Dear Gerber, you know as well as I do that my Baby Girl is abso...

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying so what if... We hardly did anything during our Labor Day weekend.  We had a great time of relaxing with the baby and sitting out on our hotel balcony with drinks. We brought food poisoning back with us.  O.M.G.  It was horrible.  But fortunately the little one didn't have any issues, which is why we figured it was food poisoning rather than a bug. I still haven't unpacked from our weekend because I haven't felt well since we got back.  I just want to sleep. I am going to blow up my blog with Vote for Ashlyn!!!!!  posts because I want her to win the Gerber contest.  Entry ID 46755.  Vote once a day until September 24th.  (refer to this so what wednesday post for my warning about this contest) I'm pretty sure I'm going to lose a lot of Facebook friends and a lot of blog followers because of this Gerber contest.  I'm serioulsy going to! I bought my person a "Call Me Maybe" t-shirt from Cape M...

Blog Star!!

Linking up with Mrs. Monologues for       I'm Vanessa.  I'm a 29 year old Momma of one amazing (almost) nine month old girl.  I can't even describe how stinking awesome this kid is and how much I love her.  It's friggin ridiculous.     Speaking of my ridiculously adorable child, go to Facebook to Vote for Ashlyn!!!!  She is entered to win a contest from Gerber but she needs votes!!!       Anyways, I am also a Mom to 4 fur babies: 2 Pugs 1 Black lab 1 Black cat   It's a mad house but it works!   My husband and I have been married for 2 years now but we have know each other for about 17 years now.  He owns his own landscaping business while I work full time as an Analyst for a supply chain consulting firm.  Don't even ask.  I can't even begin to explain it.   We live in PA and are currently looking to find a bigger home.  We ...