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Showing posts from March, 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear Baby Girl, you are an amazing child and I don't think I can ever tell you that enough.  You are so smart and so sweet and I love being your Mama.  I am going to soak up these last few months of being a Mama to one and give you as many hugs and kisses as I possibly can! Dear Baby #2, only 11 days until we find out if you are pink or blue.  I can't wait to find out!  Let's get control of this appetite you have, though.  Dear Husband, we are about to venture into some uncharted waters and I know that everything is going to be just fine. Dear house, I have been too busy and too tired to deal with you lately.  If you could just go ahead and clean yourself this weekend, that would be great.   Dear sugar cookies from my Grandmother, dam you to hell!  You are my favorite so you can't expect me not to eat all of you as quickly as possible.  Good thing I won't be seeing you again until Christmas. Dear baby blan...

17 Week Bumpdate

Today's appointment was a quick one since it was just a standard check up.  These are the kind of appointments I like.  In and out! The heart rate today was 156, much lower than the last time.  I thought that I had felt a few little kicks a week or so ago but I haven't felt that since so I'm not sure if that's what it was.  I can't wait to start feeling the little kicks and jabs. I have finally used up the reserve of 4 or 5 pounds that I had lost and am even keel with were I started when I found out I was pregnant.  So, all weight gained from here on out will be plus pounds.  The morning sickness has finally subsided.  I haven't gotten sick in probably two weeks.  That's good and bad because I have noticed an ever growing appetite!  Now we have the heartburn, headaches and backaches to deal with.  All much better than the morning sickness! I am still more tired than ever before.  I am really trying to make it to b...

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying so what if... Ever since I posted my SWW about my daughter's hitting last week, she hasn't hit me.  I haven't seen her raise a hand to anyone.  Maybe someone told her about the duct tape? I think my poor Baby Girl is getting sick again.  She has been coughing more and has had a runny nose again.  Once again, daycare is a cesspool and I can't wait to get her out! We spent over $200 at the grocery store the other night.  That's what we get for not going grocery shopping for three weeks! Every time we do go grocery shopping, Baby Girl gets a balloon simply because I love how cute she is when she points at one and says 'bawoo'. We are not taking Baby Girl to see the Easter Bunny because (1) she is massively scared of 'mascots' and (2) we just don't do the Easter Bunny.  I also didn't buy Baby Girl a new Easter dress this year.  My husband has finally decided to scale back his business.  He begins a new...

Inspiring Blog Award

Jennifer at Life As I Know It  nominated me for the I tell you seven random fact about me and then nominate 15 other bloggers who will hopefully do the same.  Seven Random Facts:  (different from the Liebster award facts) -On the rare occasion that I eat waffles, I always eat two, one with butter and sugar and one with butter and syrup.  It's just a weird habit. -I think ranch dressing is gross but I like ranch flavored things, like Cool Ranch Doritos. -It's not worth it for me to order a sub from anywhere because I don't like all of the extra crap they put on it.  I like ham and mayo.  That's it.  (I will order a sub once in a while, though, because there is just something different about the taste that you just can't get with a homemade sandwich) -I can literally feel my heart ache whenever I think about my daughter and her first dance recital or learning to drive or going to prom.  Can't she just stay little forever? -Whenever ...

Liebster Award #3

Letters to Baby MC nominated me for a Liebster award! Nomination Date: March 1, 2013 Check out her blog because it is adorable! 11 Facts about me Answer the 11 questions given to me Nominate 11 people Create 11 questions for them to answer I'm not going to post the 11 facts again since I just did that on Liebster Award #1 but I am going to answer the questions! How many siblings do you have? --I have one half sister. What is your all-time favorite television show? --This is hard because it really changes from season to season. I was big into ER when it was on so I guess I'll say Grey's Anatomy. Where is the best place you have ever vacationed? --My favorite vacation to date was when my husband and I went to Cancun, Mexico. An all inclusive resort is the way to go every time. What is your favorite room in your house? --Probably my bedroom....because it has my bed in it and I love to sleep. What are your three must have beaut...

Friday's Letters

**Warning - total spoiler for Grey's Anatomy** Dear Baby Girl, you are a ridiculously smart child.  I have never heard a one year old repeat so many words.  You are such a little sponge!  I love to hear you say Love You and it's so cute when you say Thank You and See Ya!  Keep it up little one! Dear Baby #2, next week's appointment is just a simple check up but I'm hoping the doctor will tell me when your next ultrasound is because I can't wait to find out if you are a little boy or girl.  I'm secretly hoping for girl but don't tell Daddy! Dear blog, I'm digging your new design.  As I am never completely satisfied with anything, I'm sure I'll be making some changes to you soon. Dear Monika, so much fun!  Our girls are just too cute!  Your potty training wisdom has inspired me and I am now on the hunt for a potty for Baby Girl.  (Monika is Polish and she said that in Poland, kids are usually potty trained by the time ...

Liebster Award #2

Heidi at Typactive Mama Cat nominated me for a Liebster award! Nomination Date: February 22, 2013 Check out her blog because it is adorable! 11 Facts about me Answer the 11 questions given to me Nominate 11 people Create 11 questions for them to answer I'm not going to post the 11 facts again since I just did that on Liebster Award #1 but I am going to answer the questions! 1. Girls go for guys with skills be it hacking skills or Nunchuck skills but girls have skills too! What skills do you have? Do an involve baking? Will you bring me some cookies? --I have crazy organizational skills and I'm a pretty good cook. I like to bake but I'm better at cakes and pies. I could try cookies. 2. What skill have you never mastered that you would love to try? --Sewing. I have no idea how to sew. Not by hand, not with a machine, not any way. 3. Favorite book? --I'm not ashamed to admit that the Twilight series is my favo...

New Blog Design!

Once again, I have changed my blog design.  What do you think?  It's a little brighter than the last themes I've used but I like it.  I might make a few tweaks here or there but overall, I like how bright it is!  Let's hope I can keep this one for a while.  I am never satisfied for long!  I also changed the name a little bit since we are on Baby #2.  If I have a button swap with you, feel free to grab the new button and update.  Or if you'd like to swap with me, just leave me a comment or email me at . Let me know what you think! PS:  Since 100 followers seems forever away, I'm thinking about doing a giveaway once I hit 75 followers.  What kind of free stuff do you like?  I'm a fan of gift cards.  Any stores in particular you favor?  Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying so what if... My child's obsession with hitting is seriously pushing me over the edge.  Even daycare is complaining.  How do I break her of this nasty habit, aside from duct taping her arms to her sides? I had so much fun having my 'adult time' with my friends this past weekend that I want to do it every weekend!  I think our babies had fun too! I was so amazed when above mentioned friend, who is Polish, told me that in Poland, kids are potty trained as soon as they can walk that I picked out a potty for Baby Girl.  Potty trained by September?  We'll see! I went from not posting enough to posting too much last week.  I have to find a nice balance in between. I have been getting a ton of spam comments lately and it's really beginning to piss me off.  Where do these people come from?! I'm debating on whether or not to sign up for Bloglovin.  I just read my blogs from the blogger view.  Am I going to lo...

Liebster Award #1

Christy at Monkey's and Twinkle Stars nominated me for a Liebster award! Nomination Date: February 9, 2013 (yes, I suck) Check out her blog because it is adorable! 11 Facts about me Answer the 11 questions given to me Nominate 11 people Create 11 questions for them to answer 11 things about me: 1. I like to put my iPod on shuffle but then I almost always keep skipping until I get to a song I really want to hear. 2. I always have a hard time listening to a whole song. When I know the end of the song is near, I almost always hit next. 3. I like to take notes on napkins. Not really sure why. 4. I am never satisfied with store bought invitations and I don't like to spend a bundle on custom made so I almost always make my own. 5. I don't like gummy candy like gummy bears, butterfingers or taffy because I don't like how it gets stuck in my teeth. 6. I hate that grimy feeling I get on my teeth after sucking on a cough dr...

Google Reader

So I keep seeing that everyone is moving to Bloglovin because Google Reader is being discontinued.  Here's the thing...I don't use Google Reader.  Am I the only one?  I just read my blogs as they are listed on my blog list. See??  I just read them on my Blogger reader.  Is that weird?  Am I the only one who does this?  If I continue to do this, I'm not really affected by the Google Reader change, right?  People signing up for Bloglovin are only doing so to more easily read their favorite blogs, right? 

Sad But True

Sorry for the sad post but it broke my heart so I had to share. Proof that you can't fully protect your children no matter their age.  Such a bright future ahead of this young man. Robin Fitzpatrick never knew peanuts could kill her son. Cameron Groezinger-Fitzpatrick, 19, a college freshman who suffered from a severe nut allergy , died last Friday after eating a cookie that contained peanut oil. His friend had sworn it didn't. "We were all so shocked, it came out of nowhere," Fitzpatrick told "For 19 years, he had been knock-on-wood safe." The Plymouth, Mass., native was first diagnosed with a nut allergy when he was 8, after projectile-vomiting "across the room" at a Chinese restaurant, his mother said. In high school he suffered from a serious allergic reaction after he dropped his asthma inhaler into a pile of acorns while running. The wild nuts caused his throat to constrict. But he was fine after getting prompt t...

Friday's Letters

Linking up with The Sweet Season for Friday's Letters Dear Baby Girl,  after a doctor's visit, a chest x-ray, some much needed rest and some antibiotics, you are finally starting to feel better!  Aside from a little bit of a cough, you seem sick-free for a change.  Now we start teething again.  Those fangs are finally coming in! Dear Baby #2, you must finally be growing some hair because the non-stop heartburn has begun.  It's OK.  I'll take it over the non-stop vomiting you were causing.  I want you to have a full head of hair just like your sister!  Gah...I love saying that!  Sister!! Dear crazy lady in CA, it's people like you who make me want to quit my job right this second and yank my child out of daycare.  Sleeping pills in the sippy cups?  You could have killed one of those poor innocent children!  You are a crazy bitch and I hope you go to jail for a long time.   Dear blog,...

People are Crazy!

You see this???????   This is why I can't wait to be a stay at home Mom!!! People are crazy!

Button Swaps

See those awesome buttons on my sidebar?  I know there aren't too many of them but there are enough to point them out!  I hope that you will check out all of these blogs. If you are at all interested in swapping buttons, please contact me. I'd love to have your button on my side bar! First we have A McFall Minute   I have been following Sara for a long time now.  She is a SAHM to an adorable little girl, Mackenzie Grace.  She really seems to blog from the heart and that is why I read her blog every day.  She shares things about her life (including a recent sadness), links up with many different people and she has some pretty awesome giveaways! Next we have Buttons and Bows How cute is Stephanie?  Stephanie blogs a lot about fitness but she also blogs about her family and her adorable children!  She is a Team Beachbody coach and a total inspiration!  She also sells Thirty-One and is a photography enthusiast.  Wom...

15 Month Check Up

Ashlyn had her 15 month check up on Monday. 15 months! Coincidentally, the baby is 15 weeks along as well. Weird! Doctor's Stats: Weight: 24lbs (75th %) Height: 31 inches (75th %) Head: 19 inches (back off the charts lol) The basics? Diapers - still wearing a size 4 but starting to think about pull ups Clothing - All 18 month and even some 24 month Food - She still eats just about anything. Kid loves broccoli and carrots but her favorites are still mac and cheese and grilled cheese. Sleeping - Goes to bed between 9 and 10, wakes up between 7 and 8 Daycare - still there :( Camera roll - 2007 pictures, 228 downloads Teeth - 12 teeth total! Words - Too many words to list! Favorite cartoons - Mickey Mouse Club House Favorite toy - Anything she's not supposed to play with! Pictures of my sweet Baby Girl: Sorry for all the car seat's the only time she sits still! 15 Weeks 15 Months You are a profes...

Oh How Pinteresting!

Linking up with The Vintage Apple for     Source: via Vanessa on Pinterest Source: via Vanessa on Pinterest Source: via Vanessa on Pinterest Source: via Vanessa on Pinterest Source: via Rochelle on Pinterest Source: via Erika on Pinterest Source: via Vanessa on Pinterest Source: via Vanessa on Pinterest Source: via Vanessa on Pinterest Source: via Vanessa on Pinterest

We Want to Know

Linking up with Kenzie from Life and Lemons for the first time for     1.  What is the one thing you are never too busy for?       --My daughter's hugs and kisses.  It does not matter what I am doing, when that child comes to me with hugs and kisses, I stop everything.  I soak it up as much as I possibly can.    2.  What is/are your favorite show(s)?       --Smash, Grey's Anatomy, Parenthood, The Voice & Scandal.  I like to watch Duck Dynasty too but my husband watches the re-runs so much that I don't even bother anymore.   3.  Would you rather get a pedicure or a manicure?       --Manicure.  I really don't like when people touch my feet.  I do like the feeling of freshly polished nails.  Nail polish doesn't really stay on my nails, though, so I would prefer acrylic or gel nails or shellac.   4.  How do...

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying so what if... Baby Girl and I laid around all weekend because she was sick.  She needed the rest. Chest x-rays are the most horrible thing ever for toddlers. I have four blogger award posts drafted.  Getting there! Although it's been over a week, I'm still scared to officially call Baby Girl bottle free. I'm starting to lean more towards girl for Baby #2 now. The voting is pretty much 50/50 for boy or girl. We keep having to cancel plans because of our illnesses. I feel like a single Mom most of the time sometimes. I get really pissed when I have a weekly meal plan and don't follow it. I am ridiculously nervous about having a toddler and a newborn. I'm trying to make these all one liners. I'm anxious to change my blog design because I really love the new colors I picked. Predictions say we are going to have a really warm summer.  I'm scared. I can't wait to start wearing all of my cute summer maternity c...

What a Weekend!

It was a rough weekend at my house. On Thursday, the daycare notified me that they would be closed on Friday because there were too many sick kids being sent to daycare and too many sick staff members out.  They were planning to take Friday to disinfect every inch of the building in hopes that they could kill all of the infections that have been growing in that place.  They were also hoping to give the sick kids and staff an extra day of rest so they could come back healthy on Monday. Boy am I glad because Baby Girl was SICK all weekend. She starting with a fever Thursday.  A high fever.  Not a normal teething fever or anything like that.  She wasn't responding to Tylenol very well but we figured we'd give her a day and see how it went.  We tried a cool bath but she screamed her way through that and it didn't help.  She also had a really bad cough.  My Uncle watched her Friday morning and my Aunt watched her Friday afternoon.  She ...

Friday's Letters

Linking up with The Sweet Season for Friday's Letters Dear Friday's Letters, I completely missed you last week because I was too busy doting on my Baby Girl after her ear surgery.  Sorry! Dear Baby Girl, once again, you are sick.  This time you have some pretty high fevers.  You get one more day and they we are off to the doctor.  I really hope that some day you will be healthy!  Dear Baby #2, I think you're becoming my favorite.  No weight gain yet.  It's too good to be true!  Only a few more weeks until we find out if you are pink or blue! Dear cold, go away!  I'm sick of being sick too! Dear daycare, you've decided to close today because there are too many sick kids and staff members.  While I can appreciate the fact that you want to disinfect the entire building from top to bottom, I am irritated by the fact that you only let me know about it a day in advance and I had to scramble to find a babysitter! ...

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying so what if...   We had to be at the hospital for Baby Girl's surgery at 5:45am but her surgery wasn't until 7:30.  That sucked....big time. That surgery really was the longest ten minutes of my life. I didn't post any of my normal Friday posts last week because I was home all day with Baby Girl.  Back to normal this week. We have finally taken Baby Girl's night time bottle away.  She has done well so far.  I won't call her officially done with it until we get a solid week or two without it. I shared my list of baby names and have gotten great feedback! I'm mad that we aren't going to get any snow.  I really wanted one big storm before the warmer weather arrived. I still haven't been able to post about all of the awards I've received lately.  Ladies who nominated me, I promise I will give you each a post about the lovely awards you nominated me for! I am working on another new blog design.  I have to add Baby...

Surgery Smurgery

Friday was Baby Girl's ear surgery.  She had tubes put in her ears.  While I was dreading this, I was also anxiously awaiting it because it means no more ear infections for the poor little thing.  Everyone was very nice and very good at explaining everything to us.  I had a pre-admission call on Wednesday and the nurse went through the process step by step and answered all my questions.  I felt very prepared when the time came to take her in. We had to be at the hospital at 5:45am.  Oh yea.  That sucked big time.  Especially since we had a half hour drive to the hospital.  We left Baby Girl in her PJs and threw her in the car quickly so as not to wake her.  We were successful!  She woke up for a few minutes once we arrived but then she fell right back to sleep. Her surgery was scheduled for 7:30 but getting her signed in took a bit of time because there were a few people ahead of us.  We went back to the surgery area...