The heart rate was 156 and all is well.
I'm a little confused because my pregnancy app says that I was 33 weeks and 4 days but the doctor says I was 34 weeks and 1 day. I will take the latter since that means the little man could be here sooner!
I don't even want to talk about my weight. Even though the doctor says my weight is fine, every time I see the number on that scale go it up it kills me! I know this little guy is not done growing so I guess I need to get over it!
The backaches have been really bad this time around. The little man is so low he is just killing my back. He is also kicking or hitting my hip bones all of the time. The doctor says it's normal with a second child as is all the pressure he puts down there.
The heartburn has been ridiculously bad. I have been dealing with it with Tums but it is still bad. I hope that means a lot of hair!
Sleeping through the night is non-existent. I can't stay comfortable and usually have to get up to pee a few times. It also doesn't help that Baby Girl is going through some kind of sleep regression and has been waking up at odd hours. I usually just let her lay with me then and she falls back to sleep for a while but it's still so tiring.
I have still been craving sugar carrots and chocolate. I've also fallen in love with Auntie Ann's blue raspberry lemonade. This stuff is awesome! Dairy has been bit of an issue for me lately so chocolate milk has not be a necessity anymore.
The doctor did tell me that I have a higher risk of preeclampsia since I had it the first time but that everything was looking good so far. My swelling has been minimal, blood pressure has been good and there has been no protein in my urine. Now this week my swelling has increased significantly so we will see what he says at my next appointment.
My next appointment isn't until next Thursday and that will be my first cervical check. After that, I go back every week until this Little Man comes. I'm wondering if he will talk about induction since my swelling has flared up but we will see.
My baby shower was this past weekend and it was great! My Mom did a great job organizing and hosting. I will have a separate post for that even though I didn't take a single picture of myself or of anyone who attended. Oops.
Staying home has been OK. Last week it was just me so I got a lot of cleaning and organizing done. This week, Baby Girl is undoing all of that cleaning and organizing! Oh well. I do think I need to set some ground rules with my husband. Me staying home does not mean that he gets to be messy!
Our first day home was perfect. She was an awesome kid and I felt like an awesome Mom. Our second day home was not so great. I kept dropping things and spilling things, the dogs were restless and were making big messes, Baby Girl was like a tornado everywhere she went. It was just an off day. I know I'll have plenty of them!
I still don't think I look that big. Next Bumpdate in two weeks!
I am so excited for you! But I don't miss being pregnant at all, keep up the good work!