Dear Baby Girl, you have been so sweet lately but what's with not wanting to eat dinner lately? You eat your breakfast and your lunch but you totally boycott dinner for some reason. You're becoming a little too picky of an eater for our liking. Dear Little Man, Mommy loves you very much but she does not love your sleeping habits. We have got to get you on a better sleeping schedule before Mommy goes completely insane. Dear boobs, you're really getting on my nerves. I am working around the clock to get you to work the way you are supposed to work for my little guy and you're not cooperating. One more thing to try before I give up completely. Dear Beamer, I love you very much. You're so comfortable and fun to drive. But I might actually have to agree with my husband on the fact that you are just too small for us now. We have to take pieces of our stroller off just to get it in the back of you....