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BF Update

So lately, I've been posting about experiences with breast feeding (Breast Feeding Issues) my little guy. I've been having nothing but trouble and I gave myself one more week to get on track. See The End is Near.  Well it's been a week and I thought I'd post an update on our progress.

We haven't really gotten anywhere.  I nurse this kid every time he eats and he still cries for more after an hour long feeding frenzy.  He cluster feeds pretty much non stop.  That's ok except I can't exactly have him latched onto me 24/7.  I have another child to take care of.

The pumping has gotten me nowhere.  I even had a friend give me a Medela pump and that hasn't made any difference.  I am taking the Fenugreek and started taking another supplement to boost my supply but I have seen no results so far.

I thought that the problem was that I introduced the wrong kind of bottles to my little guy.  The bottles I was using were nothing like breast bottles and they allowed him to drink pretty quickly.  I figured he was just too impatient to then drink from the breast since it's a little slower than what he was getting used to. 

The longer I go on, though, the more I do think that maybe I just don't have enough of a supply for him.  I know that I said I would only give it one more week but I'm not ready to give up just yet.  I want to really focus on pumping this next week and see if that helps to boost my supply.  I have been feeling them fill up a bit more the past day or two so I assume that's a good sign.

Again, I'm not sure why it's so hard for me to give this up this time around.  My husband supports me regardless of my decision but he just isn't sure it's a good idea for me to be doing it anymore.  I'm trying not to stress about it as much but all these pills I'm taking to boost supply are a bit crazy.  He's just not sure it's worth it.

I just don't want to count it as a failure until I'm 100% sure it is just that.  I want to be sure that I've done everything I possibly can to make it work before I give it up completely.  I think that I will be giving it at least another week or two before making a final decision.  The good news is that the pain is pretty much gone now so I don't have to worry about that.

I am so grateful for all of the fantastic advice and information I have been given by my fellow bloggers and friends.  It's amazing how quickly people are willing to come to aid in times like these.  And if I am successful, I will owe it all to you ladies who have come to me with advice and support.  This little community of friends I have built is just amazing and I am thankful for every single one of you!


  1. I was jut thinking about you and wondering how your doing. :)
    Glad to hear your hanging in there. Our husbands sound like they are the same in the breast feeding department. Erin will support me no matter what, but he is concerned about me and being hard on myself if things don't work. Especially since we did formula from the start with Mackenzie and like you did with your baby girl. It's great he's supporting you!

  2. Hang in there Vanessa. You are doing great. I would have given up long ago. It's great that you are trying. A little breast milk is better then no milk. Not everyone breast feeds exclusively. Maybe that is just how you will have to do it. Just have a bottle ready for when he is done with the boob but feed him the boob first. Good luck and computer hugs.

  3. You will not be a failure even if you stop! You'll be feeding your baby what is best for him. I have always had supply issues. With Emmy I could BF till only 4 months, and it was worse with Charlie. I only got 5 weeks, and most of that was pumping because of her reflux. You do whatever is best for you and your little boy!

  4. Whatever the outcome, you are NOT a failure! I am so impressed that you are trying so hard. If you are going for one last try, try exclusively pumping every 3 hours around the clock for a few days. I had to do that when Alex was in the NICU and my supply shot up. Not sure if you'd experience the same thing, but it may be worth the try. Good luck. And again, no matter what - you are an awesome mom!!


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