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Nine Months!

By the time I get this dam thing posted I'll need to post his ten month update!

The basics?

Diapers - Size 4 but using cloth more and more
Clothing - 12-18 month
Food - Everything and anything!  Eating more regular foods every day.
Sleeping - Through the night!
Teeth - Eight chompers with the possibility of one or two more
Words - ba ba, da da, mu mu
Favorite toy - Activity cube, anything he's not supposed to play with

His 9 month check up was great.  He's not such a little dude anymore!  He weighed in at 21lbs 4 ounces (75%) and was 31 inches long (99%)!!!!  I can't believe how tall this little dude is.  He's a full 2 inches taller than his sister was at that age.  The best part about it is that he is only one pound shy of his sister at a year and he is already taller than his sister was at a year.  Such a big boy!

Little man is still rocking the 12 and 18 month clothing.  He still fits into some of his 12 month stuff but he mostly wears 18 months.  I have bought him all 18 month clothing for the Summer and all of his PJs are 18 month.  Hopefully that will get us to Fall. 

He's been wearing size fours for quite a while now but I don't see him moving into fives any time soon.  I'm going to be starting to use cloth more and more now that I'm buidling my stash.  I'm up to 10 sunbaby diapers and 2 Bumgenius.  I also just got him 2 diapers that have mustaches on them.  They are supposed to be for his first birthday!  I bought extra inserts for the sunbaby diapers to see if that helps with the leaking issue.

While he usually eats like a champ, he's been a little off lately because he was sick.  He went a week straight with hardly eating or drinking anything becasue he had Bronchilitis.  He had to have nebulizer treatments every 4 hours and he slept a lot!  He didn't sleep very well at night, though.  Best place for him was on my chest so that's where he spent a few nights.  

It was rough.  It was hard to see him so miserable.  He's always so happy so it was just different.  But after about a week and a half, he was back to his normal self.  He's a bit more clingy and cuddly now but that's not such a bad thing.  He hasn't regained his appetite in full yet, though.

He's still on a great schedule of breakfast, lunch and dinner with a bottle at bed.  He's been drinking less and less formula and eating more and more solids.  I've been trying to get him used to a sippy cup so he gets a small cup of milk with every meal but he doesn't usually drink much of it.  He's more into our foods now. 

He loves chicken and turkey burger.  He also loves potatoes and pasta.  Well he loves just about anything I give him!  I haven't made him any pureed baby good in quite some time.  He usually eats yogurt for breakfast and then whateverI make him for lunch and dinner.  And then he still gets his night time bottle.

He's still sleeping well at night.  He usually goes to bed at 9:30 and wakes between 7 and 8.  There are times he wakes in the middle of the night and demands a bottle but it's not very often.  If I put him to bed at 10, he usually sleeps until 8 or 9!

His napping has been a bit off lately also becasue of his illness.  He isn't napping on a normal schedule now.  It's just kind of whenver I think he's tired and needs one.  I do have to kepe him awake at night, though, or else he fights bed time.

He always gets so excited at bath time.  If he sees the water, he's kicking and flailing until we get him in the tub.  Then he splashes and plays and has a great time.

Crawling finally took off over the past month but so has pulling up and climbing.  He pulls up on everything but especially the couch and especailly when his sister is on it.  He loves to see what she's doing.  I don't think it will be long before he's walking.

He has free reign of the house now that he can crawl.  He loves to go over into the play room, expecailly when his sister is over there.  It's so cute to watch him play now.

He still babbles but really only says bababa and dadada.  I've also heard him say muhmuhmuh but that's not too often.  I'm really hoping he starts to babble more.  I want him talking like his sister!

Pictures of my sweet Little Boy:

 Little Dude, you are so much trouble!  You are getting into everything!  Every time I turn around, I'm taking something from you that you shouldn't be playing with.  You don't like that very much but you get over it pretty quickly.  I actually really love how much you explore.  It's fun to watch you learn how to do things on your own.  You show a lot pride when you do something new.
You seem to love your sister more and more every day.  And I think she's quite fond of you too, even if she won't admit it.  You look at her with such admiration.  She always makes you smile and laugh.  And I can see that you just want to keep up with her so badly.  You two are going to have so much fun playing together when you can run around with her!
I don't even know how to explain just how sweet you really are.  The open mouth kisses are the cutest thing ever and I will take every single one you give.  You are amazing little man!
My BEAUTIFUL 9 month old Little Guy:


  1. I love his little smile! It's been so fun to watch him grow bigger and bigger with no signs of slowing down. He has so many teeth! Dylan didnt have 8 teeth till after he was a year. All that teething must have pissed him off! lol but it's awesome that he's such a good sleeper and eater. The two must correlate I think because Dylan is also a huge eater and he sleeps well too.


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