So what if it my son has been a giant crap head this week.
This kid has been possessed. He has been whiny and clingy and inconsolable. He has fought bed time every single night for the past three nights and has been waking 2-3 times each night and refuses to go back to sleep easily.
He seems to want me to hold him at all times but even that doesn't seem to calm him at all. He just whines and cries most of the time.
He does have a cold that has left him with a terrible, rattling cough, but he's had it before and he was not nearly as miserable. He also has had a low grade fever (99.1 at last temp check) which hardly even qualifies as a fever. I've been pumping him full of Tylenol which seems to help a little bit but not much.
I can deal with the whining and complaining and even the clinginess. But the not sleeping through the night? I can't deal with that shit. Last night the only way he would sleep was on me. I'm not big on co-sleeping so it's been hard for me to let him in the bed but it's about the only way he will sleep right now.
I'm really hoping that it's from the cold and that it passes quickly because Momma's about to lose her shit. I don't know how you moms with clinger babies do it but I want my independent, happy little man back.
We just had an AWFUL two weeks of this. Emily was teething SO bad and woke up every 2-3 hours at night. She went from being a great sleeper to being up from 10pm to 2am 4 nights in a row!!!! Awake and just crying. I took her to the doctor because surely something had to be wrong. Nope. As soon as her teeth came in the long wake times stopped. The crying stopped. However now that she's gotten used to waking up every few hours at night she is still doing it!!! I need sleep. I need a LOT of sleep! I hope she returns to normal soon. I hope your son does too!!!
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like Dylan on Memorial day weekend! He kind of had a cold and he was teething so I thought the possession was fueled by the combo but now looking back I think the cold was just part of the teething. Really, NOTHING helped. Everything pisses them off, hold them don’t hold them, feed them don’t feed them, so needy and so crazy. I hope it passes soon because it’s hard on everyone. When baby suffers, everyone suffers! They make sure of that. lol Dylan is back to normal (actually he’s even better) so there’s hope!! I miss you and get so happy when you post. <3