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Showing posts from July, 2012

Friday's Letters

I'm linking up with Adventures of Newlyweds for Dear Baby Girl, thanks for being such an awesome kid this week!  It really melts Mommy's heart to hear you say Mama and you have been saying it a lot this week!  Oh and thanks for going back to sleep this morning.  Mama really needed that extra hour of sleep! Dear daycare care givers, thanks for the adorable picture you sent me of my Baby Girl.  It is now the backdrop on my computer.  I knew there was a reason I chose you. Dear house, I know that I have been neglecting you.  I know that you need to be cleaned and I will try my best to give you some loving this weekend.  Mama's got a lot of shit to do. Dear ridiculous storm we got last night, thanks for hitting when you did.  I really didn't feel like sitting through my husband's softball game.  Dear Dairy Queen, you suck for not making chicken quesadillas last night during your 'support the fire department' thingy.  I lov...

Babies, Babies, Babies!!

I love blogging.  My favorite part of blogging is reading the blogs of people who live all over the world and getting to know these people through their blogs.  I love having this kind of connection with people without actually having a connection to these people.  Most of the blogs I follow are about Moms with kids or first time Moms or Moms to be.  I love it!  I love all things baby!  And I love hearing birth stories.  I think it's because newborn photos and baby photos always accompany a birth story. Lately, I have been reading A LOT of birth stories!!  It seems like everyone is having babies right now!  And it also seems that there will be a whole lot more in the upcoming months and I can't wait!!  Even though I don't know any of you personally, it puts a HUGE smile on my face every time I read a birth story and see your pictures.  And it makes me want another baby so badly.  I know my Baby Girl is still a baby....

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying so what if... I still haven't posted many blogs lately. I've been even more busy. I pretty much fired the lady who was supposed to help us with our business stuff because I really just didn't like her.  And she gave me attitude.  Mama bear don't take no shit. We finally opened a savings account for Baby Girl.  It only took us 7 months. I got ridiculously happy when I received an adorable picture today from the daycare care giver.  It's one of the only reasons she's still at that daycare. See the little tooth! We made an entire package of bacon (1lb?) on Saturday and ate it all.  I only had one more piece than my husband.  #baconrocks We have plans every stinking night this week.  #ain'tnorestforthewicked I got all excited because I thought Baby Girl's second tooth was in but it really wasn't.  I can see it.  It's right there.  It's just not out yet.  I entered Baby Girl into a Gerbe...

Bend it Like Beckham

I am not a soccer fan.  I know it's becoming more popular in the United States but I just can't get into it.  I am, however, a huge David Beckham fan.  Not only is the hottest man on the planet, he seems like a genuinely good guy and he's REALLY funny! As if these two hilarious videos from Ellen aren't enough, then he goes and does this: All the more reason to love David Beckham!

Friday's Letters

I'm linking up with Adventures of Newlyweds for Dear non-stop illness plaguing my kid, please go away!  She does not deserve to be sick all of the time!  She is a happy little girl and I like her that way!  No more ear infections, no more fevers, no more colds.  Just go away! Dear daycare care givers, do you think that maybe you could do a better job of cleaning off the toys in the nursery?  I mean I'm not there to see what happens but I'm sure she's picking all of these illnesses up from that little daycare room. Dear Dad, Happy Belated Birthday!  We will see you tomorrow for your birthday dinner and ice cream cake! Dear Ashlyn, I'm sorry you are sick but I hope you have a great day at home with Daddy.  I really wish I could spend the day with you and your feverish little butt.  I look forward to seeing you at lunch! :) Dear Softball, I know that my husband enjoys you but I'm so glad you're almost over.  You just...

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying so what if... I haven't posted many blogs lately.  I've been busy. The blogs I am posting are mostly link ups.  I do feel like I'm linking up too much so I will have to work on that. I'm smacking myself in the head for scheduling a meeting with a lady regarding my husband's business tonight.  SYTYCD is on and I plan to blow up my Twitter account with tweets about who should stay and who should go. Baby Girl has a double ear infection and a terrible cold.  Baby coughs make me sad :( We still have no food in the house.  We suck! I finally finished The Hunger Games but have no time to actually see the movie.  So I'll wait for it to come out on Showtime, DVR it and then never watch it. Baby Girl's second word was Nana.  Her third was Mama! My 'cycle' is really kicking my ass.  Two good weeks, two bad weeks.  Can't we just get pregnant already?  At least when I'm pregnant I know I'll be cranky all of the...

Amazed and Disappointed

I'm amazed every day by how much having a child had changed me.  How it's changed my attitude and my opinions and how I do things with my life.  I'm amazed by how easy it has become for me to incorporate my child into every single decision I make.  Because it's not just about me or my husband anymore.  It's about our child.  I'm also amazed by how much others have changed now that we have a child.  I am amazed and disappointed to be honest.  I am amazed by the people who have come through for us (some who I never expected) and I am highly disappointed by the people who haven't (some who should have). I won't be naming any names because I don't feel the need to call people out and embarrass them in that way.  I can only hope that these people understand who they are and will seriously think about what I am saying. First, I am amazed by the many friends and family who have surrounded us with nothing but love and support.  The friends...

Sweet Music to My Ears

Our weekend wasn't exactly the best.  Remember how last Thursday I was furious because Baby Girl came home from daycare with a temperature of 103?  Well Friday wasn't any better.  They said that they checked her temperature twice throughout the day and that it was fine.  Ok, whatever. My husband picked her up from daycare and he said she was fine.  He kept her with him for about an hour while he and his brother ran some errands.  When they finally got her home to me, she had a temperature of 103.6, which shortly went up to 104.  Um...time to call the doctor! First, the doctor's office took an hour to call me back!  Fever of 104!  Coughing, runny nose, rash.  Don't EFF with me and call me back!  When they finally did call back, they acted as if this was nothing and they said the don't usually see kids with fevers unless they have had them for 72 hours.  Again, 104, coughing, runny nose, rash and this was the first time Baby ...

Friday's Letters

This is my first time linking up with Adventures of Newlyweds for Dear Ashlyn, Thank you for not being to much of a grouch even though you had a fever of almost 103.  You are the bestest baby ever!  Dear Daycare Care Givers, You suck!  There is no reason why you should not have picked up on the 103 degree fever Baby Girl had yesterday.  I am more than furious with you and I am seriously considering a new daycare. Dear Brain, please make up your mind and decide what you want to do.  Your indecisiveness is getting old. Dear Weekend, I know you are going to fly by so please help me make the most of you! Dear House, I have a very busy weekend planned so how about you just go ahead and clean yourself.  That would really help me out a lot. Dear Whatever New House We Finally Choose,   Could you hurry up and get us moved in?  I am really tired of being cramped up in our little house and I think I might actually go crazy livi...

Five Question Friday

Linking up for the first time with My Little Life for Five Question Friday. 1.  What's your view on men wearing sandals?  (yay or nay?) Not a fan.  I mean, my husband has these blue Adidas sandals that he wears around the house that he looks cute in but he doesn't wear them out of the house. 2.  What song do you love but are embarrassed to admit? I'm not really embarrassed by much but I love I'm Sexy and I Know It.  I just love that dam song.  Oh and Tonto, jump on it!  My best friend and I...yea that's our theme song! 3.  What summer camp should they make for moms? Ugh, talk about babies and take naps and eat cupcakes and lose weight while doing it summer camp. 4.  What is the most romantic song? (Not necessarily your favorite or your wedding song...) Unchained Melody, The Righteous Brothers....hands down 5.  Do you have an embarrassing pregnancy story? Actually, not really.  None that I can think of. ...

Serious Daycare Advice Needed!!!

Ok now I am looking for some serious advice.  If you've read some of my earlier posts, you will know that I'm not a big fan of daycare.  I really hate leaving my Baby Girl with people I don't really know all day long.  Now we know the woman who takes care of Baby Girl for the most part which really helps and was the deciding factor in her going to that particular daycare. The problem I am now having is that there have been 3 or 4 times when I have picked Baby Girl up from daycare and she has had a bad fever.  I'm not talking a little 99 degree fever.  I'm talking you could fry an egg on the palm of her hand 102 degree fever.  It happened again last night.  When I got there, the afternoon lady was holding her and as soon as I took her, I could feel the heat radiating off of her.  When I got her home, her temperature was 102.9.  This is not they kind of temperature you play around with.  Since Baby Girl has been prone to fevers for s...

The Versatile Blogger Award!

Amanda at The Year of Me has nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award!  I 'met' Amanda through a link up called Blog Star recently and we seem to have tons in common.  Thanks so much for the nomination, Amanda!!  The Rules for the Award: 1. Thank the Blogger who nominated you. 2. Include a link to their site. 3. Include the Award image in your post. 4. Give 7 random facts about yourself. 5. Nominate 15 other Blogger for the award. 6. When nominating, include a link to their site. 7. Let other bloggers know that you nominated them. Seven Facts about me: 1.  My favorite color is, in fact, pink, even though I HATED the color pink when I was growing up.  2.  I can sleep just about anywhere.  I love to sleep.  If there was such a job as a Professional Sleeper, I would be perfect. 3.  I think Pugs are the most adorable dogs in the world and I would own ten of them if my husband let me. 4....

Little Bits of Happiness

Linking up with Mrs Stephanie T  for Little Bits of Happiness.     I get to wake up to that sweet smile every day! I made these really awesome chicken kabobs for dinner the other night. My sweet little Pugger Katie curled right up beside Baby Girl and cuddled with her!  Cutest.thing.ever!  There is just nothing sweeter in my world than that adorable face!

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying so what if... I was late for work this morning because I decided to crawl back into bed for ten more minutes of sleep after Daddy took Baby Girl to daycare.  It was totally worth it! Baby Girl got her first tooth.  It's not like I'm excited or anything. I blew up my Twitter account with tweets about America's Got Talent.  I don't really care that much I just like to blow it up every now and then because I forget about it! I am really irritated that when I went to pick Baby Girl up from daycare yesterday, they had her laying on the floor where all of the little kids were running around.  She sticks her fingers in her mouth all the time.  Why would you put her on a dirty floor where a bunch of toddlers are running around?  Not to mention one almost stomped on her.  WTF? My husband and I are so busy that we have no food in the house so I have to go to the grocery store on my lunch break.  We have to slow down! I talk...

Is That Normal?!

Linking up with Justchalkintherain  for Is That Normal?! This week, we are supposed to choose a set of questions from one of the past links that we did not answer.  I chose week two because question #2 made me laugh like a little school girl! 1.  Is it normal to pretend you didn't already know about someone/something via Facebook when it comes up in a 'real life' conversation with that person? Yes.  I do it all of the time.  And if I feel comfortable, I'll say 'I think I did see something about that on Facebook.'  Unless you're really comfortable with the person, it's kind of hard to just blurt it out before they bring it up. 2.  Is it normal to fart and walk away? I laughed.  Yes, sometimes I'm 5.  But yes I think it's normal.  I also think it's really funny.  And really gross. 3.  Is it normal to spy on your neighbors . Um, yes.  You need to know what kind of freaky people you live around....

Holy Shiz....7 Months!

This is just getting ridiculous now.  I mean, it was just yesterday that my little wiggle worm was born.  It was just yesterday that those bright blue eyes looked up at me in total amazement.  It was just yesterday that I got to take the most amazing little baby on the face of this planet home with me!  Um, no.  Actually, it was 7 months ago.  I mean really?  What is going on?  Why is she growing up so quickly.  I feel like tomorrow I'm going to be posting her first birthday re-cap.  This has been a VERY BIG month for us.  So many things have been happening, so many changes!  I think the most exciting thing for me is that I found Baby Girl's first tooth on Sunday!  It was so excited!  I was feeding her 'adult food' as I like to call it (the potato part of a tator tot) and when I ran my finger over her gums, I felt a tooth! I was ecstatic!  I was yelling, "OMG she has a tooth!  I think she has a to...

Friday's Letters

This is my first time linking up with Adventures of Newlyweds for Dear Ashlyn, you have been the most amazing little baby I could have ever hoped for.  You are always so happy and fun to play with.  Thank you so much for smiling at me so much and making my life as a Mom so easy!  Now please stop saying Da Da and start saying Ma Ma!  Dear 4th of July,  thanks for rocking!  Dear Dramatic Friends, please go away and leave me alone.  I just don't have time for your crap!  Dear Ted, I hope it makes you feel better to know that I would rather see you over Magic Mike.  Don't ask me why, just don't question it.  Dear Weight that I just can't seem to get rid of, would you please just do Mama a favor and leave.  I'm begging you!  Dear Saturday, I am really looking forward to you because you mean that I get to spend another uninterrupted day with my sweet little angel.  Please rock as much as 4th of July!  Dear New...

Five Question Friday

Linking up for the first time with My Little Life for Five Question Friday. 1.  Is love at first site possible? Yes!  And in all forms!!!  Form 1:  My husband and I were 12 and 13 when we first layed eyes on each other.  We were so young but I knew that he was going to be my husband some day! Form 2:  I found a picture of my dear little pugger Katie online and I was in love!  I had to have her!  She has been the best little dog I could have ever hoped for! Form 3:  Come on can't tell me that you didn't fall in love with your baby the second you saw that little crazy skeleton photo!  And even if you didn't, you definitely fell in love as soon as they were born. 2.  How did you choose your pet's name? Our first pet, a cat named Joey, was given to us so he was already named.  The girl who gave him to us was obsessed with Friends so she named him Joey after the character.  Our second pet, a cat...

A Few New Things...

First off, I have 15 followers!  I am so grateful to have more followers.  I can't even tell you how great it makes me feel to know that people want to read my blog.  Through all of the linking up I have been doing, I have 15 followers and I have found a TON of new blogs to read.  I am really enjoying reading them all every day!! In case you don't believe me.......................... I know 15 doesn't seem like a lot but it's a lot to me.  It means the world to me to have people interested in my life.  The second change is that I added a new page.  It's my Summer Bucket List .  I posted this list a little while ago but I know that I will forget about it so I added it as a page.  Now I can actually cross things off as I do them.  I have already crossed one thing off the list and I hope to cross them all off by the end of the Summer!  I guess the end of the Summer would be September 21st so I have until then.  And ...

Little Bits of Happiness

Linking up with Mrs Stephanie T again!           I love my lilys and my hibiscus plants.  They are blooming so beautifully!   This is how our 4th of July started! Lots of play time and chilling with the dog. A little bit of rolling around on the floor!   And this is how it ended.  What could be sweeter?