Linking up with Justchalkintherain for Is That Normal?!
This week, we are supposed to choose a set of questions from one of the past links that we did not answer. I chose week two because question #2 made me laugh like a little school girl!
1. Is it normal to pretend you didn't already know about someone/something via Facebook when it comes up in a 'real life' conversation with that person?
Yes. I do it all of the time. And if I feel comfortable, I'll say 'I think I did see something about that on Facebook.' Unless you're really comfortable with the person, it's kind of hard to just blurt it out before they bring it up.
2. Is it normal to fart and walk away?
I laughed. Yes, sometimes I'm 5. But yes I think it's normal. I also think it's really funny. And really gross.
3. Is it normal to spy on your neighbors.
Um, yes. You need to know what kind of freaky people you live around. We live next to apartment buildings and they all have balconies. I am always spying to see what people are up to. This one lady sets her groceries outside her window and then walks around to her apartment and opens the window to get her groceries. Very smart but also very easy way to dispose of a body without really being seen.
4. Is it normal to read your boyfriend's/husband's texts?
While I wouldn't say this is normal, I will admit that I do it occasionally. I really hope my husband doesn't read this!
5. Is it normal to compulsively check social media for notifications?
Sure is. So normal, in fact, that all of my notifications are tied to my phone. So anything new happens via Facebook, Twitter, Email and my trusty little phone lets me know!
6. Is it normal for a 20-something woman to listen to Rap/Hip Hop?
As a 20 something woman (for another year) I am going to say Yes. Eminem is still one of my all time favorite artists.
7. Is it normal to take toiletries from a hotel?
I think that hotels pretty much expect this and plan for it. I mean, you never actually use the stuff once you get it home (unless you're my husband) but yes, it's totally normal to take it.
8. Is it normal for your dog to sleep in your bed?
For me it is. We have three dogs so it's pretty tight but we handle it.
9. Is it normal to taste test grapes out of the bag at the grocery store?
Um, no not really. I have never seen anyone do this before. Do people really do this? Isn't this considered stealing?
10. Is it normal for men to shape their eyebrows.
I'm going to say no on this one, although I do force my tweezers on my husband every now and then.
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