This past year has flashed by much faster than I ever expected it to. I can't believe that just 12 short months ago, I had a newborn. And now...I have a 1 year old.
I never expected parenting to be this easy or this fun. I never knew the love I would feel for this little human or how much she would change my life. Ask me again next year when I have a crazy toddler and my story might change!
Doctor's Stats:
Weight: 22lbs 7oz (75th %)
Height: 30 inches (75th %)
Head: 18 inches (97th % - finally on the charts!)
The basics?
Diapers - just moved to a size 4.
Clothing - Mostly 18 month, phasing out all 12 month
Food - She eats just about anything. She has no diet restrictions now so she can have whatever we give her. She loves grilled cheese and macaroni and cheese.
Sleeping - Goes to bed between 9 and 10, wakes up between 7 and 8
Daycare - still there :(
Camera roll - 1607 pictures, 210 downloads
Teeth - 9 teeth total!
Words - Da Da, Ma Ma, Nana, dog, duck, kitty, puff, hi, hello, I love, all done, thank you, uh oh, bu bye, up, down, ball
Favorite cartoons - Mickey Mouse Club House
Favorite toy - Her Mickey Mouse and my purse!
Pictures of my sweet Baby Girl:
Baby Girl, you are just so amazing. I think you learn something new every day. You are always on the go, especially now that you are learning to walk. You are oh so close to walking on your own and we know that it will be any day now!
You talk like I've never heard a one year old talk before! You say so many words! I mean it is the most adorable thing in the world when you say I love. Or when you are finished eating, you throw her palms up and say all done! You try to say everything we do. Sometimes you get it, sometimes you don't. Either way, you have an incredible vocabulary for a one year old.
Boy can you eat! You love to eat. Your favorite foods so far are grilled cheese and macaroni and cheese. I guess you get your love of cheese from Mommy! You are also a big vegetable eater, though. As long as we give you your veggies first, you will clear them out. Oh and meat! You love chicken and turkey!
You had nine teeth the last time I checked but you might be getting some more. You have been a bit more cranky than usual lately and you haven't been eating much. That usually only happens when you're teething so we will see. I can't believe you got your first set of molars already!
Your favorite thing right now is music. Oh how Mommy and Daddy love to see you dance! You are always bouncing up and down and shaking your butt to some music. It doesn't matter what you are doing, music makes you stop in your tracks! I see lots of dance parties in our future!
Your new favorite toy lately has been Mommy's purse. You love to go into my purse and take everything out if it. The first thing you usually grab is my iPod. You go right for the music! We have to watch you very carefully now, though, since you ate one of the rubber ear pieces off of my ear buds!
Your hugs are the best. You lay your head on my shoulder and pat my back and I melt every single time. We still haven't gotten the kisses down yet but we'll get there.
You have started with tantrums. You are so sweet but you can be something fierce! If we take something away from you or we tell you no, you will either smack us or smack the item you wants. We are trying to break you of it. Fortunately you have only bitten Mommy one time. Let's hope it's the only time.
My darling little are just so amazing. You make Mommy and Daddy smile and laugh every single day. You fill our hearts with so much love and you make us so happy to be parents! We are so very honored to be able to call you our daughter. I don't think there are enough words to actually describe just how much we love you.
My BEAUTIFUL 1 year old Baby Girl:
So cute. OMG. My little, almost 9 month old is in size 4 diapers already. I am dying to see her stats at the Dr this coming month! It's been so long since we were there!