This week, I'm saying so what if...
- I've written Baby Girl's first birthday and 12 month posts but haven't had time to edit them to post. I'll get to them this week sometime.
- Baby Girl had no interest in her Christmas gifts. She would rip a little paper off at a time but only because I was bribing her. Oh well. Better luck next year.
- I didn't send my Christmas cards out until the Saturday before Christmas.
- I'm sad that Christmas is over already but I'm a little happy that I can take the decorations down soon. They cause a bit of clutter in our house.
- Baby Girl gets to spend the rest of this week at her Nana's house and I know she will have so much fun that she won't want to come home.
- I have not been feeling well since my company Christmas party last Friday where I had a little too much to drink and thoroughly embarrassed the crap out of myself.
- Our Christmas Village plans for last weekend were canceled because it was too windy and too cold. Oh well....I think we are trying again this weekend!
- I am so tired! I would much rather have holidays like these happen on a weekend so I get an extra day during the week to recuperate!
- I'm a little jealous of the people west of us who are getting tons of snow right now. I love snow.
I'm sad Christmas is over so quickly too. I wish I was able to spend it relaxing instead of with my "let's stress Jenn out" family.