This week, I'm saying So What if...
- Little Man had 5 straight nights of sleeping and the second I mentioned how well he was doing on the blog, he had the worst night ever. I'm just going to keep my big mouth shut from now on.
- I'm almost done with my Christmas shopping and I am so excited about it.
- My Mom and I are venturing out Friday even though we hate to.
- I can't wait to set all my gifts out, sort them and wrap them. I love to see all the gifts under my Christmas tree!
- I can't wait for our family photos this weekend!
- Baby Girl gets the worst diaper rash when she cuts teeth. We actually let her run around naked the other night to air out a bit. Then she peed on the floor. Wonderful.
- I Googled what the fox said. I wasn't impressed.
- I'm ridiculously disappointed that it didn't snow at all here yesterday.
- I'm starting to hate my iPhone. I'm trying to only use it on Wifi so it sucks big time if the Wifi isn't working.
- I really hope Tressanne wins The Voice this season.
- Ever since @shannondew mentioned Timehop, I have been obsessed.
- I followed a bunch of people on Instagram in order to enter into a giveaway and now I'm kind of annoyed because my Instagram is clogged with all kinds of things that I really have no interest in. I like real people and real pictures.
- I absolutely love Christmas but HATE Christmas music.
- I lost 5lbs so far. It ain't no big thang.
- I entered my kids in some contests and I expect people to vote! You have to like their page and actually type vote in the comment section.
HAHA! My favorite "I Googled what the fox said. I wasn't impressed." lol me neither! I didn't realize diaper rash could be connected to teething. That makes sense and solves a mystery for me. Thanks! Yay for losing 5lbs and how was black friday??