Dear Baby Girl, I take a picture of you almost every single morning so I can send it to Daddy. Sometimes those pictures are hilarious. See above. I'm not even sure how I got this but thanks. It helped make my morning a little better!
Dear Baby #2, four more months little man! I can't wait to meet you! I am in love with your kicks and it's so nice to be able to feel them more and more.
Dear Lindsay, you are really just embarrassing yourself dear. Get your shit together and go through the rehab. Maybe you'll come out on a positive note.
Dear Lindsay, you are really just embarrassing yourself dear. Get your shit together and go through the rehab. Maybe you'll come out on a positive note.
Dear Grey's, I don't think you will ever top the 'shooter in the hospital' finale but I still can't wait to see what happens. I can't believe the season is almost over.
Dear stink bugs and spiders, for some reason, you have decided that me casa su casa and I am no bueno with that. Stay out of my house!
Dear Duck Dynasty, while I applaud you for providing some much needed 'clean fun' and wholesome family values, I must stop watching you. I just took a quiz on which beard, nose or smile goes to which character on the show and I only got two wrong. That's so sad. Duck Faces Quiz
Dear Blogger, I'm getting very annoyed by the fact that you keep changing me to a no-reply blogger and then I get no love from my comments.
Dear readers, Have a good weekend!
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