How far along: 33 weeks 6 days, 43 days to go!
Size of baby: The size of a honeydew!
Maternity Clothes: Nothing new recently!
Gender: Baby Girl!
Movement: Lots and lots!
What I miss: My energy!
Cravings: I'm not really craving much of anything.
Symptoms: A lot of aches and pains going on but nothing serious!
So first off, it looks like the doctor is still sticking with my original due date of December 21st. They say I'm at 32 weeks, 5 days instead of 33 weeks, 6 days. I'm going to keep writing my posts at the newer due date of December 13th since I'm hoping she comes early anyway!
Second, they did an ultrasound today. It was nice to see my Little Miss again except they did tell me that Little Miss is not so little. She is already weighing in at 6 pounds!!! I have 6 weeks left and she is supposed to gain 1/2 pound a week. That puts her at 9 pounds at birth! I wanted to smack my husband!
I was only a 6 pound baby. He immediately called his Mom who told him that he was 9 pounds 3 ounces. Are you kidding me? It wasn't bad enough that I was having anxiety about pushing a kid out at all but now a 9 pound kid?! All I have to say is that epidural better be waiting for me when I get there!
It's no wonder why everyone keeps asking about my belly size and making comments about how big I am. It doesn't make it right but it's no wonder! It's also no wonder that my husband doesn't think I'm going to make it to my due date. I can only hope!
Not too many developments in the past week. I'm still feeling very tired all of the time. I just feel like I can't get enough sleep! My husband has been very good about letting me rest and take naps. Other than that, I still don't feel too bad. My wrists are killing me and the doctor told me to go get wrists braces to sleep in to help with that.
My husband's 30th birthday is only 5 days away! I can't wait! The little jerk did guess what his other birthday surprise was though. He has been wanting to try paint balling so I set up a day of paintball for him and a few friends. I hope he has fun.
The house is coming along. We wanted to have all of our stuff moved into the bedroom and living room by the end of the weekend but the snow we got put that off. Bryan was gone pretty much all day Saturday doing snow removal so that sucked. It also sucks that he has to do the house by himself. I can't really help him do too much and none of our friends have really offered to come help so it's tough.
I'm still so taken back by the news of this 6 pounds I'm carrying around that I don't even know what else to say! Here are some pictures of the little behemoth from today's ultrasound:
Side profile
Her giant foot
My next update will be next week at 34/35 weeks. My next doctor's appointment is 11/15 and I think after that I go back every week. It's just moving so quickly!
I also want to make a quick shout out to "An Ordinary Mom". Check out her blog here. She is going through a very difficult time right now with her oldest son who had a brain tumor removed recently. Please send your love to her and her family.
Size of baby: The size of a honeydew!
Maternity Clothes: Nothing new recently!
Gender: Baby Girl!
Movement: Lots and lots!
What I miss: My energy!
Cravings: I'm not really craving much of anything.
Symptoms: A lot of aches and pains going on but nothing serious!
So first off, it looks like the doctor is still sticking with my original due date of December 21st. They say I'm at 32 weeks, 5 days instead of 33 weeks, 6 days. I'm going to keep writing my posts at the newer due date of December 13th since I'm hoping she comes early anyway!
Second, they did an ultrasound today. It was nice to see my Little Miss again except they did tell me that Little Miss is not so little. She is already weighing in at 6 pounds!!! I have 6 weeks left and she is supposed to gain 1/2 pound a week. That puts her at 9 pounds at birth! I wanted to smack my husband!
I was only a 6 pound baby. He immediately called his Mom who told him that he was 9 pounds 3 ounces. Are you kidding me? It wasn't bad enough that I was having anxiety about pushing a kid out at all but now a 9 pound kid?! All I have to say is that epidural better be waiting for me when I get there!
It's no wonder why everyone keeps asking about my belly size and making comments about how big I am. It doesn't make it right but it's no wonder! It's also no wonder that my husband doesn't think I'm going to make it to my due date. I can only hope!
Not too many developments in the past week. I'm still feeling very tired all of the time. I just feel like I can't get enough sleep! My husband has been very good about letting me rest and take naps. Other than that, I still don't feel too bad. My wrists are killing me and the doctor told me to go get wrists braces to sleep in to help with that.
My husband's 30th birthday is only 5 days away! I can't wait! The little jerk did guess what his other birthday surprise was though. He has been wanting to try paint balling so I set up a day of paintball for him and a few friends. I hope he has fun.
The house is coming along. We wanted to have all of our stuff moved into the bedroom and living room by the end of the weekend but the snow we got put that off. Bryan was gone pretty much all day Saturday doing snow removal so that sucked. It also sucks that he has to do the house by himself. I can't really help him do too much and none of our friends have really offered to come help so it's tough.
I'm still so taken back by the news of this 6 pounds I'm carrying around that I don't even know what else to say! Here are some pictures of the little behemoth from today's ultrasound:

My next update will be next week at 34/35 weeks. My next doctor's appointment is 11/15 and I think after that I go back every week. It's just moving so quickly!
I also want to make a quick shout out to "An Ordinary Mom". Check out her blog here. She is going through a very difficult time right now with her oldest son who had a brain tumor removed recently. Please send your love to her and her family.
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