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17 Tips - #3 Write a Birth Plan

17 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy - #3 Write a Brith Plan

Determined to have a doula? Counting on that epidural? Write down your wishes and give a copy to everyone involved with the delivery. According to the American Pregnancy Association, here are some things to consider when writing your birth plan:
- Who you want present, including children or siblings of the baby
- Procedures you want to avoid
- What positions you prefer for labor and delivery
- Special clothing you'd like to wear
- Whether you want music or a special focal point
- Whether you want pain medications, and what kind
- What to do if complications arise

I haven't thought about this yet because it kind of freaks me out. Writing down everything that I want during delivery just makes it all the more real, and just reiterates the fact that it's only 2 1/2 months away!

My doctor hasn't asked me about this yet so I will wait until she does to really worry about it but I know have to start thinking about it. I found a pretty easy to use birth plan template on that I will probably use. It seems to cover everything you would need it to.

Some of the questions:

Who would you like in the room? That's easy, my husband! That's all we are planning for now but we will see what happens on that day because I may want my Mom there too.

For pain relief I'd like to use: Epidural baby! I've got no hold-ups on whether or not to use one!

I would like to hold my baby: as soon as I possibly can! What kind of question is that?

I'd like baby to stay in my room: all the time! Another dumb question.

These are just a few of the questions on this 6 page birth plan. Some of the questions are pretty dumb in my opinion but I guess everyone is different so they have to ask.

I know that I need to get myself registered at the hospital where I'm going to be delivering so I guess it's time to fill out this birth plan too.

17 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy - #4 Educate Yourself

17 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy


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