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Showing posts from November, 2012

Fab Fridays

Linking up with Between the Lines for   My work tree   My home tree  I went with pink and silver again.  They are both fabulous.   I made these little pumpkin roll sandwiches for Thanksgiving.  They were soooo good!  Making the little Happy Thanksgiving tags was a pain but still fabulous!   I bought this outfit for Baby Girl.  I also bought it for her friend Maya. They can be fabulous together!       So when I went to Carters  to buy Baby Girl's holiday dress, they were sold of her size!!  I didn't want to wait any longer to order it so I got this one instead.     It's not my favorite but I know my little girl will rock it and it will be fabulous! They did have the PJ's in stock. :)      25 Days until Christmas!  

Friday's Letters

I didn't see a link up with Adventures of Newlyweds for   but I wanted to write my letters anyway. Dear Baby Girl, molars?  Already?  You're not even a year old yet!  Girl you are growing way to fast.  First birthday is coming up!! Dear everyone invited to Ashlyn's first birthday party, why don't you people RSVP?  I mean seriously?  It's not that f*ing difficult to send me a dam email or text message.  (A big thank you to the people who have responded) Dear Greys, you are getting good!  Please let Derek and Meredith have this baby.  I need to see something positive happen to them.        Dear Home Depot, thank you for having a fantastic sale and allowing me to get a new washer and dryer.  I am so excited to have those babies delivered next week!  Now have a new sale so we can get a new refrigerator!   Dear phone, you have been replaced.  ...

Women Connect 12

Linking up with Becky from  Mrs. to Mama       Who am I and why am I here?   Well, I'm Vanessa.  I started this blog shortly after finding out I was pregnant with my daughter.  I wanted to document everything about my pregnancy and now I document everything about my little girl's life.    My husband and I have know each other for 17 years.  We have been together for 12 of those years.  We had a lot of ups and downs over our years together but we have always made it through.  We got married two weeks shy of our ten year anniversary.    I was pregnant six months later.  We were amazed that it happened so quickly.  I really didn't think that I would get pregnant after just two months of trying.  But I was and we were thrilled.   The pregnancy wasn't fun.  I was swollen from early on and the swelling never really went down.  I gained most of my weight during the fir...

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying so what if...   I haven't blogged since last Wednesday (except to provide a brief update).  I spent Thanksgiving weekend with my Baby Girl and loved every second of it! I am at home today because Baby Girl woke up with a fever of 101.8.  I hope it's just another tooth cutting through. I didn't do any online shopping on Black Friday as I had intended.  It just didn't happen.  Instead, we waited until Sunday and bought a new washer and dryer.  We realized Home Depot had their so-called Black Friday sale all weekend. I am anxiously awaiting the Ebates check that has accumulated over Thanksgiving weekend.  $70 for the washer and dryer alone?  Cha Ching! I spent so much time and effort on those dam first birthday invitations and I barely have any RSVPs.  I hate it when people don't RSVP. I went and saw Breaking Dawn on Sunday and I loved it!!!!  I'm so sad the saga has ended but I am so happy with ...

Happy Thanksgiving

  I hope that everyone had a wonderful day. I hope that you all spent time with your families and ate way too much food!   I didn't hardly turn my computer on at all since last Wednesday.  I didn't do a ton of Black Friday shopping online as I had intended.  I didn't blog at all which means I didn't get to read any of your lovely blogs.  I have a lot of catching up to do!   I spent the time with my family.  Thanksgiving Day was spent with some of my Dad's side of the family and the rest of the time was just my little angel and I.  My husband was mixed in there occasionally as well but he had to work most of the weekend.   We laughed and played all weekend.  Daddy taught Baby Girl how to drink from a straw on Sunday.  He was so proud.  She learned a whole bunch of new words (I Love is my favorite) and has come even closer to walking on her own.  We did a little holiday shopping and put our Christmas ...

Oh How Pinteresting

This is my first time linking up with Michelle from The Vintage Apple for       Source: via Vanessa on Pinterest       Source: via Vanessa on Pinterest   Source: via Vanessa on Pinterest   Source: via Vanessa on Pinterest Source: via Vanessa on Pinterest Source: via Vanessa on Pinterest Source: via Nina on Pinterest Source: via Vanessa on Pinterest Source: via Vanessa on Pinterest Source: via Vanessa on Pinterest

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying so what if... Instead of decorating during nap times on Friday, I plan to shop online. Ebates is offering double cash back at over 500 stores! I put my Christmas tree up at work today.     I had Baby Girl's birthday invitations printed three times because I wasn't happy with them.  I finally sent the invitations out this past Monday. I don't really like Baby Girl's winter coat.  I purposely bought it a size bigger than what she needs and it drowns her. I am in love with these performances from The Voice:   I did  not go see Breaking Dawn Part 2 yet.  I want to go this weekend. I finally scheduled an eye exam after walking around with cracked lenses for a year and a half. I can't come up with a good table centerpiece idea for Baby Girl's first birthday.  I had one but it's going to be too much work.  So now I'm stuck!  Babysitting a two month old did not go as smoothly as I e...

Turkey Trot Linkup

Linking up with Erin for     1.  What do you look forward to more: the food, football or parades? -----Hands down the food.  My Mom only makes dried corn on the holidays and I look forward to that so much.   2.  What is your favorite non-traditional Thanksgiving Day dish? -----We don't really eat anything that is non-traditional.  We usually have mashed potatoes and stuffing, turkey and ham, veggies like corn, carrots, dried corn and green beans and sometimes we add some broccoli and cheese.  And rolls of course.   3.  After dinner, is it football or a nap? up is usually right after dinner.  The men go and watch football (typical!) while the women clean up and gossip!  After that, you may or may not find me curled up asleep somewhere.  We'll see this year, though, since it's Baby Girl's first Thanksgiving!   4.  Do you watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day par...

Holy F

My husband volunteered me to babysit this past weekend.  A two month old.  I got my little 11 month old and a 2 month old.  And my husband was working so I was on my own.  Joy.  I figured it would give me a nice taste of what it will be like with two kids in the future. Here's my little stinker being her nosy self trying to see the baby in the play pen.  She couldn't quite see over the top, though.   This is the calm before the storm.      Baby Girl was her happy little self the whole time the baby was sleeping.  When that baby was awake?   Holy F.   I don't think I was prepared for the epic meltdown she had as soon as the baby woke up.  I guess maybe she saw the bottle as I was feeding the little one and that set her off because she literally sat in a small pool of her own tears and would not stop crying.  I had to put the baby down and put Baby Girl in her high chair with som...

Fab Fridays

Linking up with Between the Lines for I know it might be a little strange to think of an office supply store as fabulous but Office Max really saved my sanity this week so they are SUPER FABULOUS!  I sent my Baby Girl's first birthday invitations to Staples to have them printed and they messed them up.  The second time, messed them up.  I really didn't want to have to pay to have them printed somewhere else but I didn't really have a choice.  Enter Office Max.  Not only did they print them correctly, they printed one and allowed me to visit the store to see the proof first.  And they offered to cut them for me.  Now that's what I call awesome.     I think it's completely fabulous that Thanksgiving is next week and I get a 4 day weekend next weekend. Something to be thankful for!     I think it's fabulous that Christmas is only 39 days away!  I can't wait to put my holiday decorations and Christma...

Friday's Letters

Linking up with Adventures of Newlyweds for Dear Baby Girl, we are getting closer and closer to your first birthday and you are just getting more and more awesome.  I can't wait to bring another little you into this world.  Here's hoping that you will have a little brother or sister next year! Dear Greys, thank you for finally getting Arizona off her ass.  I was really getting tired of her pity me attitude.  And thanks for bringing Christina back.  I was pleasantly surprised to see her back so early in the season. Dear Staples, you suck ass.  I send you my baby's first birthday invites and you print them wrong.  Then you offer to give me new copies that have a grainy picture on them.  Now, because I'm out of time, I have to choose between ugly ass polka dots or a grainy picture.  Assholes. Dear Thanksgiving,  I love you.  Not only are you the reason that my family gets together for a big feast each year, you ...


I like to comment on blogs and I love when people comment on my blog.  I had no idea, until recently, that I was a no-rely blogger.  (Thanks Jennifer!)   I kept seeing people post things about how they hated no-reply bloggers and I had no idea that I was one!  So now that I have that fixed, I have been getting all of my comment answers via email.  Um...I'm kindof loving this.  I mean, I love when someone responds to my comments on their blog but we don't always go back to each comment we have made to see if someone has responded.  Plus, the emails seem a little more personal.  It's a more direct way to contact someone and makes me feel like real friendships can actually be made here.  I have even created a new email folder where I put all of these comments.  I promise I'm not crazy. As a new non no-reply blogger, I have continued to respond to comments posted on my blog on the actual blog.  I haven't ventured into the response b...

So What Wednesday

This week, I'm saying so what if... I am ready to get my Christmas decorations out and put my tree up now instead of after Thanksgiving.  I am even more in love with Baby Girl's first birthday outfit now that I have it.  It's just too cute. Baby Girl's first birthday party is in 24 days and I haven't sent the invitations out yet.  Everything that could go wrong with them has gone wrong.  Hopefully they will go out today. I got Just Dance 4 but haven't hooked the Wii up yet to play it. I'm so lazy lately.  Might have something to do with the fact that I can't seem to get myself to bed before 11pm on any given night. I am sad that Michaela was sent home on The Voice last night.  I really liked her.  Two of my favorites are still in it, though. It's starting to get really cold and I still don't have a winter coat for Baby Girl.  I did order one, though, so hopefully it will arrive today. I am actually dreading having to...